Who's On Your Ignore List?

I will accept your last 4 posts as agreeing to #3, #4, #5, and #6.

3. Accept the Play-Doh Mason has offered.
4. Accept the Toy Dinosaur Jade has offered.
5. Accept the weed-laced Brownies Owl has offered.
6. Accept the Bible (with evils of sex highlighted in yellow) from Phantasmal.

You have one more to go. #7. I know this is difficult, but it's for your own good.

I know you're just being goofy but what's the toy dinosaur about? The closest thing I have to a dinosaur toy is a small statue of a Tauntaun from Star Wars. Maybe some of my meds would be a better offering. I take them for anxiety but they might help him with his sociopathy.
I know you're just being goofy but what's the toy dinosaur about? The closest thing I have to a dinosaur toy is a small statue of a Tauntaun from Star Wars. Maybe some of my meds would be a better offering. I take them for anxiety but they might help him with his sociopathy.

I was thinking of one of your Anime videos, but figured that would be way over USF head, so settled on something USF could relate to. The Meds is a good idea, but I would prefer JPP Professional Therapists prescribe the necessary Treatment for USF. USF, as you know, has gone into a deep psychosis and may not return to Reality anytime too soon. Giving him simple things like Play-Doh and Magic Brownies should keep him content until the Real Stuff can be administered, like Thorazine.
i don't think many have "real" ignore lists that you'll see.... ( they might cut & paste, post the list here, and but then just unclick them all...lol)....
Plus if someone quotes one on your ignore list, you see it anyway...don't you?
I agree. I think the claim is for show and an excuse to get out of answering questions they can't answer or which threaten the little bubble they live in. "Ignore" for me is to keep scrolling. But I'm grown.
I agree. I think the claim is for show and an excuse to get out of answering questions they can't answer or which threaten the little bubble they live in. "Ignore" for me is to keep scrolling. But I'm grown.

Oh no, not at all. You ignore them for various reasons but it's not to avoid questions. If you're ignoring someone and they try to communicate you occasionally remove them from ignore depending on how bad they are. If you catch them responding to you after someone else quotes you can just wrap what they say in a quote and respond. Too many people are write-offs here though. Truth Detector for one just posts gifs, spams, and talks pointless smack.
I agree. I think the claim is for show and an excuse to get out of answering questions they can't answer or which threaten the little bubble they live in. "Ignore" for me is to keep scrolling. But I'm grown.
(And...really....if you're constantly "reminding" someone that they're on ignore by cutting and pasting examples of the posts you're "ignoring", well....that's just proof positive that you're reading every single word;) That's so not grown...:rolleyes:
My notion is that people who just insult you for being what you are are eaten up with inadequacy-turned-aggression, so that any communication with them is merely boring to everyone. That's what governs my own Ignore list. I think every one of them is also on Politalker's though. I think that, since MCCarthy, the normal reaction of the American right seems to be to scream abuse to prevent others from being heard. Doesn't make for interesting communication, in my view.
Hello Jade,

Half of mine don't even post anymore or are just socks.
Русский агент
Artur Tomazzi
Big Money
Boris The Animal
Buck Tucker
Callinectes Ocasio-Cortez
Cancel 2018.2
Controlled Opposition
Dark Soul
Darth Omar
David Jeffrey Spetch
Death Watch 2020
Dirt McGirt
Dr. Zeak Kyle
Enlightened One
Getin the ring
Grab 'em by the pussy
Havana Moon
I Love America
Into the Night
Irish Exit
J Craft
Legion Fag
Legion Troll
Lord Yurt
Nate Higgers
OG Yurt
Part Multi 313
philly rabbit
RB 60
Red Crow
Rob Larrikin
Silver Buzzard
Southern Chicken
Southern Music
Steven VanderMolen
Teflon Don
Text Drivers are Killers
The Derp
The Ugly Truth
Truth Detector
We Stand

Wow, impressive!

You've been here longer than I.

I wouldn't be surprised if mine looks like that after another year.

Lotta overlap with mine there.

Good on ya.

I see no point in putting up with people who show you no respect. It's just mentally unhealthy to let a situation like that fester.
Hello Adolf_Twitler,

Does the ignore option keep the assholes from seeing your posts.

