Why do Christians believe in Jesus when He's NOWHERE in the Hebrew Bible?

He always posts "I AM" over and over as if it gets more profound each iteration. He is a dope.

To be fair, it is a complete sentence. It has a meaning. While I think the guy might be of questionable character at least his handle is kinda clever. (Remember God's name in the OT is "I am", per his conversation with Moses)
Religion, like many human constructs, can be liberating or corrupting .

Obviously the cult-like status of the Westboro Baptist church and some of the Saudi wahhabi fundamentalists are actively harmful to human dignity and liberation.

I agree about rote routines, but I admit I always kind of liked the elaborate ritual and tradition of the Eastern Orthodox liturgy.

Rituals are good for binding groups together.
To be fair, it is a complete sentence. It has a meaning. While I think the guy might be of questionable character at least his handle is kinda clever. (Remember God's name in the OT is "I am", per his conversation with Moses)

Yes, it is in Exodus. As I said, he thinks no one knows it comes from the Bible.
People like Cypress think morality comes from God. And since we have morality, it proves God exists.

odd.....I would think that's the exact opposite of what Cypress thinks......even I don't believe that.....a person's morals are what they have chosen to accept as their own standard......too many people don't even consider the standards they have claimed when making choices about their actions.....
Some people think without God people would freely murder others. But do people really want to murder? Some do. Most don't.

My favorite atheist quote is from Penn Jillette. He was once asked what keeps him from murdering people since he has no belief in God. ANd Penn responded that he murders exactly as many people as he wants! It just so happens that that number is ZERO.

Religious faith never kept anyone from doing whatever evil is truly in their heart and atheism never kept anyone from doing whatever good was truly in their heart.
My favorite atheist quote is from Penn Jillette. He was once asked what keeps him from murdering people since he has no belief in God. ANd Penn responded that he murders exactly as many people as he wants! It just so happens that that number is ZERO.

Religious faith never kept anyone from doing whatever evil is truly in their heart and atheism never kept anyone from doing whatever good was truly in their heart.

Agree. And the ancient philosopher Aristotle laid out a system of ethics that people today would have no problem agreeing with.
odd.....I would think that's the exact opposite of what Cypress thinks......even I don't believe that.....a person's morals are what they have chosen to accept as their own standard......too many people don't even consider the standards they have claimed when making choices about their actions.....

Agreed. There are people (even on here) who claim to be one thing but then show themselves to be aligned directly against all aspects of that thing they claim to be. It is a form of dishonesty and honesty is a "moral good".

I've seen self-professed Christians do some of the most anti-Christian things on this very forum. So we know that for many Christians morality IS, exactly as you say, "their own standard". They just made up the standard that makes them the happiest. Or reduces their pain sufficiently.
Did you ever consider the possibility that EVERYONE who isn't you on this forum is actually just a mass of socks of ONE OTHER POSTER?

...and what if that other poster you argue against (in all their forms) is actually just an AI chatbot?


The I AM idiot has used "mason" as another name. Same schtick.
Monotheism, a belief in the absolute unity and singularity of God, is central to Judaism, which regards the worship of a person as a form of idolatry. Therefore, considering Jesus a deity would be forbidden .

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will:

A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).

B. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).

C. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)

D. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world—on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).

The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of these messianic prophecies.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming, but Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists.
People like Cypress think morality comes from God. And since we have morality, it proves God exists.

This is about the three billionth example of you responding to what you wish I wrote, rather than what I actually wrote.

I didn't say that unified and comprehensive moral systems come from God.

I said they come from religions.

Religions exist completely independently of God. You do not have to accept the reality of God to acknowledge the reality of written canonical religious texts.

The New Testament, The books of the Jewish prophets, the Analects, The Dhammapada, the Daodejing, the Baghavad Gita were written by humans.

...humans who were responding to an inward, contemplative turn towards individual ethics and personal salvation which began in the early Iron Age BCE.
Did you ever consider the possibility that EVERYONE who isn't you on this forum is actually just a mass of socks of ONE OTHER POSTER?

...and what if that other poster you argue against (in all their forms) is actually just an AI chatbot?


everyone who's been here longer than a few months knows Masons favorite passtime is creating new socks......that of course doesn't include you becase neither you or your Dutch Uncle sock have been here long.....