What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

It warms my heart to read this. It's precisely this kind of thinking that got Trump elected in 2016 and as you are demonstrating will launch Trump into reelection.

I bet you are totally buying all the polls assuring you that Biden is going to win, yes? You can't be only "selectively" gullible.

I'm still deciding whether I should believe the polls that tell me Biden was up by 6-8 points in WI (which is now down to 3.5 points atm), or whether I should believe the SEA of Trump signs that I see whenever I drive anywhere outside of Dane or Milwaukee Counties... hmmmmmmmm....

I'll take the SEA of Trump signs for $1000, Alex...
It does seem pretty reflective of the intelligence of the races. Though I'm surprised South Slavs do so bad. I think that might indicate the role economics play here.

Ukraine is about as poor as South Slavs + Albanians.

But, Ukraine doesn't have such low of a PISA score.

Actually Ukraine slightly beat Greece, despite Ukraine being much poorer than Greece, for example.

The differences between Greece & Kosovo might be economic.

Same with the difference between Poland & Ukraine might be economic.
Yes, but having something that Marxism also has doesn't always mean said thing is Marxist.
Yes, it absolutely means that it is Marxist in that respect. A graduated tax is Marxist, even if we're talking about the US' one.

You also seem to ascribe things to Marxism that don't actually have anything to do with Marx.
They don't have to have anything to do with Marx; they have to pertain to what he espoused in The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.
OK, I give up. do they?

Yes. Mantra 39B Sock masturbation:

It warms my heart to read this. It's precisely this kind of thinking that got Trump elected in 2016 and as you are demonstrating will launch Trump into reelection.

I bet you are totally buying all the polls assuring you that Biden is going to win, yes? You can't be only "selectively" gullible.
I'm still deciding whether I should believe the polls that tell me Biden was up by 6-8 points in WI (which is now down to 3.5 points atm), or whether I should believe the SEA of Trump signs that I see whenever I drive anywhere outside of Dane or Milwaukee Counties... hmmmmmmmm....

I'll take the SEA of Trump signs for $1000, Alex...
Ukraine is about as poor as South Slavs + Albanians.

But, Ukraine doesn't have such low of a PISA score.

Actually Ukraine slightly beat Greece, despite Ukraine being much poorer than Greece, for example.

The differences between Greece & Kosovo might be economic.

Same with the difference between Poland & Ukraine might be economic.

And the Balkans is more racially mixed, so it's not surprising they did worse than the North Slavs. I'm just surprised they did that poorly.
Yes, it absolutely means that it is Marxist in that respect. A graduated tax is Marxist, even if we're talking about the US' one.

Now Ancient Rome also had a tax like this. And that was before Marxism. So shouldn't we say a graduated tax is Roman?

They don't have to have anything to do with Marx; they have to pertain to what he espoused in The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.

But you ascribe things to Marxism that weren't in those books.

Do you think the trans agenda is Marxist?
Now Ancient Rome also had a tax like this. And that was before Marxism. So shouldn't we say a graduated tax is Roman?
No. We say that the Romans had a Marxism-style graduated tax. We still say they had a tax even though the English language hadn't come about yet.

But you ascribe things to Marxism that weren't in those books.
I suppose you are going to cite some examples.

Do you think the trans agenda is Marxist?
Yes and No.

No, in the sense that they simply want (fictitious) grievances redressed ... and they join in with the rest of LGBQIATIOAPP in being annoying, neither of which is Marxist.

Yes, in the sense that they are willing tools for the DNC's Marxist agenda. Trans are the most receptive to "VICTIM" propaganda and are essentially fettered slaves of the DNC, OBEYING without question and HATING on command. To Trans it's all worth it for that moment of reassurance from the DNC that they are VICTIMS and that all of their issues are somebody else's fault.

I want to be clear because this is a complex issue, I have some friends that are Trans and they are really nice and specifically not annoying ... when they aren't joining with LGBTQIATIOAPP and being whipped into a hypnotic VICTIMHOOD rage that puts me in the fictitious VICTIMIZER class. Otherwise I don't even think of them as Trans. They do things that I find weird i.e. the guys go to salons (one goes to my wife's salon) and the women strive to be butch. Fine. I do things that are weird, i.e. I do sudoku puzzles and I like playing gomoku. I also secretly hope when I post online that someone will take the thread down a math or science tangent and want to discuss the logic thereof. None of the above ever got me a date in my bachelor days. I'm fine with any trans-person doing whatever he or she needs to do and I'll continue doing my sudoku puzzles. My point is that I don't see the need to pretend to be a VICTIM in there anywhere.
...I want to be clear because this is a complex issue, I have some friends that are Trans and they are really nice and specifically not annoying ... when they aren't joining with LGBTQIATIOAPP and being whipped into a hypnotic VICTIMHOOD rage that puts me in the fictitious VICTIMIZER class. Otherwise I don't even think of them as Trans. They do things that I find weird i.e. the guys go to salons (one goes to my wife's salon) and the women strive to be butch. Fine. I do things that are weird, i.e. I do sudoku puzzles and I like playing gomoku. I also secretly hope when I post online that someone will take the thread down a math or science tangent and want to discuss the logic thereof. None of the above ever got me a date in my bachelor days. I'm fine with any trans-person doing whatever he or she needs to do and I'll continue doing my sudoku puzzles. My point is that I don't see the need to pretend to be a VICTIM in there anywhere.
Do you turn the psycho on and off or is it medicinally related?

