Who is you fav. Republican for 2016 presidental nomination.

That is what gives me comfort about Hillary's chances in 16', the R's don't really have anyone that excites them. The divided soul of the party is going to make it hard for them to get behind a candidate. Things could change.

the only saving grace for them is they fucking hate hilary's guts. I think it's even worse than their hate for obama... we just haven't been hearing as much hate because she's in the background atm. this is another one of those elections where you may have an "anyone but hillary" vibe going on.

Did you notice, no women on the list!

I have been waiting to see if the menfolk would consider any women, apparently not, just a lot of really unelectable men.

Susanna Martinez might make a good candidate for the republicans:

Martinez has one of the highest approval rating of current governors in the United States. Her approval ratings have not dropped below 60% in her tenure as governor. In an April 2012 edition of the Washington Post, Martinez was named 8th most popular governor in the United States.

As of May 2013, Martinez had an approval rating of 66%, over 44% of Democrats in New Mexico approve of Susana Martinez.

she probably has a lot of middle-ling appeal.
Perhaps if the republican party was less sexist we would have more qualified ladies to choose from. Democrats surely have not held back from getting behind quality female candidates. I would love to see Wendy Davis beat Abbot in Texas. Not to mention the qualified females we have put in office like Tammy Baldwin of WIsconsin who is an ethical, thoughtful, and patriotic senator with a first class mind.

Off the top of my head:

Jerry Brown (D) beat Meg Whitman (R) for Governor of California
(the Republicans also ran Carly Fiorina vs. Barbara Boxer)

Harry Reid (D) beat Sharron Angle (R) for Senate

Chris Murphy (D) beat Linda McMahon (R) for Senate

Chris Coons (D) beat Christine O'Donnell (R) for Senate

and within your own party you choose Obama over Hillary

Now why wouldn't the Democrats get behind any of these women?
that goes for Hillary clinton too. I think it's really fucking dangerous for america to have a husband and wife duo and a father son duo occupying the presidency for [24 out of 32] or [28 out of 36] years. We are very close to dynasty and royalty levels where sons of former presidents are just assumed to be the next in waiting. We have enough qualified people in this country that we don't need to limit ourselves like that. Sadly the fucking dumb proles only can pay attention to last names.
Money has a lot to do with it. I love politics and I love auto racing...but both are an excellent way to blow through an assload of money in a short period of time.
Off the top of my head:

Jerry Brown (D) beat Meg Whitman (R) for Governor of California
(the Republicans also ran Carly Fiorina vs. Barbara Boxer)

Harry Reid (D) beat Sharron Angle (R) for Senate

Chris Murphy (D) beat Linda McMahon (R) for Senate

Chris Coons (D) beat Christine O'Donnell (R) for Senate

and within your own party you choose Obama over Hillary

Now why wouldn't the Democrats get behind any of these women?

Could it be that policy reasons have something to bear perhaps? Sharon Angle was extremely conservative. And lots of dems got behind Hillary. I need her speak here in Columbus and she was very popular...that was back in 2008.
Wow, what an arrogant piece of shit you are. leaningright is arguably the kindest person on this board as well as being just a salt of the earth person who has said nothing bad about anyone. And as a teacher for 30 years he is in no way slow. The dude knows his shit. And some idiot like you wants to try and insult him? Who the fuck are you loser?

in case you haven't noticed, this, among other posts is why you were invited to the most elite club on JPP. major clutch posts.
the only saving grace for them is they fucking hate hilary's guts. I think it's even worse than their hate for obama... we just haven't been hearing as much hate because she's in the background atm. this is another one of those elections where you may have an "anyone but hillary" vibe going on.

I could be very wrong on this but I thought the hate Hillary vibe dropped some once Bill left office. In the Senate Hillary seemed far more pragmatic and worked with Republicans. I'm not implying in any way that Republicans now love her etc. nor am I saying they won't go after her if she is the nominee (just as they would whoever the nominee is) but I thought the level of hate dropped.
Please thoughtfully consider putting this Ismael guy on ignore.

He has nothing useful whatsoever to add to the discussion. Responding to him just seems to encourage his middle school delusions.

have you started to learn why we have thread bans on here yet? :)
the only saving grace for them is they fucking hate hilary's guts. I think it's even worse than their hate for obama... we just haven't been hearing as much hate because she's in the background atm. this is another one of those elections where you may have an "anyone but hillary" vibe going on.
I am very saddened at how angry and partisan out whole country has gotten. I was in elementary school when Watergate happened...hit me like a load of bricks, as my family enjoyed talking about politics. We are more angry and More divided now than in 1973, methinks.
Off the top of my head:

Jerry Brown (D) beat Meg Whitman (R) for Governor of California
(the Republicans also ran Carly Fiorina vs. Barbara Boxer)

Harry Reid (D) beat Sharron Angle (R) for Senate

Chris Murphy (D) beat Linda McMahon (R) for Senate

Chris Coons (D) beat Christine O'Donnell (R) for Senate

and within your own party you choose Obama over Hillary

Now why wouldn't the Democrats get behind any of these women?

christine o'donnell, lol, yeah, I love crazy!

those women are Republicans who most likely vote agsinst women's issues!
I am very saddened at how angry and partisan out whole country has gotten. I was in elementary school when Watergate happened...hit me like a load of bricks, as my family enjoyed talking about politics. We are more angry and More divided now than in 1973, methinks.

Absolutely we are more divided!
so how many women did you add, sexists? Maybe I missed them.

Lets do an equation:

(Pool of women in republican party) - (women not very high up in the party) - (women that have very little national name recognition and thus not even been thought of) - (women that would be generally unelectable in a national) - (women that would end up being primaried out because they are likely more liberal than a random sampling of republican men) = hardly anyone.

it's not sexist if there aren't a lot of good choices or big sample sizes.

besides sometimes women are just better off making sandwiches.
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christine o'donnell, lol, yeah, I love crazy!

those women are Republicans who most likely vote agsinst women's issues!
And what will be interesting to see is how this plays out in republican voting. As I said in my intro, I have three daughters, ages 23 17 and almost 13. 12 year old and 23 year old are very openly Christian... And have lots of friends over to the house. LOTS of young christian woman are fiscal conservatives but socially more liberal on issues such as gay rights and abortion rights.

I have known some of their friends since the girls were infants...its a very interesting process to watch their thinking evolve over the years. It will be even more interesting to see how this trend plays out in future elections.
Give us an example of republican sexism. You can't.

The REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED LEGISLATURE in Virginia approved forcing women who wants an abortion to undergo a vaginal ultrasound.

In other words, women seeking an abortion in Virginia will be forcibly penetrated for no medical reason.

One example of Republican SEXISM as requested...I know you'll find some BS excuse to deny what's right in front of you, but then you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?
The REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED LEGISLATURE in Virginia approved forcing women who wants an abortion to undergo a vaginal ultrasound.

In other words, women seeking an abortion in Virginia will be forcibly penetrated for no medical reason.

One example of Republican SEXISM as requested...I know you'll find some BS excuse to deny what's right in front of you, but then you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

There's a reason for it. Tell us what the reason is.