Why do Christians believe in Jesus when He's NOWHERE in the Hebrew Bible?

Uh oh. Uncle is mad....

Why would I be mad, Perry Phd? You're the one abusing everyone who disagrees with you. You're the one who is emotionally distressed.

The more you post, the more likely I think your problems are more likely to be personal, not work-related.
Gosh, this is abusive. I wonder why you come on JPP and hurl insults like this. ...
LOL Says the emotional hot mess who posted these to PmP:
You LOVE to lie! ;)

I can sort of understand your mockery of God (although I don't necessarily think it is a good approach) with your lies, but I guess the thing I find most unappealing about you is that you seem to REVEL in people despising you. So you go out of your way to be a completely repellent person, lie and misrepresent others, then you want to be HONORED for this?

Seriously dude, what is your malfunction?

There doesn't seem to be ANY of God's "Joy" in you. You seem so very, very dark.

No, FalseProphet, you have shown how much you despise the faith you shroud yourself in.

That's because you are a FALSE PROPHET. You are a RAVENING WOLF (read the bible).

I'm an atheist but I'm honest about it.

You don't appear to value honesty.
I'll try to check this out.

Bart Ehrman a New Testament scholar at University of North Carolina, and a self identified atheist, has written extensively on Jesus and has almost no doubt about the historicity of the man.
The New Testament scholar and self-described agnostic-atheist Professor Bart Ehrman has written extensively about the historicity of Jesus. He claims the vast majority of scholars of antiquity believe a Jewish mystic named Jesus did exist in first century Palestine.

Ehrman gets attacked by both holly rollers and militant atheists. He writes that the hate mail he gets from atheists is just as virulent, militant, and mean-spirited as the hate mail he gets from fundamentalist holly rollers.

Now you really seem upset. You are doing your best to hide it. My apologies if I've given you back abuse in response to your abuse. I understand that people with your "condition" are often incapable of self-analysis so I'll try to cut you some slack. That and your general overall intellectual deficits must make it hard to navigate the world.

I wish you the best.
Thanks. Same to you, Perry PhD.
Why would I be mad, Perry Phd?

I honestly don't know! But your continued subtle games of continuing to mock me with "Perry PhD" (despite my request that you drop this) indicates you really have some seething issues. But your "Schtick" is to cover it over and try to sound like you are calm and cool.

I've seen that kind of stuff before.

Then you go and subtly suggest I might be a spousal abuser.

Your hatred of me is palpable. But that's OK, I don't like you either.

You're the one abusing everyone who disagrees with you. You're the one who is emotionally distressed.

And you don't? You just accused another poster of being in league with the devil and you even amped it up with a giant self-made graphic! I'd say you have more problems than you are actually expressing openly.

The more you post, the more likely I think your problems are more likely to be personal, not work-related.

More diagnoses. I hope you get help for your borderline personality disorder.

Maybe you are a bit "psychopathic" as well. You seem like you might be. Plenty of projection on who is mentally ill and who beats their spouse. Seems to indicate maybe you have some dark closets you are struggling to keep shut.
LOL Says the emotional hot mess who posted these to PmP:

We aren't talking about me. I'm quite honest about being nasty when people are nasty to me.

We are now talking about YOU and your problems. Let's try to figure out why you think EVERYONE ELSE is either mentally ill or abusing their spouses.

Is it projection?

Sounds like projection.
Almost all written sources from the first century are lost, destroyed, or missing, so we can't definitely say we know everything about the written sources. It's almost miraculous to have any written sources from the first century, or copies of them.

Jesus was a peasant from a backwater province in the Roman empire. People didn't write about peasants, foot soldiers, or obscure mystics in antiquity. They wrote about emperors, great generals, VIPs. There is almost no Roman or Greek literature written about peasants, farmers, or itinerate mystics.

Pagan historians who reference Jesus are Josephus and Tacitus.

The four Gospel testaments of Jesus were written independently of each other by educated Greek speakers.

Paul almost certainly met Peter and Jesus' brother James providing an additional line of evidence for the historicity of Jesus.

Collectively and all told, Jesus is probably the most well documented Palestinian Jew of antiquity in our surviving source material.

They're Called "Documents" Because They've Been Doctored
I am on the fence. I’ll put it ths way: The Jesus described in the Bible seems more of mythic figure than a man. So whether Jesus actually existed or not his influence comes from biblical text which I am extremely skeptical of. The movement has transcended the man. I do not believe at all in the concept of Jesus as God.

Render Therefore Unto Caesar

There is inconclusive evidence for that, but there is also evidence that Jesus was an agent of the Roman Empire assigned to make the rebellious Hebrews think of personal salvation in the afterlife and ignore the foreign takeover of their country in this life.
LOL Says the emotional hot mess who posted these to PmP:

Let's talk more about your issues, Dutch. As I said, I'm at least honest in admitting that I can be nasty when people are nasty to me. But you seem to be suffering under the impression that you aren't nasty on here.

I found a great article in Psychology Today (a pop-sci rag but it speaks at the level of psychological skill that you probably came close to achieving.). HERE

It states that "Abusers with narcissistic personality disorder often project their behaviors onto their victims. "

Perhaps I was incorrect in assuming you were Borderline Personality, it appears you may actually be narcissistic personality. That fits with the fake "confidence" and always questioning everyone about THEIR problems as if you have none of your own. Apparently you are PROJECTING as I suggested earlier!

