Why do Christians believe in Jesus when He's NOWHERE in the Hebrew Bible?

I already have diagnosed you, Perry PhD. Your overreactions are evidence of my diagnosis: you're over stressed to the breaking point.

Not uncommon for a HS dropout with three kids, but highly unusual for someone of your self-proclaimed credentials.

That's the stuff. You know I never made as big a deal of my degrees as you have now, which confirms my belief that you carry a HUGE chip on your shoulder related to your academic and intellectual failures.

I sense your "arrogance" (even you call yourself arrogant) is overcompensation for this lack of ability and skill.

So now anytime anyone even so much as accidentally mentions they have more success than you it galls you to no end and you start your sneering snark.

Don't worry, though, Dutch B.A., I'm sure you did whatever it was you could achieve as well as possible. And you should be proud of that and not make it a personal crusade to mock anyone who has achieved more than you.
That's the stuff. You know I never made as big a deal of my degrees as you have now, which confirms my belief that you carry a HUGE chip on your shoulder related to your academic and intellectual failures.

I sense your "arrogance" (even you call yourself arrogant) is overcompensation for this lack of ability and skill.

So now anytime anyone even so much as accidentally mentions they have more success than you it galls you to no end and you start your sneering snark.

Don't worry, though, Dutch B.A., I'm sure you did whatever it was you could achieve as well as possible. And you should be proud of that and not make it a personal crusade to mock anyone who has achieved more than you.

Dyam, Perry PhD. If you wake up over stressed every morning then you won't be waking up for long. Have you considered jogging or cycling?

I'm retired, so all of that stress for accomplishments that you are experiencing are in my rearview mirror. Good luck, kid! :thup:
Dyam, Perry PhD. If you wake up over stressed every morning then you won't be waking up for long. Have you considered jogging or cycling?

I'm retired, so all of that stress for accomplishments that you are experiencing are in my rearview mirror. Good luck, kid! :thup:

You obsess on my existence far too much for my comfort.

Between this and your history of diagnosing anyone and everyone on the forum would indicate YOU are the one with some issues.

An arrogant narcissist with a huge chip on his shoulder over his failings is not in a position to "diagnose" other people's problems.

I'm glad you are retired. I'm sure you were a middling to non-performer at your job (you were a "flash ace pilot", right?)
You should put me on ignore so you won't have to over stress about it. If you had self-discipline, you'd simply ignore me like I often ignore Sybil, Mason and the other nutjobs.

But that would make you sad because YOU are obsessed with me. You want to know what age I am, what my degree is, what I do daily...it's truly a bit unsettling.

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your flails at figuring out what my degree and age are. You are consistently wrong, but it's fun to see you try. And yesterday I showed you how it could be done to figure out at least what my degree is by showing you how I could find many of your diagnoses of others. But you were too stupid to even be able to use THAT example.

Hilarious. But it certainly is par for the course.
As long as college degrees are a topic of discussion

My degrees were in geology and Earth sciences, which lead to careers as a teacher, a geophysicist, and an engineering geologist.

I also worked construction, landscaping, painting after high school.

In my next life I am going to be either a historian or an astronomer!
But that would make you sad because YOU are obsessed with me. You want to know what age I am, what my degree is, what I do daily...it's truly a bit unsettling.

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your flails at figuring out what my degree and age are. You are consistently wrong, but it's fun to see you try. And yesterday I showed you how it could be done to figure out at least what my degree is by showing you how I could find many of your diagnoses of others. But you were too stupid to even be able to use THAT example.

Hilarious. But it certainly is par for the course.
Ummmm....I'm curious. Your venting is highly unusual and I'm curious bout the factors involved. What do you call your obsession with me, Perry PhD?

Damo has given you use of the ignore button if my questions are as distressing as you claim. I don't want to add to your stress. In fact, I've given you tips on how to reduce stress.
Hinduism and Sikhism are kinda sorta monotheistic, but a definition of religion that applies globally has to get beyond the western stereotype of Abrahamic faith traditions.
Agreed. Plus Native American and various Buddhist beliefs.

It's a spiritual definition of a human practice attempting to look beyond the physical and purely mental.

I like the definition offered by Protestant theologian Max Lynn Stackhouse.

"Religion: a comprehensive worldview or 'metaphysical moral vision' that is accepted as binding because it is held to be in itself basically true and just even if all dimensions of it cannot be either fully confirmed or refuted".
Ummmm....I'm curious. Your venting is highly unusual and I'm curious bout the factors involved. What do you call your obsession with me, Perry PhD?

Damo has given you use of the ignore button if my questions are as distressing as you claim. I don't want to add to your stress. In fact, I've given you tips on how to reduce stress.

Flash Ace Pilot and Undergrad Psych Major.

I'm really impressed. Is that what you want to hear? I'm honestly impressed with you. Now can you drop your obsession with my degree?
You know that. I know that. Bipolars not so much. :)

JEEEEZUS, more "diagnoses" of mental illness by the boards own projecting failed undergrad psych major.

Ugh. When will this schtick grow old for him? Well, you know the simps, they often are easily entertained by the same thing over and over and over.
I wouldn't belabor that point. Dutch will get "obsessed" with you and start mocking your degree because he couldn't make his psych B.A. count for anything.

And the physical sciences would be WAAAAY beyond him.

I've always had good exchanges with you and DU.

I'm just here to make fun of Trump and to discuss interesting topics!
JEEEEZUS, more "diagnoses" of mental illness by the boards own projecting failed undergrad psych major.

Ugh. When will this schtick grow old for him? Well, you know the simps, they often are easily entertained by the same thing over and over and over.
Claims to have a PhD, but too obsessed with me to use ignore feature. :rofl2:
I've always had good exchanges with you and DU.

I'm just here to make fun of Trump and to discuss interesting topics!

Perry PhD has "issues". My guess is he's over stressed from work and is fearing termination or a layoff.
Agreed. Plus Native American and various Buddhist beliefs.

It's a spiritual definition of a human practice attempting to look beyond the physical and purely mental.

That's why I don't think religion is useless or utterly irrational.

99 percent of a human life does not involve thinking about particle physics, integral calculus, or evolutionary biology.

Decent, well balanced people on a day to day basis think about how to live a meaningful human life and what values to cultivate. As much as I love science, those don't originate from mathematical equations or laboratory experiments. They come from a contemplation and experience with the binding metaphysical moral vision of a religious or philosophical tradition.
Claims to have a PhD, but too obsessed with me to use ignore feature. :rofl2:

Funny, but that would seem to apply to you as well.

I guess your intellectual limitations are much more debilitating that I thought.

You see, I don't like to use the "ignore" feature and I LOVE seeing you flail around mocking degrees you couldn't even BEGIN to get yourself.

It's pretty obvious you carry a huge chip on your shoulder because of your failures and lack of ability.