What's a Preacher to do?

puritans were in America before catholics.

and your misrepresentation of UCC thought regarding homosexuality is hilarious!
Catholics have been around long before America, dummy!

Perhaps you can explain where I've misrepresented the UCC argument. Or pick your own.
You picked the argument trying to relate slavery so I assume you thought that was your strongest argument. But you got smacked down. I'm giving you an opportunity to shine your light preacher so no reason to get belligerent.

exactly...he jumped all over that argument with his opinion, gave biblical cites....but is silent as to the homosexual argument

all one has to do is look at how he ignore my last post in this thread, look at how he treats others who do not give their opinion, he mocks them, insults them, calls them cowards, chases them all over REPEATING his question over and over and continually calls them a coward....

but now....ah, more hypocrisy and we see the same preacher from maine slink away when he knows he can't defend a his opinion, yet he curses others who (in his opinion) do likewise....
you are the one who claimed that the United Church of Christ is a cult.

do you stand by that, or maybe will you admit that you don't really know much about what you are babbling about?
Maineman, "tracing its roots" doesn't really make something not a "cult". While I think your church is rather Unitarian for most, I don't think it is a cult, but the Branch Davidians could "trace their roots" back to a solid christian church as well, it didn't make them other than a cult.
So what you're saying is, a Christian could theoretically kill a million people and still make it to heaven? Fascinating. Don't you think there are some things a true Christian simply wouldn't do to begin with?

Well an evangelical believes that you become a Christian when you get saved. So a person could theoretical kill a trillion or so people, "see the light", and then get saved, at which point they could naturally do no great evil, unless they weren't really saved. That's a convenient safety valve. If they do evil, they weren't really saved. Of course, evangelicals in real life are the least forgiving people there are, but don't let that get in the way.

In heaven, though, you can't do evil, and everything is great. So why doesn't god just kill everyone and send them to heaven? What's the point in specifically designing a person with the capability to fail, then acting surprised when they fail and condemning them to hell for the design flaw you introduced and are ultimately respond to?
you are the one who claimed that the United Church of Christ is a cult.

do you stand by that, or maybe will you admit that you don't really know much about what you are babbling about?

Please show me where I said your Church was a cult, I do not remember nor did I see it when I went back to look for it, if you remember you told me I was on ignore, as for not knowing what I am babbling about, you are right I am no preacher but it is apparent I know more about religion then your sorry ass, and as you said that isn't much, what I did do was talk to a real preacher and told him of some of your antics, and he thought you were as much a fraud as I do , so put me back on ignore Stop being a liar, and go marry some homo's, remember birds of a feather flock together!
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so, the denomination that traces its roots back to the puritans is a "cult"?:pke:

These were your words Dumbass,I was referring to a religion tracing its roots back to puritans.I simple copied what you said!

You might look back a couple post before mine that is where you were told your religion is a cult, I simple said ,

Wow, imagine if they ever knew your antics, I guess there is a bad apple in ever bunch

So tell me liar were did I call your religion a cult?
Maineman, "tracing its roots" doesn't really make something not a "cult". While I think your church is rather Unitarian for most, I don't think it is a cult, but the Branch Davidians could "trace their roots" back to a solid christian church as well, it didn't make them other than a cult.

The UCC is solidly trinitarian. It remains a typically liberal mainline protestant denomination, not all that different from presbyterians and the more liberal branches of the lutheran church. It is not a cult.

and Jeff...it was my mistake...bravo called it a cult, not you.
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The UCC is solidly trinitarian. It remains a typically liberal mainline protestant denomination, not all that different from presbyterians and the more liberal branches of the lutheran church. It is not a cult.

and Jeff...it was my mistake...bravo called it a cult, not you.

mm we all make mistakes, unfortunately I don't think you did, I believe you tried to bait me to threaten or call you by your name so I would be in trouble, I have been trying to steer clear of all this but once I post you accidentally make a mistake, I think you are a bit to sly for that.

But if ya honestly did and only you know if ya did, no harm no foul
mm we all make mistakes, unfortunately I don't think you did, I believe you tried to bait me to threaten or call you by your name so I would be in trouble, I have been trying to steer clear of all this but once I post you accidentally make a mistake, I think you are a bit to sly for that.

But if ya honestly did and only you know if ya did, no harm no foul

I got you two confused momentarily. bravo is also someone who baits me like you have done in the past, and I made a mistake. He referred to the UCC as a cult... you, on the other hand, merely referred to me as a "bad apple". Again...I am sorry for the error.
So Preacher maineman, are you going to answer my question? :pke:

no southern man, I am not. I really do not enjoy our interactions and I will try to avoid them going forward. The link I gave you, which you purposely mischaracterized, does a fine job in explaining the thinking of the UCC. I think the paper does an especially good job in putting the scriptural references in a social and historical context and your disagreement with that is of no importance to me. And again, UCC polity provides ultimate authority to individual congregations. What John Thomas has to say about homosexuality or gay marriage is not binding on any church. Churches in Maine will now have to individually have the discussion about how they will deal with this new law. I look forward to having that discussion with my congregation, but I really have no interest or desire in sharing that conversation with you... I have no interest or desire in sharing this or any other conversation with you. ever.

I really suggest you find someone else to bother.
no southern man, I am not. I really do not enjoy our interactions and I will try to avoid them going forward. The link I gave you, which you purposely mischaracterized, does a fine job in explaining the thinking of the UCC. I think the paper does an especially good job in putting the scriptural references in a social and historical context and your disagreement with that is of no importance to me. And again, UCC polity provides ultimate authority to individual congregations. What John Thomas has to say about homosexuality or gay marriage is not binding on any church. Churches in Maine will now have to individually have the discussion about how they will deal with this new law. I look forward to having that discussion with my congregation, but I really have no interest or desire in sharing that conversation with you... I have no interest or desire in sharing this or any other conversation with you. ever.

I really suggest you find someone else to bother.
Translation: you cannot possibly justify your opinion so will keep silent, and disguise it as best as possible by claiming the high road.

So how did I "mischaracterize" Thomas's words?
Translation: you cannot possibly justify your opinion so will keep silent, and disguise it as best as possible by claiming the high road.

So how did I "mischaracterize" Thomas's words?

I am curious: what part of "I have no interest or desire in sharing this or any other conversation with you. ever." did you NOT understand? We're done.
No, you are putting yourself in the place of God. Last I read, that makes you a heretic. Let God render upon the things that are God's. You'd best deal with now.

really....so we are never to rebuke anyone? if someone is out there spreading false messages in the name of christ, aren't christians supposed to say something if they can? if i said god abrogated homosexuality as a sin and you asked me for proof and i gave you some ambigious thesis that really makes no sense nor does it come close to proving my claim, you mean to tell me that you would simply accept my "proof" and not say anything to counter my claim?
this has been quite an eye opener...
Not for me. Churches like this, along with their preachers, are simply another way to dupe the public out of their hard earned cash. There's a lot of money to be made, especially when they require a 10% tithe. The UCC is obviously working a niche market with its liberal philosophy. For them the truth means nothing, and Christ be damned.
When anyone has a moment would they be so kind as to post the latest list of 'Top 10 Churches Preaching The Truth'?

Thanks in advance.