What many on the right really think

Both Dems and Repubs at the National Level get it wrong more than they get it right. If they got it right half the time, we would all be living a more robust Amerian Dream. I wish we had a strong 3rd Party (1/3 of voters) to side with Dems or Repubs when they had a good idea, and to side with the opposition when real nutty bills are introduced. Both parties court the Independents during the election, and both parties forget about them when they are elected.

Let me guess, this third party would be guided by "common sense" rather than the (insert negative adjective here) of the two parties?
Welfare is used to buy stuff, like cars, which goes back into the economy.

Defense stuff goes into building battleships that look impressive but are strategically useless. It goes nowhere.

Stuff like cars? Cool. Are cars strategically useful, I wonder? Cars, which most people discard after a few years anyway.

Battleships, on the other hand, have been quite useful in past wars, but let's ignore that for a moment and just imagine (and I know this is a big stretch) that someday there is a war where they are useful again...or should we lose the first few years of the next war (like we did in WWII) because we were too dumb to maintain a decent army and have to kick production up AFTER war is declared?

Of course, those battleships take a lot of labourers to create (wages-- which labourers put back into the economy by buying ! cars and food and clothes, etc.), and also require a lot of steel, which then provides steel workers (!) with wages (which they can also spend on cars), not to mention the electronics that go into a modern battleship (which also must be made by ! labourers-- most of whom, I would guess, also buy cars)...skipping over some of the other battleship essentials, I'm sure, we can also consider the officers and crew that will basically live on that battleship, and who are paid for their service--- and then also spend that money.

At the end of the day you have all these people buying cars, but nothing to show for it but an empty bank account the government must pay into.

At the end of the day I have all of that plus a battleship.
You're an idiot, Gonzo, I'm done wasting my time arguing with fools.


Read: I can't think of a response.
Both Dems and Repubs at the National Level get it wrong more than they get it right. If they got it right half the time, we would all be living a more robust Amerian Dream. I wish we had a strong 3rd Party (1/3 of voters) to side with Dems or Repubs when they had a good idea, and to side with the opposition when real nutty bills are introduced. Both parties court the Independents during the election, and both parties forget about them when they are elected.

Good job ignoring the thread, retard.
Stuff like cars? Cool. Are cars strategically useful, I wonder? Cars, which most people discard after a few years anyway.

Battleships, on the other hand, have been quite useful in past wars, but let's ignore that for a moment and just imagine (and I know this is a big stretch) that someday there is a war where they are useful again...or should we lose the first few years of the next war (like we did in WWII) because we were too dumb to maintain a decent army and have to kick production up AFTER war is declared?

Of course, those battleships take a lot of labourers to create (wages-- which labourers put back into the economy by buying ! cars and food and clothes, etc.), and also require a lot of steel, which then provides steel workers (!) with wages (which they can also spend on cars), not to mention the electronics that go into a modern battleship (which also must be made by ! labourers-- most of whom, I would guess, also buy cars)...skipping over some of the other battleship essentials, I'm sure, we can also consider the officers and crew that will basically live on that battleship, and who are paid for their service--- and then also spend that money.

At the end of the day you have all these people buying cars, but nothing to show for it but an empty bank account the government must pay into.

At the end of the day I have all of that plus a battleship.

Basically, you've diverted Americans time from doing things like building cars(!) to building battleships that no one will ever use, and at the end of the day America has a million less cars + a rusty battleship.
Basically, you've diverted Americans time from doing things like building cars(!) to building battleships that no one will ever use, and at the end of the day America has a million less cars + a rusty battleship.

How did I divert anyone's time? I imagine that people employed to build battleships are not moonlighting at the auto-plant or vice versa.

Can you explain to me how welfare creates a better result?
How did I divert anyone's time? I imagine that people employed to build battleships are not moonlighting at the auto-plant or vice versa.

Can you explain to me how welfare creates a better result?

Welfare goes straight back into the economy, Gonzo. It's just redistribution, and it's fine if you have a problem with that, but it DOESN'T hurt the overall economy. We still have just as much butter at the end of the day, it's just that everyone gets fed and the rich aren't as obese.

If the government orders something with the money, and doesn't simply hand it right back, it diverts our economy away from the butter and into guns. Which means there is less butter at the end of the day.

Use some common fucking sense. You are living in a fairyland where you can get something out of nothing. "Everything I had before and a battleship" - how stupid. Why don't we just build a trillion battleships then, since it costs nothign.
Welfare goes straight back into the economy, Gonzo. It's just redistribution, and it's fine if you have a problem with that, but it DOESN'T hurt the overall economy. We still have just as much butter at the end of the day, it's just that everyone gets fed and the rich aren't as obese.

