What Trumppers fall for...

Ill start, but the list is insanely long..

They believe he did not screw Stormy.
They believe him when he said he would testify.
They do not believe he paid hush money. (I know its not illegal to pay hush money)
They do believe he accidently paid Cohen double for 'Attorney Fees", this would mean an idiot lawyer like Cohen got one over on Trump.
They do not believe he hired fake electors to vote for him.
They do not believe it would be illegal to set up a scheme to have fake electors get into Congress and cast unauthorized electoral votes.
They do not believe he had Classified documents stashed in a public area of Mar A Lago.
They DO believe bleach would have cured COVID.
They some how believe the Trump VACCINE was intentionally harmful, but they blame Biden?
They believe he built a wall from sea to shining sea.
They believe Mexico paid for this fictional wall.

They believe the tariff war on China was harmful to China but positive for us.
They believe every single Judge that has been randomly assigned to a Trump case is part of a cabal against Trump.
They believe Trump is a victim.
They believe they are victims.

They are delusional because they believe anything that the huge liar Trump says.
Did biden graduate at the top of his law school class like he claimed?
Was he actually arrested trying to to visit Nelson Mandela in jail?
Did actually threaten a gang leader with a chain?
Was there actually a gang leader name named "corn pop"?
Did he actually let kids rub his hairy legs in the pool?
Was the driver of the truck that accidentally killed his first wife drunk like he claimed?
Was inflation at 9% when he took office?

In the final analysis who is the real idiot? The one telling the lies of they one believing them?
Remember when they found DNA on Lewinisky's dress? Everyone admitted Bill was guilty of the affair.

If that happened to Trump they would have simply convinced themselves it was fake testing by the deep state, or that the DNA was planted.

I remeber when leftist morons like you defended Clintons bad behavior as a private matter between adults. Now you flail, shriek and scream about the lie that Trump banged a porn star.

Your IQ is too low to comprehend what a dishonest hypocritical dumbass you are. :laugh:

So was Stormy lying when she said that her and Trump never had sex?
I think they do believe it and don't care.

No. They justify his lie by saying that "the Biden justice system will entrap him".

I think they do, believe it and like you said, dismiss it by claiming it's not illegal.

They do, but then claim it's "been done before 1000 years ago and it's not illegal".

Agree (see above)

They do, but claim he had the right to them via the Presidential Records Act, ignore the fact trump obstructed justice by lying about returning them, as well as obstructing justice by moving them around and conspiring to erase records of his subterfuge. And then, of course, they pivot to Biden finding documents and ignore that Biden immediately cooperated when the docs were found and returned them.

No, they just deny trump ever suggested it.

Yeah, that one's a weird one. They give trump a pass for promoting the vaccine and then claiming to be an anti-vaxer just recently.

No, they know the wall didn't happen, dismiss and just claim we all are twisting trump's words about Mexico paying for it.

Agree. The trump tariffs actually caused prices of goods to skyrocket and shuttered some industries, namely some farms.

True, they think Biden is actually conspiring with every judge, which begs the question, is Biden involved in the prosecution of Bob Menendez, a fellow Democrat, as well?

Absolutely, the maga cult feels they're all victims of a "Democrat hoax orchestrated by.. wait for it, "Duh Joos lead by George Soros!"

Yep, trump is their "Jesus being crucified for them.

Some lies they believe, others they just deny he ever said or claim, "duh wacky libs are taking him out of context".

MORON ALERT!!! :laugh:
Yep, the "stolen 2020 election" is a prime example. They dismiss all evidence to the contrary because it's too painful to believe their cult leader lost.

What evidence was that halfwit? The fact that out of 158 million registered voters in 2020, there were 157,351,334 votes cast? It was a miracle, right halfwit?

Or, was it the fact that sleepy Joe who was called a racist by his VP got 11,500,000 more votes that the far more popular Obama? It was a mircale, right halfwit?

Yep, who else but a dishonest, low IQ lying leftist hack thinks that the 2020 elections were as pure as the driven snow.

Yep, they do accept trump did some things, like paid Stormy and McDougal but dismiss it by claiming, "it wasn't illegal".

How was it illegal you simple minded dotard? God you leftists really are the most uneducated, dishonest morons on the planet.
Biden lies, I know that. That is the difference between you and me.
I know trump lies but I won't be lectured to by a supporter of another liar. No the difference between you and me is I don't pretend to be morally superior to anyone because I'm not. You leftists think your shit dont stink.
Joe has stories and lies for every occasion... does this
Is forum send out invitations to join? He'll have plenty of time to post soon and he'll feel right at home... particulary in the visiting angels threads...
People live in their delusions they arent sleeping. They actually believe their delusions are real and true.
TDS is real... When Trump beat Hillary There were families who kept their children home from school for a week to grieve...seriously... November is gonna be very interesting indeed...
Joe has stories and lies for every occasion... does this
Is forum send out invitations to join? He'll have plenty of time to post soon and he'll feel right at home... particulary in the visiting angels threads...

TDS is real... When Trump beat Hillary There were families who kept their children home from school for a week to grieve...seriously... November is gonna be very interesting indeed...

I remember that Democrats were all election deniers along with their sympathetic media. They called Trump "illegitimate" and attempted to disrupt and refuse the Senate electoral count.

Sound familiar?
What evidence was that halfwit? The fact that out of 158 million registered voters in 2020, there were 157,351,334 votes cast? It was a miracle, right halfwit?
Dear triggered fuck, all 60 lawsuits brought by trump's thugs were thrown out - most of them by judges your mango daddy appointed. Audit after audit, even performed by right-wing hacks like "Cyber Ninjas" for example, confirmed Biden actually won more votes than the original count. trump appointees like Bill Barr and Chris Krebbs confirmed the 2020 election was the most secure in history.
Or, was it the fact that sleepy Joe who was called a racist by his VP got 11,500,000 more votes that the far more popular Obama? It was a mircale, right halfwit?
And there were more voters in 2016 than in 2012. So what you, sorry, slobbering, triggered mess of sewage?
Yep, who else but a dishonest, low IQ lying leftist hack thinks that the 2020 elections were as pure as the driven snow.
Every trump appointee, Barr, Krebs, and Pat Cipollone. These aren't "libs" you sorry trumptard fuck.
How was it illegal you simple minded dotard? God you leftists really are the most uneducated, dishonest morons on the planet.
How was what illegal, you mental midget?

You're so triggered!