Which Poster Hates Freedom the Most?

Who Hates Freedom?!!?

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Small businesses are overregulated by state and local governments, at least here in WA. The Chamber has nothing to do with that fact.

But it DOES have to do with other things. The chamber is just a reflection of the prevalant internationalists fascist mindset.
Small businesses are overregulated by state and local governments, at least here in WA. The Chamber has nothing to do with that fact.
That's exactly his point. The Chamber doesn't give a shit about small business and doesn't lobby the government to protect them. That's why I quit it several years ago. I was paying $350/ year to read shit about the big business in town and get junk emails from guys wanting to sell me phone service.
That's exactly his point. The Chamber doesn't give a shit about small business and doesn't lobby the government to protect them. That's why I quit it several years ago. I was paying $350/ year to read shit about the big business in town and get junk emails from guys wanting to sell me phone service.

Big businesses directly lobby the government themselves for stronger regulations. That's the big joke on leftists, is that big business fronts the cash to lobby for environmental regs and whatnot. They don't need the Chamber to play all of those shenanigans.
Big businesses directly lobby the government themselves for stronger regulations. That's the big joke on leftists, is that big business fronts the cash to lobby for environmental regs and whatnot. They don't need the Chamber to play all of those shenanigans.
Its a matter of size. GM and BP can afford to have staffs of lobbyists in DC. Not so much Dex Media or Family Dollar stores, but businesses of their size dominate the local Chambers.
I didn't say that. are you on drugs or just stupid?

It's not freedom when all corporations are controlled by the same financial enslavers.

Thinking it's best to start one's own business is not the kind of elitism I hate. It's not the kind of hatred for humanity exhibited by your banker cocksucking elitist dreck.

No. they're controlled by the same institutions who give them all credit to destroy the world with.

Good advice is not elitism, you ass hound.

the chamber of commerce is completely on the side of big business these days. Soon it will be impossible to start a new business. And the existing ones will handle all our needs. and if someone has a new need, it will be outlawed. Our society is being drained of all freedom.

You're the one always railing on about how we need to destroy the current financial institutions that run the country. Pretty much, you did say we should shut down the Chamber...
You're the one always railing on about how we need to destroy the current financial institutions that run the country. Pretty much, you did say we should shut down the Chamber...

where? Get it. fool. I didn't. The chamber of commerce is not a financial institution, moron.
Business should be free to lobby. I was in a position for about three years where I lobbied county and town governments- it was an important part of my job. They were being lobbied by my opponents with bullshit and needed to know the truth.

And big business pays taxes and are owned by people who pay taxes. They have a right to be heard.
conservatives think they must side with big business internationalist fascist overseas abusers, because well, libs are just so insane. The truth is that a healthy of dose of populism would put america on an "americans first" relationship with capitalism, as it should be.
where? Get it. fool. I didn't. The chamber of commerce is not a financial institution, moron.

I actually don't know what you consider to be a financial institution. I know you believe the world to be controlled by the Illuminati and the Masons, so its difficult for me to latch onto all of your definitions and boogeymen...
I actually don't know what you consider to be a financial institution. I know you believe the world to be controlled by the Illuminati and the Masons, so its difficult for me to latch onto all of your definitions and boogeymen...

But you do realize the chamber of commerce is not a financial instution right?
conservatives think they must side with big business internationalist fascist overseas abusers, because well, libs are just so insane. The truth is that a healthy of dose of populism would put america on an "americans first" relationship with capitalism, as it should be.

No, populism would put America into the toilet, because rule by morons is moronic. And since learning that you consider our American principles to be garbage, I'd hardly expect you to put forth an "Americans first" notion...
No, populism would put America into the toilet, because rule by morons is moronic. And since learning that you consider our American principles to be garbage, I'd hardly expect you to put forth an "Americans first" notion...

Populism and protectionism are needed in large doses.

your academic mastubation is irrelevant. we get the rights we fight for. That's what's natural.