What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

It's quite clear that you are incapable of independent rational thought. All you know or think is what your masters tell you to know and think. Trump has been an unmitigated disaster. His tariffs are what harmed farmers in the first place. Your ignorance of economics is, once again, on full display. His tariffs were paid for by American consumers, not the Chinese. His "list of accomplishments" is a joke. All either totally imaginary or just him taking credit for the accomplishments of others. Again, you're the one suffering from TDS. Unable to see the reality of Trump due to your derangement. Trump doesn't put the country first. He puts himself first.
Everything you think you know is a result of your brainwashing. As evidenced by your delusions about almost everything, such as global warming and single payer health insurance.

Isn't this verbatim what you wrote in your previous four posts? Do you have a generic message that you "post" to quickly waste bandwidth as the need arises?
We've been through this. You ducked out.

I'm certain most people would disagree with you about who ducked out and who was pussifooted his way around the subject.....just like you're doing now.

Socks are legal on this forum, so why do you lie about it? Are you mentally ill or just a coward?
I guess we know who has never run a successful business.

The correct answer is that as a business achieves success, it starts to focus more and more on competition and less on its core competencies ... which eventually become their undoing. There are only a handful of companies still in business today that existed a century ago ... but all of the successful major corporations gave all appearances that they were going to be around forever.

The existence of new successful companies blows your assertion out of the water. How did they become successful in light of the "monopolies" keeping them in the gutter? How did Amazon happen?

You obviously didn't think this through.

You are, of course, moving the goalposts. Amazon, and other new companies, can only happen because of government regulation that prevents monopolies and keeps the free market from self destructing. You are the one who didn't think this through. Not surprising, since you've shown no ability to think.

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I'll take your word for it. I use The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as the authoritative sources for Marxism. Just an FYI, Karl Marx authored them, in case you hadn't gotten the memo.

One tangible example: the US tax code is a heavily graduated tax, not a flat tax. In The Communist Manifesto Marx specifically calls for heavily graduated taxes. Ergo, the US tax code is Marxist. Do you not understand how that works? Are you still confused?

Yes, it is Marxist. Marx called for the removal of private ownership and operation to be replaced by State ownership run under a centralized plan. Nationalized healthcare fits this definition, hence it is Marxist.

Do you see how that works?

Correct. They die and/or have to have limbs amputated because they couldn't get the necessary treatment in time, not because they somehow couldn't pay. You are spot on.

Precious! So you totally bought that "All the world's ice is melting" crap too. You know that that propaganda only works on those who won't verify anything for themselves, who won't do any independent research and who are totally dependent upon others to do their thinking for them.

Antarctica and the Greenland Ice Sheet are accumulating ice mass at a rate of meters per year. There are ways that rational adults can verify this without even leaving their mothers' basements. I see that you refuse to do even that much.

So what you have told me about you is that all it takes to fool you is to only tell you half the story and you totally eat it up. Let's verify this. Do you believe that the ocean is "acidifying" because CO2 is "accumulating" in the ocean?
Your usual complete ignorance. You clearly don't know what "Nationalized healthcare" is. The only country, that I'm aware of, that has "nationalized healthcare" is the UK. All other advanced nations, except the U.S., have single payer health insurance, and spend less, with better outcomes, than the U.S.. The right keeps fearmongering with lies. For example, taxes would go up, but your health insurance premiums would go away, and you'd probably save money. All it takes to fool you is to say "Marxist", and your paranoia kicks in. Then you believe absolutely anything, no matter how deranged. Like your weird beliefs about the greenhouse effect.

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Yes, I saw it in the movies.

As the link below states, brainwashing doesn't really exist. "Social influence" exists, but a person is free to change their mind if they like. For "brainwashing" like done to POWs, full control of their environment is required for an extended time. Even then, once the victim is freed, they start to think for themselves again. Obviously weak-minded people are more susceptible than stronger-minded people, but all are capable of their own thoughts and motivations.

Regardless of which definition you use, many experts believe that even under ideal brainwashing conditions, the effects of the process are most often short-term -- the brainwashing victim's old identity is not in fact eradicated by the process, but instead is in hiding, and once the "new identity" stops being reinforced the person's old attitudes and beliefs will start to return.

Sent from my Tricorder on Ceti Alpha VI
It's different when the brainwashing starts in childhood and continues for the entire lifetime.

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Yes, it absolutely means that it is Marxist in that respect. A graduated tax is Marxist, even if we're talking about the US' one.

They don't have to have anything to do with Marx; they have to pertain to what he espoused in The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.

Anything that you don't agree with is Marxist.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
No. We say that the Romans had a Marxism-style graduated tax. We still say they had a tax even though the English language hadn't come about yet.

I suppose you are going to cite some examples.

Yes and No.

No, in the sense that they simply want (fictitious) grievances redressed ... and they join in with the rest of LGBQIATIOAPP in being annoying, neither of which is Marxist.

Yes, in the sense that they are willing tools for the DNC's Marxist agenda. Trans are the most receptive to "VICTIM" propaganda and are essentially fettered slaves of the DNC, OBEYING without question and HATING on command. To Trans it's all worth it for that moment of reassurance from the DNC that they are VICTIMS and that all of their issues are somebody else's fault.