If the government orders something with the money, and doesn't simply hand it right back, it diverts our economy away from the butter and into guns. Which means there is less butter at the end of the day.

Use some common fucking sense. You are living in a fairyland where you can get something out of nothing. "Everything I had before and a battleship" - how stupid. Why don't we just build a trillion battleships then, since it costs nothign.

I never said that welfare hurts the economy--- but welfare does use up tax dollars that could be spent on something productive, of which battleship was an example YOU came up with, and I ran with just for argument's sake.

By the way, I don't remember saying the battleship was free-- in fact, the whole point of the discussion was that the people making the battleship were getting paid money, and that by paying them the government was actually buying a service, as opposed to when the government pays welfare junkies and basically just pisses the money away.
I never said that welfare hurts the economy--- but welfare does use up tax dollars that could be spent on something productive, of which battleship was an example YOU came up with, and I ran with just for argument's sake.

By the way, I don't remember saying the battleship was free-- in fact, the whole point of the discussion was that the people making the battleship were getting paid money, and that by paying them the government was actually buying a service, as opposed to when the government pays welfare junkies and basically just pisses the money away.
If one is to spend on the infrastructure of the nation using Keynesian or modern techniques to boost the economy, welfare would be one good way to get the money there.
Well this thread dgot me banned for a week.

I have never been at such a restrictive site as the one this guys remarks come from.

Some just cant handle others having free speech.
Well this thread dgot me banned for a week.

I have never been at such a restrictive site as the one this guys remarks come from.

Some just cant handle others having free speech.

Or some might just not be as tolerant of your retardation as we are...

Seriously, they have made it clear they don't want you on your site...you acting like a giant cock towards them isn't going to make you into some prophetic truth bringer, it just makes you look like an idiot that cannot realise she isn't welcome.
By the way, you still have free speech-- but if they own the website they can decide what does and doesn't get said on THEIR website.

It doesn't prevent your free speech, it just means you can't use other people's possessions as a medium for free speech if they don't agree with you.
She never said it violated her free speech, just that it was restrictive, and obnoxious, which is all true.

"Some just cant [sic] handle others having free speech"

It isn't that they can't handle it, it is that they don't want to hear from a different opinion on a site that solely exists for that particular ideology.

If anyone is being obnoxious, it is Desh for not realising when she isn't wanted, and that the forum is not a place for her to debate. But instead she acts, day after day, as if she is some truth-bringer to what amounts to being a private club, and just makes an ass of herself.
Or some might just not be as tolerant of your retardation as we are...

Seriously, they have made it clear they don't want you on your site...you acting like a giant cock towards them isn't going to make you into some prophetic truth bringer, it just makes you look like an idiot that cannot realise she isn't welcome.

Jesus gonzo are you taking stupid pills?

Why the fuck would I run away from a bunch of people that would make statements like this fella quoted in this thread?

Oh Boo Hoo they dont want me there because I point out to them that they are acting like racist while trying to call others racists.

This is not a playground Gonzo this is the adult world and insults dont pass as intelligent debate.
Yeah he owns the site so he can do anything he wants but that does not make him right. He is a petty bully on the site and the people like Maine ,Care and me have shed light on the place. I have left the place for a while on my own volition to have cons tell me they were gald I was back because they missed the real debates. If the guy wanted a site were he chated with family and only one side got heard why the hell did he name it debate policy?

You really do need to go hang there you would fit right in.
Welfare goes straight back into the economy, Gonzo. It's just redistribution, and it's fine if you have a problem with that, but it DOESN'T hurt the overall economy. We still have just as much butter at the end of the day, it's just that everyone gets fed and the rich aren't as obese.

If the government orders something with the money, and doesn't simply hand it right back, it diverts our economy away from the butter and into guns. Which means there is less butter at the end of the day.

Use some common fucking sense. You are living in a fairyland where you can get something out of nothing. "Everything I had before and a battleship" - how stupid. Why don't we just build a trillion battleships then, since it costs nothign.

The guns and butter argument from Econ 101. Did you prof use apples and bananas to illustrate every freak'en point too? 'if you produce apple and bananas.........' :D

I would agree with you though, welfare does a better job of supporting non-basic industry than military ship building. Econ Geog 101. :pke:
I never said that welfare hurts the economy--- but welfare does use up tax dollars that could be spent on something productive, of which battleship was an example YOU came up with, and I ran with just for argument's sake.

By the way, I don't remember saying the battleship was free-- in fact, the whole point of the discussion was that the people making the battleship were getting paid money, and that by paying them the government was actually buying a service, as opposed to when the government pays welfare junkies and basically just pisses the money away.

Haha only you could say "Welfare wastes tax dollars that should go to battleships," with a straight face.