What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

You are, of course, moving the goalposts.
Did you just learn that phrase? Let's find out. How did I shift the goalposts? [hint: I have maintained my wording consistently; you are the one who has yet to define his terms]

Amazon, and other new companies, can only happen because of government regulation that prevents monopolies and keeps the free market from self destructing.
What internet online ordering monopoly did the government break up to enable Amazon to start selling books?
Of course you don't.

I'm not a genius, kid. I'm just smarter and more educated than you will ever be. ;)

That's your stupidity talking again. Sad.

Go look in mirror, kid.

You're only proving my point for me.

That you're very brainwashed, you don't realize how stupid you are.

You also seem to think prejudices are a sign of low intelligence.

Except when you tell the prejudices against Poles & Russians, then it's not a sign of low intelligence.

I've already sourced some racial difference studies to you.

You just kind of believe what you want to believe.
You're only proving my point for me.

That you're very brainwashed, you don't realize how stupid you are.

You also seem to think prejudices are a sign of low intelligence.

Except when you tell the prejudices against Poles & Russians, then it's not a sign of low intelligence.

I've already sourced some racial difference studies to you.

You just kind of believe what you want to believe.

Dude, you can't prove your point either. So what?

LOL. Thanks for acting like a spoiled six year old. This is why so many people disbelieve your claims of superiority, both physically and mentally.
The problem with the tax code is all the crap that's been shoveled into it to benefit multitudinous special interests.
Yes, this is what I said. It is cumbersome and unwieldy.

Would you prefer to be fair and to have everyone equal under the law (flat tax) or would you keep our tax code as it is and simply remove some stuff in an attempt to "fix it"?

Let's jump to your answer. You cannot abide everyone being equal under the law. Actually, your official position has to be that everyone should be equal, but my friends and I should be able to be a little more equal than others. With that being the case, you can't possibly tolerate a flat tax because that would be totally fair, i.e. totally unacceptable.

Ergo, you would opt to try to "fix" the current system by removing what you call "loopholes." So what exactly would you remove?
Dude, you can't prove your point either. So what?

LOL. Thanks for acting like a spoiled six year old. This is why so many people disbelieve your claims of superiority, both physically and mentally.

Where's your evidence of racial, or even ethnic equality?

Differences in blood type, as you admitted O blood type had more ADHD, depression issues, and A blood type more OCD issues, while B blood type & AB blood type were more normal.


Genetic map on Serotonin genes, which alter temperament.


Genetic map of the 2 & 7 alleles of D4DR causing more impulsivity.



Myopia differs by race, and leads to higher educational attainment.


s confirm indications from other sources that the association between the prevalence and severity of myopia and education attainment is real. A combination of genetic and environmental factors may be the cause of this association.

MAO-A genes different in diferrent races.


The Warrior Gene was found to be more or less prevalent in different ethnic groups [6].

The 3R version, which produces less MAO-A, was found in 59% of Black men, 56% of Maori men (an aboriginal New Zealand group), 54% of Chinese men and 34% of Caucasian men.

The 2R version, which produces the least MAO-A, is found in 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men.

Genes for educational attainment by race.


JapMap and 1000 Genomes data sets: East Asian populations (Japanese, Chinese) have the highest average frequency of “beneficial” alleles (39%), followed by Europeans (35.5%) and sub-Saharan Africans (16.4%). Table 3 reports values for measures of educational attainment (PISA score). Table 4 reports the correlation matrix for the frequencies of the top 3 SNPs (1000 Genomes). HapMap data were excluded as they had many missing values. They are all positive, two are significant (p<0.05,
Dude, you can't prove your point either. So what?

LOL. Thanks for acting like a spoiled six year old. This is why so many people disbelieve your claims of superiority, both physically and mentally.

It's NOT about proving my personal superiority.

It's about questioning why different groups are the way they are, which is best explained by genes.

It's about questioning why we should let in groups with lower IQ's & higher rates of criminality?

As if Multiculturalism by its self wasn't bad enough, causing Balkanized tensions, and conflict, not to mention eroding your culture.

I think you people AKA Western Europeans are just goofy individualists, you people just don't think a heck of a lot.
It's NOT about proving my personal superiority.

It's about questioning why different groups are the way they are, which is best explained by genes.

It's about questioning why we should let in groups with lower IQ's & higher rates of criminality?...
Asking questions is good, Witold. What I'm pointing out is that you are supplying the wrong answers.

Be honest and admit you've stopped asking questions since you believe you know the main answers.
Asking questions is good, Witold. What I'm pointing out is that you are supplying the wrong answers.

Be honest and admit you've stopped asking questions since you believe you know the main answers.

You can't have a civilized discussion.

You are obnoxious, ignorant & arrogant.

It's no wonder why you don't notice that Blacks are different, because you are basically a White Negroid.
You can't have a civilized discussion.

You are obnoxious, ignorant & arrogant.

It's no wonder why you don't notice that Blacks are different, because you are basically a White Negroid.

Translation: You are right, Dutch Uncle. How did you know?

I kept asking those questions, kid. Be smart or be stupid, your choice. ;)
People who hate aren't happy. They also have no sense of humor. They are dark and lonely.

