why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

What's "real" racism vs. supposed fake racism Desh?

You have to read what she writes. Her blatant racism showed when I posted an article from a black website that described new white residents to Oakland started calling the cops on their black neighbors for things such as walking down the street. It was essentially an anti-gentrification article from a black perspective. She came out and said she didn't believe it, thought the site wasn't real as if there aren't websites that focus on the black community and wanted me to get the police reports of the actual calls. It was just blatant.

On the surface it sounds great when Desh argues for black people's right to vote. However you have to look deeper than that. Any discussion of issues concerning the black community and their elective representatives she will turn away from and go back to the voting issue. What has become clear over time is her only concern is that they vote because they vote Democratic. Again, that's subtle racism.
Desh, is Tavis Smiley racist for saying that all economic indictors have gotten worse for black people during Obama's Presidency?
why cant any one of you name a recent inccident in the news that you agree displayed racism?

because you think none do
You have to read what she writes. Her blatant racism showed when I posted an article from a black website that described new white residents to Oakland started calling the cops on their black neighbors for things such as walking down the street. It was essentially an anti-gentrification article from a black perspective. She came out and said she didn't believe it, thought the site wasn't real as if there aren't websites that focus on the black community and wanted me to get the police reports of the actual calls. It was just blatant.

On the surface it sounds great when Desh argues for black people's right to vote. However you have to look deeper than that. Any discussion of issues concerning the black community and their elective representatives she will turn away from and go back to the voting issue. What has become clear over time is her only concern is that they vote because they vote Democratic. Again, that's subtle racism.

You have to read what she writes. Her blatant racism showed when I posted an article from a black website that described new white residents to Oakland started calling the cops on their black neighbors for things such as walking down the street. It was essentially an anti-gentrification article from a black perspective. She came out and said she didn't believe it, thought the site wasn't real as if there aren't websites that focus on the black community and wanted me to get the police reports of the actual calls. It was just blatant.

On the surface it sounds great when Desh argues for black people's right to vote. However you have to look deeper than that. Any discussion of issues concerning the black community and their elective representatives she will turn away from and go back to the voting issue. What has become clear over time is her only concern is that they vote because they vote Democratic. Again, that's subtle racism.

so this is the only one you can name?

the one you couldnt even prove was true.

how about one of the ones actually in the news causing claims of racism world wide?

they are all not real racism?
why cant any one of you name a recent inccident in the news that you agree displayed racism?
because you think none do

Again you fucking idiot... just because we disagree with YOUR OPINION on what is or is not racist, doesn't mean we think racism does not exist.

AGAIN you fucking idiot... we have pointed out YOUR racism as an example of an incident that demonstrates RACISM. But YOU keep pretending we didn't
so this is the only one you can name?

the one you couldnt even prove was true.

how about one of the ones actually in the news causing claims of racism world wide?

they are all not real racism?

Tell you what retard... YOU list events that YOU think are racist.
so this is the only one you can name?

the one you couldnt even prove was true.

how about one of the ones actually in the news causing claims of racism world wide?

they are all not real racism?

This has been proven true. You asked for an example and you got it