No. We say that the Romans had a Marxism-style graduated tax. We still say they had a tax even though the English language hadn't come about yet.

But why not say America has a Roman tax. Doesn't that sound cooler?

Here's what's really going on. The progressive tax is a very popular idea that's been used a lot throughout history. But by calling it "Marxist," it makes it sound like Marxists have infiltrated America, which is a major talking-point on the Right.

Yes and No.


So typical.

Yes, in the sense that they are willing tools for the DNC's Marxist agenda. Trans are the most receptive to "VICTIM" propaganda and are essentially fettered slaves of the DNC, OBEYING without question and HATING on command. To Trans it's all worth it for that moment of reassurance from the DNC that they are VICTIMS and that all of their issues are somebody else's fault.

Trans people, gay people, women, Atheists, they're all tools of the DNC's Marxist agenda to give them civil liberties!

I want to be clear because this is a complex issue, I have some friends that are Trans and they are really nice and specifically not annoying ... when they aren't joining with LGBTQIATIOAPP and being whipped into a hypnotic VICTIMHOOD rage that puts me in the fictitious VICTIMIZER class. Otherwise I don't even think of them as Trans. They do things that I find weird i.e. the guys go to salons (one goes to my wife's salon) and the women strive to be butch. Fine. I do things that are weird, i.e. I do sudoku puzzles and I like playing gomoku. I also secretly hope when I post online that someone will take the thread down a math or science tangent and want to discuss the logic thereof. None of the above ever got me a date in my bachelor days. I'm fine with any trans-person doing whatever he or she needs to do and I'll continue doing my sudoku puzzles. My point is that I don't see the need to pretend to be a VICTIM in there anywhere.

Yes, I'm familiar with this stance. Ten years ago, it was "I don't have anything against gay people, I have gay friends. I just don't think they're oppressed or should be able to get married. They already have civil unions, why are they pretending to be VICTIMS?"
Now it's the same with transphobia. Most transphobes don't want to kill trannies, or at least they don't say they do, they just want to limit their civil liberties. Sometimes it's by pretending they aren't oppressed, sometimes it's by pretending their requests are extreme. And of course, these requests are attributed to Marxism which is everywhere.
But why not say America has a Roman tax. Doesn't that sound cooler?
We can say that too if you like. It's just not what Marx called it, and I am using The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as my authoritative sources.

Here's what's really going on. The progressive tax is a very popular idea that's been used a lot throughout history.
Except that the US tax code is cumbersome, unwieldy, unfair and unpopular.


Enter the flat tax. It has been used in many countries to kick start broken economies, it is fair *AND* all you have to fill out each year is a simple post card:


Trans people, gay people, women, Atheists, they're all tools of the DNC's Marxist agenda to give them civil liberties!
Nope. The DNC convinces them that they are VICTIMS, they gullibly buy it, and then the DNC tells them that they'll "fix everything" if you just vote us in as an oligarchy. They gullibly buy all that as well and then charge full steam ahead ushering in Venezuela with thunderous applause ... only realizing what they have done when it is too late.

Yes, "gullible tools" is the correct term.

So, as an atheist, how am I a VICTIM?

Yes, I'm familiar with this stance.
I read your ramble and no, I don't think you are. Did you just dismiss my position because I happen to associate with Trans people? Are you insisting that I somehow fear Trans people despite telling you that I associate with Trans people? Are you mischaracterizing me as a justificiation for being dismissive? Did you have any sort of valid point?

In short ... go FLAT TAX.
We can say that too if you like. It's just not what Marx called it, and I am using The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as my authoritative sources.

Sure, because if you say the progressive tax is Marxist, then it feeds into the conspiracy theory. You wouldn't say it's a Roman tax because the conspiracy theory is about Marxists, not Italians.

Except that the US tax code is cumbersome, unwieldy, unfair and unpopular.

That's nice, but it's beside the point. The progressive tax, in its various forms, has been used in many countries throughout history and its origins are far earlier than Marx was even born. So saying this is Marxist is a bad faith argument.

