why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

You like mocking the insane, that says a lot about your character, and l am not defending evince, I have her on ignore for the same reason you mock her. I see no point in engaging her.

At least you acknowledge this. I'll give you credit for that.
because you people need to ignore facts

facts are not insane

Yet YOU are the one who refuses to cite ANY cases and refuses to address any of the issues we have brought up... YOU are the only one ignoring FACTS.

YOU are the only one who refuses to provide any FACTS.

YOU are the one that is indeed insane.
well can either one of you name a recent incident you agree did highlight real racism in this country?

Or is there none

post 6

from 01-07-2016, 11:52 AM

not one right wing poster has EVER answered his question when I have asked it
on what basis of FACTS do you claim I'm insane?

1) The FACT that you continue to tell others that their examples of racism 'don't count'
2) The FACT that you continue to tell others about all these cases that involve racism, yet you REFUSE to cite any of them as examples
3) The FACT that you continually post the same articles on the Rep cheating case and expect people to discuss the same issue 1000000000 times.

those are but a few of the reasons.
post 6

from 01-07-2016, 11:52 AM

not one right wing poster has EVER answered his question when I have asked it

Ironic given that YOU can't answer it either. Obviously there isn't a case... or else you would have cited it. Why don't you think there are any examples? Do you think racism doesn't exist?
You like mocking the insane, that says a lot about your character, and l am not defending evince, I have her on ignore for the same reason you mock her. I see no point in engaging her.

Yet here you are... doing what exactly Rana? If you aren't defending her... why are you posting on this thread you find so wrong?
Ok, I'll say it. Tavis Smiley is racist for his comments. I have now given two examples of racism, Desh and Tavis Smiley.
so why wont you name one then

Why can't you do the very thing you demand of others? YOU claim there are so very many cases... yet you refuse to state any of them? Why? Is it because you are indeed racist like we stated?

Also... I have provided examples... YOU CHOSE to pretend they don't count
I say all of them

its in my posts all over this site

You have spent far more time avoiding providing an example on THIS thread than it would have taken you to simply cite an example. Why are you afraid to post an example on this thread? Surely you aren't afraid to call out racist behavior?