White People

Fuckin Hey!

I'm not Black, Gay, Female, Mexican, etc...

But, I will defend every single group of those people when some bigot decides they are better than them. Sorry...
Fuckin Hey!

I'm not Black, Gay, Female, Mexican, etc...

But, I will defend every single group of those people when some bigot decides they are better than them. Sorry...

My point is are you actually defending them against bigotry or doing it when someone is watching?

In 1964, shortly after his break with Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X made a pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy Muslim city in Saudi Arabia that was the birthplace of the founder of Islam. He also visited several other African and Arab nations. While on this trip, he wrote a highly publicized letter expressing his own faith as a follower of traditional Islam and renouncing the Black Muslim teaching that all white men are evil. He became an orthodox Sunni Muslim (Sunni Islam). He also adopted a religious name, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, meaning the Malcolm (or Malik) who is from the tribe or family of Shabazz and has made the Hajj, or pilgrimage, to Mecca. However, most people in the United States continued to call him Malcolm X, a name he did not reject.

When Malcolm X returned to America, he held the first rally for a black nationalist group he had founded, the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU). This group, which had no direct religious ties, advocated racial solidarity and strove to unify all black organizations fighting white racism. At the same time, Malcolm X renounced his previous racism against whites, declaring that in Mecca he had realized that people of all colors were children of Allah
My point is are you actually defending them against bigotry or doing it when someone is watching?

I do it to attack bigotry. I've had huge fights with my father because he is a bigot from time to time. I've had to humanize homosexuals to him so he realizes just how big of an asshole he is when he pretends they are sick. I do that in privacy and they get very heated because bigots don't seem to give a fuck.
I do it to attack bigotry. I've had huge fights with my father because he is a bigot from time to time. I've had to humanize homosexuals to him so he realizes just how big of an asshole he is when he pretends they are sick. I do that in privacy and they get very heated because bigots don't seem to give a fuck.

Then this thread isn't talking about you.

In 1964, shortly after his break with Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X made a pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy Muslim city in Saudi Arabia that was the birthplace of the founder of Islam. He also visited several other African and Arab nations. While on this trip, he wrote a highly publicized letter expressing his own faith as a follower of traditional Islam and renouncing the Black Muslim teaching that all white men are evil. He became an orthodox Sunni Muslim (Sunni Islam). He also adopted a religious name, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, meaning the Malcolm (or Malik) who is from the tribe or family of Shabazz and has made the Hajj, or pilgrimage, to Mecca. However, most people in the United States continued to call him Malcolm X, a name he did not reject.

When Malcolm X returned to America, he held the first rally for a black nationalist group he had founded, the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU). This group, which had no direct religious ties, advocated racial solidarity and strove to unify all black organizations fighting white racism. At the same time, Malcolm X renounced his previous racism against whites, declaring that in Mecca he had realized that people of all colors were children of Allah
My point when asking was, when he was approached by a white woman who asked what she could do his answer was "Nothing."

He later regretted that, but he definitely asked white people to "not help".
And he then realized how wrong that was.

He also said it many years ago.

When was the last time a Live leader said such a thing?
I do it to attack bigotry. I've had huge fights with my father because he is a bigot from time to time. I've had to humanize homosexuals to him so he realizes just how big of an asshole he is when he pretends they are sick. I do that in privacy and they get very heated because bigots don't seem to give a fuck.

He will never say a word to you about this, and that’s why he never has.
Look up the psycho’s posts and see how many he has made about me talking to bac.
This isn’t about you. It’s about white women and black men. Let’s be very clear.
He is always saying things like this. I can tell Soc, hey great post. I can say it to Onceler. In fact, I often do.
But if I say that to you, this is what he goes off on. It’s far from the first time.
Does anybody want to guess why? Oh, and his posts about this are always heavily weighted with sexual innuendo. The guy has a serious problem.
He wants to make me self-conscious about even talking to you. It’s really sick. He finally went over the top and decided to make a whole thread about it. That was his mistake. Before now, he’d been flying under the radar, with his sick posts.

The difference is that you do it to just about every one of BAC's posts.

Heavily weighted in sexual innuendo? I don't think saying you want his cock is very subtle, do you?

What mistake? The people who have me on IA have me on IA, the rest of you take the time to respond, and at the end of the day I only actually know one of you. That means that regardless of how you all feel about me, I know from my healthy life that I am neither sick nor in danger of losing any friendships.
He will never say a word to you about this, and that’s why he never has.
Look up the psycho’s posts and see how many he has made about me talking to bac.
This isn’t about you. It’s about white women and black men. Let’s be very clear.

Yeah, it's about white women and black men...that must be it. I see through your bullshit, you can't stand that, and you don't know what to do with me-- so you apply a ready-made "Racist/Bigot" label and call it good.

By the way, blogging doesn't make you a writer.
Yeah, it's about white women and black men...that must be it. I see through your bullshit, you can't stand that, and you don't know what to do with me-- so you apply a ready-made "Racist/Bigot" label and call it good.

By the way, blogging doesn't make you a writer.

Is that what's got the poor little "gonzo journalist" who never wrote shit all upset? Awww. I'm not a blogger, pissant.

I am however, a writer.

You see nothing except what is in your own heart. And that is some ugly shit.
Is the Malcom X statement from his youth which he later denounced the state of Black thought on the issue?
gonzo are all your friends racist too, or just most of them?
Please tell me your not from the South so Tina and Darla can realize it's widespread.
Is that what's got the poor little "gonzo journalist" who never wrote shit all upset? Awww. I'm not a blogger, pissant.

I am however, a writer.

You see nothing except what is in your own heart. And that is some ugly shit.

You writing has me upset? Hardly.

I didn't know that until today. You are a writer like all those girls on myspace are photographers...they happen to own a camera and have a few bytes of space to put up shitty photos.

Yeah, it's about white women and black men...that must be it. I see through your bullshit, you can't stand that, and you don't know what to do with me-- so you apply a ready-made "Racist/Bigot" label and call it good.

By the way, blogging doesn't make you a writer.

this just gets better and better...gonzo called the rats outta the water...yup darla and a few others including cippie and bac are frauds...c'mon gonzo drop the bomb, tell them your true ethnicity...and how you got where you are...this should prove fatal for the frauds in the Lib movement!:corn:
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Is the Malcom X statement from his youth which he later denounced the state of Black thought on the issue?

And maybe just as importantly:

1) Was Malcolm X a famous black leader?

2) Did Damo ever even claim that position to be the "state of Black thought"?
gonzo are all your friends racist too, or just most of them?
Please tell me your not from the South so Tina and Darla can realize it's widespread.

I'm not sure where you are getting this "racism" from, other than that I am calling bullshit on some people just trying to look good.

And no, I am from Seattle.
The difference is that you do it to just about every one of BAC's posts.

Heavily weighted in sexual innuendo? I don't think saying you want his cock is very subtle, do you?


No, I do no such thing, you perceive that I do because you are sick twist who is sent sideways by the fact that I estimate you to be the stupidest person on this board…and bac one of the smartest.

I want his cock? Well, slimebag, if I did, it’s no business of yours…the one thing we can be sure of is no woman is ever going to want yours.