why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

then tell us an example you agree was racism

you so far have been unable to name one

Again you fucking retard... Wacko brought up YOUR RACIST comments. That is an example.

Racial disparities in sentencing is an example.
Racial disparities in arrests is an example.

How fucking retarded are you?
tha is no a recent national inccident is it

can you name one of the cases in the news recently that the world sees as racism that you agree is an example of real racism?

there are many to chose from

are they all fake racism?
why would I answer your stupid question when you have refused tto answer my question which I asked first?

answer mine and I will then answer yours

I answered yours. I gave an example of racism. You claim others don't see racism bit don't want to talk about if Tavis Smiley is racist
tha is no a recent national inccident is it

can you name one of the cases in the news recently that the world sees as racism that you agree is an example of real racism?

there are many to chose from

are they all fake racism?

IF there are so many to choose from, then YOU will have no problem listing some of them for us.
so you are saying that none of the nationally reported incidents are real racism?


they are all "race card" stuff according to you two
But it is noted that Desh doesn't care about racism (probably because she is a racist)... because what she really wants is to discuss certain cases (though she refuses to state which cases she wants to discuss)... but yeah... Rune thinks she is sane.
Rune, on the other board, said people make voting decisions based on what he's written. He and Desh make a perfect match and they live in their own little world's
But it is noted that Desh doesn't care about racism (probably because she is a racist)... because what she really wants is to discuss certain cases (though she refuses to state which cases she wants to discuss)... but yeah... Rune thinks she is sane.
If she is insane and you argue the same points with her, over and over, what does that make you?
I brought up Tavis Smiley Desh. If you are the judge of what's "real" racism are his comments racist?
here you have it folks

they think racism is all phoney

and they wonder why Americans of color hate their party
someone who enjoys mocking the insane?

But decent of you to try and come to the morons defense. Rune tried it yesterday... your turn?
You like mocking the insane, that says a lot about your character, and l am not defending evince, I have her on ignore for the same reason you mock her. I see no point in engaging her.