The article goes on to state that abusers may lack insight into their own behavior but it may be in part to control others. That also fits with your constant need to "diagnose" other people on the forum.

I hope your projection of abuse by others is an indicator of something mild in you and not the kind of stuff you might be capable of. But with a raving narcissist it is anyone's guess how far you take it.

I know you are old now and you probably don't see the need for therapy but you should consider it. There are people out there who can help and even some medications that might help.

I just honestly hope you get a grip on your own self-awareness if it is still possible.

Wouldn't that make it less important? Just another novel?

Because College Students Don't Get Paid, College Graduates Aren't Worth Anything. They Are Amateurs

That is what "factoid" really means, not "a trivial fact," which is what the totalitarian language-influencers tell us it means. The suffix -oid means "resembling." For example, an android is not a man, but using the Diploma Dumbos' deficiency in understanding language, they would, on first hearing that word, think it means a little man or an insignificant man.

So a factoid is not a fact, but has the effect of a fact.
Agnostic is a sliding scale. I am agnostic with respect to God to the same extent that I am agnostic to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. As for the God of the Bible... I'd say 99.999% NOT a believer. But I guess that still makes me agnostic.
No Real God Would Have Such Nasty Believers

Pushy predatory theists beg the question when they ask "Do you believe in God?" instead of what they really mean,"Do you believe God exists?"

For example, if someone asks, "Do you believe in Trump?" he's not asking if you believe that Trump exists. Using "believe in" assumes that someone exists.
The expected reply of a minion of Satan. You are well known to be evil, bitter and hateful, Pmp. The fact you masquerade as a pious Christian further delineates your link to Satan.


as noted......your photoshop techniques and insults are third grade level, whether you are posting as Dutch or posting as Perry........
I swear, if Dutch and Perry aren't socks, they must be twins separated at birth......

Curious why you guys obsess on who is a sock of whom.

Why do you think we are "socks" of each other? I mean, I've posted a TON of actual scientific stuff on various threads on this forum and Dutch only posts his "diagnoses". I'm far more knowledgeable about philosophy, logic, rhetoric, science and theology than Dutch (clearly demonstrated), so why would you think us "socks". Do you think I post under this name so that I can post scientifically sound points with citations and then post under Dutch's name so I can sound like a self-obsessed narcissist?

Well, sadly, you are wrong. If only it were true. But then I'd have to hammer my head with a brick to post as much lame shit as Dutch does.
Why would I be mad, Perry Phd? You're the one abusing everyone who disagrees with you. You're the one who is emotionally distressed.

The more you post, the more likely I think your problems are more likely to be personal, not work-related.

Dutch, I've gone through quickly and found a list of the number of times you have "diagnosed" pretty much everyone at some point on this forum. I am curious why you think you are in a position to diagnose mental illness given that you are only a "hobbyist" psychologist and not a REAL one.

Are you, perchance, projecting on ALL of these?

Here you go:
You truly believe that which is why I think you’re a paranoid schizophrenic.

Delusional paranoid schizophrenic.

Lying Paranoid Schizophrenic.

Another delusional scream from JPP's foremost paranoid schizophrenic.

The best evidence that you don't have all your marbles in one sock is your online manifesto here: https://politiplex.freeforums.net/thread/94/obamas-presidential-eligibility-debunked

Into the Night is a sock for gfm7175 and IBDaMann. Follow his signature links to his "forum" for insights into the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic.

Instead of trying to remember/type his names all the time I just call him Sybil.

Dude, you're the liar. You're the one continually making up numbers then claiming they may or may not be real. I can only go by what you post, not by what you might post.

Overall, it's interesting to see how far down the road of insane behavior you will be driving yourself. Every post every person makes is a very small slice of who they are. Your slices are adding up to the picture of a sociopathic schizophrenic. Please continue posting more.

It's an act or the "dumb one" in a schizophrenic. Piss him/her/it off and the mask drops or the personality changes to a saner, but pissed off, person.

True, but the causal factor, IMO, is insanity. Probably dementia. Not a schizo like Sybil or a bipolar like Jack...and a few others.

Good example of an enraged bipolar, Jack. Will I have to wait until 5PM for you to be shitfaced or just after Noon?

Jack is probably a non-treated bipolar...and self-medicates with alcohol.

Are you Bipolar?

Goatboy's paranoia is his own worst enemy.
I like the definition offered by Protestant theologian Max Lynn Stackhouse.

"Religion: a comprehensive worldview or 'metaphysical moral vision' that is accepted as binding because it is held to be in itself basically true and just even if all dimensions of it cannot be either fully confirmed or refuted".

Doesn't work for me
Doesn't work for me

Well, you are lucky because God visited you directly in your apartment back in the 70's. Not everyone gets lucky. Most people (apparently including Mother Theresa from time to time) have to go on the "hope" that God is there without any real sense of it.

I find people who act like religion is somehow patently obviously TRUE are usually the ones who never really looked at their own faith. They just swallow whole whatever their imagination told them or whatever their parents told them.

Clearly people called to "burn" unbelievers are a different lot. In order to BURN people alive I am guessing it would take a rock-solid version of religion that could not be questioned.