Nope. The DNC convinces them that they are VICTIMS, they gullibly buy it, and then the DNC tells them that they'll "fix everything" if you just vote us in as an oligarchy. They gullibly buy all that as well and then charge full steam ahead ushering in Venezuela with thunderous applause ... only realizing what they have done when it is too late.

And that's Marxism?

I read your ramble and no, I don't think you are. Did you just dismiss my position because I happen to associate with Trans people?

No, I'm saying that your form of transphobia is very common. Just like the people who opposed gay marriage while saying they have gay friends. It's basically the "I have a black friend" defense.

Gay people were victims for most of American history. I wouldn't say they were victims in recent history, but they were treated unfairly by not having their marriages recognized. Now trans people are in a similar situation. Not really victims, but still being treated unfairly. And any attempt to fix this is called "Marxism" by the Right.
Now you piqued my curiosity. Is the blurb you cited an example of the psycho being "on" or "off"?


This is more "On":
Question: According to the warmizombie playbook, what is the final act of desperation signalling the tipping of the king?
Answer: Attempt a desperate accusation of being a "sock."

So now that you've made your "sock" accusation, explain what I would somehow be able to express as a sock that I am otherwise not able to express?

Too funny.

You're done.

Why have you refused to admit you have multiple accounts? Is it because you're a liar or because you don't remember?
Sure, because if you say the progressive tax is Marxist, then it feeds into the conspiracy theory.
There's no conspiracy theory. We do, in fact, have a heavily graduated tax. When was the last time you prepared your own taxes?

The progressive tax, in its various forms, has been used in many countries throughout history and its origins are far earlier than Marx was even born. So saying this is Marxist is a bad faith argument.
It's like you didn't even read my posts. Are you going on record as officially asserting that Marx did not call for a heavy progressive or graduated income tax?

No, I'm saying that your form of transphobia is very common.
In what way are you asserting that I have an irrational fear of trans people?

Just like the people who opposed gay marriage while saying they have gay friends. It's basically the "I have a black friend" defense.
I'm not following you. I associate with trans people and therefore ... what?

Gay people were victims for most of American history.
I notice your use of the word "were," i.e. the past tense.

... but they were treated unfairly by not having their marriages recognized.
Those who are equl under the law but who simply don't like a law are not victims. All people have the 1st Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances and to lobby to get any law changed. I am aware of no one who is calling that Marxism. I only see you mischaracterizing others as claiming that as Marxism.
When were you notified that your eighth-grade classes would be going virtual due to COVID?

Translation: Dutch, please let me go. Please!

All the mods here have my permission to reveal any secondary accounts (socks) that I have. Will you offer the same permission?
I know you don't ... you were DESPERATE for Bernie to get the nod ... and you are such a manipulable tool that when the DNC totally screws Bernie in gang-rape fashion, you just shrug your shoulder and OBEY the DNC's orders from on high. You regurgitate everything you are directed to regurgitate, without question.

Exactly what the DNC has ordered you recite. No thinking involved. The DNC will do all your thinking for you and you are not to question anything you are told.

It's your type of mindlessness that the DNC targets. They don't have to be responsive to you in any way; you will always OBEY and vote against their Republican opponent no matter how much they bend you over furniture and ream you.

Nope. This is goling to be another OBEDIENCE on your part election. The DNC can cackle after depriving you of your candidate and your voice and not worry that you will walk away because they own you. You have become totally dependent upon the DNC doing your thinking for you that you wouldn't know how to get yourself out of bed without their permission.

OK. I'm with you. I would ask you why you don't join Trump in putting the country first then? Is your manipulationi by the DNC so strong that you are not authorized to see anything beyond your TDS?

More than 300 miles of border wall up and operational. All trade deals being reworked to our advantage. Trump is bringing our military home. He got the UAE to recognize Israel -> stability is very good for US national interests. Cash from tarriffs on China went directly to US farmers that had suffered under previous unfair agreements with China. Trump's list of accomplishments is HUGE. You've never had an easier choice.

It's quite clear that you are incapable of independent rational thought. All you know or think is what your masters tell you to know and think. Trump has been an unmitigated disaster. His tariffs are what harmed farmers in the first place. Your ignorance of economics is, once again, on full display. His tariffs were paid for by American consumers, not the Chinese. His "list of accomplishments" is a joke. All either totally imaginary or just him taking credit for the accomplishments of others. Again, you're the one suffering from TDS. Unable to see the reality of Trump due to your derangement. Trump doesn't put the country first. He puts himself first.
Everything you think you know is a result of your brainwashing. As evidenced by your delusions about almost everything, such as global warming and single payer health insurance.

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