I want to be clear because this is a complex issue, I have some friends that are Trans and they are really nice and specifically not annoying ... when they aren't joining with LGBTQIATIOAPP and being whipped into a hypnotic VICTIMHOOD rage that puts me in the fictitious VICTIMIZER class. Otherwise I don't even think of them as Trans. They do things that I find weird i.e. the guys go to salons (one goes to my wife's salon) and the women strive to be butch. Fine. I do things that are weird, i.e. I do sudoku puzzles and I like playing gomoku. I also secretly hope when I post online that someone will take the thread down a math or science tangent and want to discuss the logic thereof. None of the above ever got me a date in my bachelor days. I'm fine with any trans-person doing whatever he or she needs to do and I'll continue doing my sudoku puzzles. My point is that I don't see the need to pretend to be a VICTIM in there anywhere.

You constantly pretend to be a victim. You constantly whine about the Democrats and how they pick on you. Then you whine about Marxists. You are such a whiner. When you're talking about trans, you're really talking about yourself and your enslavement by the right.

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We can say that too if you like. It's just not what Marx called it, and I am using The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as my authoritative sources.

Except that the US tax code is cumbersome, unwieldy, unfair and unpopular.


Enter the flat tax. It has been used in many countries to kick start broken economies, it is fair *AND* all you have to fill out each year is a simple post card:


Nope. The DNC convinces them that they are VICTIMS, they gullibly buy it, and then the DNC tells them that they'll "fix everything" if you just vote us in as an oligarchy. They gullibly buy all that as well and then charge full steam ahead ushering in Venezuela with thunderous applause ... only realizing what they have done when it is too late.

Yes, "gullible tools" is the correct term.

So, as an atheist, how am I a VICTIM?

I read your ramble and no, I don't think you are. Did you just dismiss my position because I happen to associate with Trans people? Are you insisting that I somehow fear Trans people despite telling you that I associate with Trans people? Are you mischaracterizing me as a justificiation for being dismissive? Did you have any sort of valid point?

In short ... go FLAT TAX.
The problem with the tax code is all the crap that's been shoveled into it to benefit multitudinous special interests.

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Isn't this verbatim what you wrote in your previous four posts? Do you have a generic message that you "post" to quickly waste bandwidth as the need arises?

I certainly could. You never post anything that needs a different response. Just the same whiny delusions and ignorance. And it's clear that you can't comprehend the written word.

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It happens here in families that watch nothing but Fox.

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You may want to read more about it such as the link I posted. Again, if "brainwashing" was real, there'd be no such thing as teen angst.

Sent from my TRS-80 using 300 baud
Brainwashing is pretty bad in the USA too.

You're the poster boy for that.

That Zionism good, Nationalism bad.

Prejudices against minorities bad, prejudices against Whites good.

ROFL Dude, not even you are brainwashed. You're an adult who has a choice to listen to the nonsense your daddy and his friends talk about and you have a choice on whether to believe that idiocy.

Have you ever had your IQ tested? Did you take the SATs? Any other form of psychological evaluation?
ROFL Dude, not even you are brainwashed. You're an adult who has a choice to listen to the nonsense your daddy and his friends talk about and you have a choice on whether to believe that idiocy.

Have you ever had your IQ tested? Did you take the SATs? Any other form of psychological evaluation?

It's absurd to believe evolution / natural selection would lead to absolute equality among races, and ethnics.

You people are so brainwashed, and don't even realize it.

My IQ is 124, what's your IQ?
It's absurd to believe evolution / natural selection would lead to absolute equality among races, and ethnics.

You people are so brainwashed, and don't even realize it.

My IQ is 124, what's your IQ?
What are 'races'? Are we discussing marathons, sprints, or what, and what has it to do with evolution? I think my IQ is still higher than that, but does it matter, and how? Like 'race', it is pure fantasy.
It's absurd to believe evolution / natural selection would lead to absolute equality among races, and ethnics.

You people are so brainwashed, and don't even realize it.

My IQ is 124, what's your IQ?

If you were really so smart why do you misunderstand so many things?

Who is "you people"?

I find that difficult to believe by your posts. I haven't been tested in about 40 years and am sure I lost a few brain cells along the way. When I was tested it was 138 and 143 on two different tests about 2-3 years apart.

What job/career do you have using your 124 IQ? Mine was military officer and, later, airline pilot. Now part-time welder and fisherman.
What are 'races'? Are we discussing marathons, sprints, or what, and what has it to do with evolution? I think my IQ is still higher than that, but does it matter, and how? Like 'race', it is pure fantasy.

He uses a mixture depending on what serves him best. Sometimes it's skin-tone, sometimes it's cultural. He'll call you "Western Euro" race or some nonsense like that.
If you were really so smart why do you misunderstand so many things?

Who is "you people"?

I find that difficult to believe by your posts. I haven't been tested in about 40 years and am sure I lost a few brain cells along the way. When I was tested it was 138 and 143 on two different tests about 2-3 years apart.

What job/career do you have using your 124 IQ? Mine was military officer and, later, airline pilot. Now part-time welder and fisherman.

I don't believe you test a 138 - 143 IQ.

You're definitely not close to genius.

Quite the opposite, you come off as beyond slow, crying about prejudices against Blacks, Jews, Latinos etc. While promoting prejudices against Poles & Russians.

You are what happens when someone can't think for themselves.
I don't believe you test a 138 - 143 IQ.

You're definitely not close to genius.

Quite the opposite, you come off as beyond slow, crying about prejudices against Blacks, Jews, Latinos etc. While promoting prejudices against Poles & Russians.

You are what happens when someone can't think for themselves.

Of course you don't.

I'm not a genius, kid. I'm just smarter and more educated than you will ever be. ;)

That's your stupidity talking again. Sad.

Go look in mirror, kid.