I think not!

Unfortunately you better know what your enemies are thinking!

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just ignore Donald Trump?

No! We have to watch him just to know we are all 3 steps out in front of his bullshit!

Let em' all talk! They certainly are not gaining any influence or winning any favor- in fact, they are losing it one quote at a time.

Tune in- not out!

You're not the only one to take that approach. More power to ya if you can do that.

I could, but don't want to. I did many years of posting with no IgList. I found a certain pride in being able to say so.

Now, that's just not as valuable to me any more. Once I went to the 'dark side' I got spoiled.

And it changed the way I see the world. I am seeing the whole 'we/they' mindset as a detriment now.

I have no hatred in my heart. I just think these are people with whom I disagree and see no point in talking to because they hold grudges and make me regret talking to them.

I don't consider people on my IGList to be enemies. They are simply people who have pushed me away.

So I keep my distance. And life is so much nicer without a constant negativity injection.

Plenty of that in the world. Who needs more?

I want to enjoy life. Be happy, ya know?
Hello Adolf_Twitler,

You're not the only one to take that approach. More power to ya if you can do that.

I could, but don't want to. I did many years of posting with no IgList. I found a certain pride in being able to say so.

Now, that's just not as valuable to me any more. Once I went to the 'dark side' I got spoiled.

And it changed the way I see the world. I am seeing the whole 'we/they' mindset as a detriment now.

I have no hatred in my heart. I just think these are people with whom I disagree and see no point in talking to because they hold grudges and make me regret talking to them.

I don't consider people on my IGList to be enemies. They are simply people who have pushed me away.

So I keep my distance. And life is so much nicer without a constant negativity injection.

Plenty of that in the world. Who needs more?

I want to enjoy life. Be happy, ya know?

To each their own- but what you just said sounds an awful lot like some going-it-alone anti-globalization speech!

But, let me remind you that- that is the Donnie-Approach to life- The turning off of mainstream media- just to watch Fox News whose FAKE NEWS is scripted- JUST FOR HIM!
Hello Adolf_Twitler,

To each their own- but what you just said sounds an awful lot like some going-it-alone anti-globalization speech!

But, let me remind you that- that is the Donnie-Approach to life- The turning off of mainstream media- just to watch Fox News whose FAKE NEWS is scripted- JUST FOR HIM!

Yeah, I get that a lot from people who don't use Ignore Lists. They suspect I am 'missing things.' I theorize that it is actually the other way around.

How could that be?

Here's my thinking:

If I spend my time mixing it up with those people then I get into a lot of pissing matches that really don't have much to do with politics but really end up being about personalities and who can come up with the most hurtful insults.

If I spend my time seeking out the most issue-oriented posters then my mind is stirred to consider complex concepts I wouldn't have otherwise.

I liken it to moving beyond the chaff to get to the good stuff.

Now, I know that some of these abrasive people do have higher thoughts. And yes, I miss out on that. But I think it is more than made up for by what I AM getting. I don't have enough time to talk to everybody, so it is only logical to filter out the less desirable and focus on the higher quality stuff. That is far more likely to stir me to research issues in order to form an opinion.

I don't think my approach is much like DT at all. He doesn't really get into the nuts and bolts as much as just wanting to know how it looks in the media and publicly. That's his version of reality. As far as he is concerned, if it isn't being talked about then it doesn't matter. I know better, and that is a big difference. For DT, the talk determines the reality. For me, it's the other way around.

If it hasn't been in the news, DT doesn't know about it. Or care. I know and care about what has been in the news plus a lot more.
my approach is its not about me or them

Its about the facts

I pummel liars

if you hadn't noticed Lies are what is being used to try and destroy this nation

they MUST BE FOUGHT for us to WIN
Hello Adolf_Twitler,

Yeah, I get that a lot from people who don't use Ignore Lists. They suspect I am 'missing things.' I theorize that it is actually the other way around.

How could that be?

Here's my thinking:

If I spend my time mixing it up with those people then I get into a lot of pissing matches that really don't have much to do with politics but really end up being about personalities and who can come up with the most hurtful insults.