Who said anything about "Hate"?

I'm just calculating societal impacts of multiculturalism.

Besides, you make fun of Poles & Russians.

Why do you do that, is it because you're hateful?

I think it's because you're really dumb, and spiteful.
People who hate aren't happy. They also have no sense of humor. They are dark and lonely.

Prejudiced people are probably more Thinking, Introverted & Collectivist.

Traits linked to being more calm, on the whole.

Yes, if we look at Europe's maps, then that would seem to be the case.

Countries that are more Thinking tend to be more prejudiced.

Thinking vs anti-LBBTQ.


Most Thinking countries in Europe
1. Russia (+3.03% Thinking)
2. Belarus (+2.38% Thinking)
3. Ukraine (+2.19% Thinking)
4. Moldova (+1.84% Thinking)
5. Serbia (+1.74% Thinking)
6. Poland (+1.16% Thinking)
7. Montenegro (+1.04% Thinking)
8. Bosnia and Herzegovina (+0.35% Thinking)
9. Lithuania (+0.39% Feeling)
10. Macedonia (+0.46% Feeling)


Introvert vs anti-Muslim, Jewish, Black & Asian miscegenation.


Most Introverted countries in Europe
1. Lithuania (+11.19% Introverted)
2. Faroe Islands (+10.22% Introverted)
3. Poland (+9.66% Introverted)
4. Portugal (+9.3% Introverted)
5. Finland (+9.3% Introverted)
6. Latvia (+7.98% Introverted)
7. Russia (+7.8% Introverted)
8. Slovakia (+7.03% Introverted)
9. Italy (+6.94% Introverted)
10. Estonia (+6.92% Introverted)


Collectivist vs anti-Black prejudices.


That's not the right way, Witold. You will remain unhappy until you follow the ancient wisdom posted earlier.

It's looking more & more like Individualism is a flaw of nature.


Collectivism is positively related to independence, harm avoidance, rejection sensitivity, cooperativeness, external locus of control, and self-monitoring and negatively related to need for uniqueness.


Study suggests collectivism is associated with particular pattern of brain connectivity
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Brain scientists in Russia have found preliminary evidence that collectivism is associated with a unique pattern of brain connectivity.

“Cultural attitudes are mostly acquired during childhood and adolescence in family and school environments and we may not realize how these attitudes ‘dictate’ the mode of our thoughts and the pattern of our brain’s activity even in a state of rest,” explained study author Gennady G. Knyazev of the Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine in Novosibirsk.

“Our data show that collectivist attitude prompts the engagement of brain regions involved in semantic processes and reasoning on moral issues, which, in its turn, prompt the appearance of others-related thoughts.”

The findings were published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology.

“Collectivism-individualism is one of the major dimensions of culture and each culture has its position on this dimension,” Knyazev told PsyPost. “For instance, the United States is considered the most individualistic culture, whereas China and other East-Asian cultures are mostly collectivists.

“A typical individualist sees him/herself as fundamentally separate from others, whereas a typical collectivist considers him/herself as a representative of a group (e.g., family, social class, ethnic group and so on).”

“On the other hand, in mixed cultures, such as Russia, different individuals may endorse collectivist or individualist values to different degrees, and in the contemporary world, this increasingly becomes the case for almost any culture,” Knyazev said. “It could be expected that in a quiet resting condition, a collectivist would spontaneously think more about his/her close friends or relatives, whereas an individualist would think more about him/herself.”

“This association between cultural attitude and the content of thoughts has to have some reflection in the activity of the brain and we were interested to find out how brain’s activity mediates this association. The default mode network (DMN) is the brain functional network that is most active in the resting condition and is involved in self-referential and social cognition.”

“Therefore, we selected the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) as one of the major DMN hubs and tested whether connectivity between the mPFC and the rest of the brain mediates the relationship between collectivism and others-related thoughts,” Knyazev explained.

In the study of 85 adults, the participants sat in a soundproof dimly-lit room while the researchers recorded their brain activity with an EEG for 10 minutes. Afterward, the participants completed a survey to assess their spontaneous thoughts.

The researchers found that people who endorsed more collectivist values were more likely to spontaneously think about their relationships with other people.

Collectivism was also associated with enhanced connectivity between the mPFC and areas of the brain associated with empathy and moral reasoning, along with a diminished connectivity between the mPFC and the posterior cingulate cortex

“The major caveat is that both collectivist attitude and the content of thoug
And the Balkans is more racially mixed, so it's not surprising they did worse than the North Slavs. I'm just surprised they did that poorly.

Could Basal DNA have something to do with PISA scores in Europe?

For example, Basal is lowest in the European nations of Estonia first at 17.0%, and Finland second at 17.1% (Just marginally different)

Poland's only a little higher at 22.3% Basal.

Greece is nearly twice as high as Poland & over twice as high as Estonians & Finns on 42.5% Basal.

Albania is 42.2% Basal.

Southern Italy 51% Basal & Sicily is about 48% Basal.

Ultimately Basal peaks in Saudis at 68.9% & 71.9% in Yemen Jews.

The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian values like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

I would tell yea what they want, but I guess ya'll know now......:dunno:

Sad times, kinda like O' times, the good O' times...........
