Who's On Your Ignore List?

Isn't scrolling past a post....much easier? Is reading words on a computer screen...really that traumatic? :laugh:

Scrolling past asshole posts is fine. The ignore function is even finer when they reply to something you've said. There isn't a single person on my ignore list who has replied to one of my posts in a civil manner. I grok anger, but calling someone who disagrees with your racism a "ni**er-lover" is beyond the pale. Calling ppl of another race hideous words like that is too.

It's interesting that those who admit to ignore lists mostly do it to avoid the hateful racism rampant here, while those who brag that they don't are okay with racism. Evince is surprising in that she won't put any racists on ignore. She's tougher than I am.
Scrolling past asshole posts is fine. The ignore function is even finer when they reply to something you've said. There isn't a single person on my ignore list who has replied to one of my posts in a civil manner. I grok anger, but calling someone who disagrees with your racism a "ni**er-lover" is beyond the pale. Calling ppl of another race hideous words like that is too.

It's interesting that those who admit to ignore lists mostly do it to avoid the hateful racism rampant here, while those who brag that they don't are okay with racism. Evince is surprising in that she won't put any racists on ignore. She's tougher than I am.
There is baiting back and forth on this board and many others. No one is a saint. Claiming those who are mature enough to scroll past a post they don't like or agree with = "waycism" is absurd as the orange man bad or the muh Russia tale.

I'm grown. I can read things I don't like or disagree with and keep scrolling. That doesn't mean I hate black people.

Life continues. My eyes are unscathed and I remain able to see even though my widdle eyes saw something I disagree with.

This crybaby bullshit from people who go to political message boards, one of the most volatile topics in human history and claim to want civility is the most ridiculous shit I've ever encountered. Dishonest is an understatement.

I may be a lot of things, but one thing I am for sure is honest.
Scrolling past asshole posts is fine. The ignore function is even finer when they reply to something you've said. There isn't a single person on my ignore list who has replied to one of my posts in a civil manner. I grok anger, but calling someone who disagrees with your racism a "ni**er-lover" is beyond the pale. Calling ppl of another race hideous words like that is too.

It's interesting that those who admit to ignore lists mostly do it to avoid the hateful racism rampant here, while those who brag that they don't are okay with racism. Evince is surprising in that she won't put any racists on ignore. She's tougher than I am.

^ I have the same person on ignore, for the same reason. The other one is Truth Detector. It's faster to scroll through two lines of type... "So and so is on your ignore list"... than to scroll through hundreds of gifs, emojis and pictures without a single intelligent comment accompanying them.
Trolling is using emojis like a grade schooler daily

My now-12-year-old g-daughter gave up that stupid emoji shit a couple of years ago. Isn't it interesting how some alleged adults can't discuss topics w/o them? Or give up their years-long vendettas against their betters. "Sad, very sad." -- DJT

Trolling is also spending time searching for the posts of the targets of your obsession diligently, every single day, and poorly copy/pasting them into weird word salads that are always ignored. :laugh:
No, I'm not.

You can lie but the truth will stand until the end of time.

When you can't make an argument, it's "racist". Lame and 2008 - ish.

Here's a newsflash, no one cares. :-)

You are racist.... but that's okay because you are open and honest about it. You can deny all you like but yeah.... the truth will stand till the end of time. I'm much happier with haters who are unashamed of their hate and don't try to hide it, than with those who pretend that they are not... you know.... like the many toxic racists here on this board.
.....and still trolling/lying away, as you may have noticed...no shock...till the end of time;)
You are racist.... but that's okay because you are open and honest about it. You can deny all you like but yeah.... the truth will stand till the end of time. I'm much happier with haters who are unashamed of their hate and don't try to hide it, than with those who pretend that they are not... you know.... like the many toxic racists here on this board.
You go with that. One minute, you say I'm not -- the next, I am.

To be frank, I don't give a damn. I know who I am. You surely don't validate me. :-)

I don't cling to anger and grudges for a week, let alone a decade. It must lead to internal necrosis. Thankfully, I wouldn't know.