If I spend my time seeking out the most issue-oriented posters then my mind is stirred to consider complex concepts I wouldn't have otherwise.

I liken it to moving beyond the chaff to get to the good stuff.

Now, I know that some of these abrasive people do have higher thoughts. And yes, I miss out on that. But I think it is more than made up for by what I AM getting. I don't have enough time to talk to everybody, so it is only logical to filter out the less desirable and focus on the higher quality stuff. That is far more likely to stir me to research issues in order to form an opinion.

I don't think my approach is much like DT at all. He doesn't really get into the nuts and bolts as much as just wanting to know how it looks in the media and publicly. That's his version of reality. As far as he is concerned, if it isn't being talked about then it doesn't matter. I know better, and that is a big difference. For DT, the talk determines the reality. For me, it's the other way around.

If it hasn't been in the news, DT doesn't know about it. Or care. I know and care about what has been in the news plus a lot more.

Thanks for all of your honest answers.

I'm not sure that spending any time here in this forum is actually productive in any sense of the word. It seems to be a place to kick the dog and let off some steam.

Please don't let me sound like I am on your case, as I was really just throwing some different thoughts out there!

JPP is a shark tank, but even little Nemo learned to swim with the sharks.
people read these sites folks

we can reach more humans here than we can in person

these sites are the new town hall folks

I am here to get the facts out

Im not here for my own pleasure

Oh no, not at all. You ignore them for various reasons but it's not to avoid questions. If you're ignoring someone and they try to communicate you occasionally remove them from ignore depending on how bad they are. If you catch them responding to you after someone else quotes you can just wrap what they say in a quote and respond. Too many people are write-offs here though. Truth Detector for one just posts gifs, spams, and talks pointless smack.
Isn't scrolling past a post....much easier? Is reading words on a computer screen...really that traumatic? :laugh:
(And...really....if you're constantly "reminding" someone that they're on ignore by cutting and pasting examples of the posts you're "ignoring", well....that's just proof positive that you're reading every single word;) That's so not grown...:rolleyes:
That's what I've always thought. They read every post and claim otherwise.....
Thanks for all of your honest answers.

I'm not sure that spending any time here in this forum is actually productive in any sense of the word. It seems to be a place to kick the dog and let off some steam.

Please don't let me sound like I am on your case, as I was really just throwing some different thoughts out there!

JPP is a shark tank, but even little Nemo learned to swim with the sharks.
Politalker wants to be in an echo chamber. I have never insulted her. She thread bans me because I don't walk in lockstep with her beliefs. That's pathetic for someone who claims to be a grown up. :laugh:
I will accept your last 4 posts as agreeing to #3, #4, #5, and #6.

3. Accept the Play-Doh Mason has offered.
4. Accept the Toy Dinosaur Jade has offered.
5. Accept the weed-laced Brownies Owl has offered.
6. Accept the Bible (with evils of sex highlighted in yellow) from Phantasmal.

You have one more to go. #7. I know this is difficult, but it's for your own good.
I was thinking of one of your Anime videos, but figured that would be way over USF head, so settled on something USF could relate to. The Meds is a good idea, but I would prefer JPP Professional Therapists prescribe the necessary Treatment for USF. USF, as you know, has gone into a deep psychosis and may not return to Reality anytime too soon. Giving him simple things like Play-Doh and Magic Brownies should keep him content until the Real Stuff can be administered, like Thorazine.
That's what I've always thought. They read every post and claim otherwise.....

I bet you have a good idea who my obsessed minion was talking about, eh? lol

No, I don't read *any* posts (unless someone else quotes them) -- or quote them myself because that's impossible -- of those on my ignore list. OTOH, I don't do "fake ignore" by not using the "reply with quote" function yet posting snark referencing it either. I also don't spend precious moments of life researching what someone-I-hate-because-she's-better-than-me said every single day, and ineptly pasting them into what I think is a devastating comment. You know, like this aborted attempt at whoring:


The poorly-quoted comment was one that I made that had nothing to do with the whore, but someone she saw herself in it. Imagine the shame. lol

My original comment, wherein I was scolding the OP and posters who were gloating over the latest tropical storm and flooding that devastated our neighbors to the South:
