why do people like transwarp claim there is no raicsm in todays world?

name a current inncident in the news that you agree involved racism.

there are lots of them are they all "race card" stuff in your opinion?

why do you refuse to answer?
name a current inncident in the news that you agree involved racism.

there are lots of them are they all "race card" stuff in your opinion?

why do you refuse to answer?

Desh again refuses to answer her own question. I wonder why that is? Clearly Desh does not think racism exists.
I didn ask me the question

I asked you he question

you cant seem to think of one racist incident in he news
Every American site I've posted to so far stinks of racism. Why else do they insist that people are divided by this 'race' bilge? It was a slave society, and it has become just a tiny bit less nasty, but its values are very deep-seated and Republicans, in particular, are as racist as Hitler without even being aware of it. You need to come from outside to see it, I think, and, in fairness, I think it shows less in most social interaction than it does in many European countries, where the people they exploited and colonised seem deeply foreign at first. Europeans tend to get over it, though.

But the Welsh were the slaves of England, for a very long time, and in some instances, still are. :D
If the US isn't racist, why the constant and hysterical attacks on your rather right-wing half-Irish President?
Desh again refuses to answer her own question. I wonder why that is? Clearly Desh does not think racism exists.

you never answered mine

have any of the recent cases of young black men or women getting dead around police of self appointed neighborhood watch gun nuts displaying any racism or aret hey ALL "race card"?

Do black Americans just lie ?
you never answered mine

have any of the recent cases of young black men or women getting dead around police of self appointed neighborhood watch gun nuts displaying any racism or aret hey ALL "race card"?

Do black Americans just lie ?
Desh again refuses to answer her own question. I wonder why that is? Clearly Desh does not think racism exists.
are black people just lying about racism?
why wont you answer

For the 100000000000th time. Racism exists and no, black people are not lying about racism existing. I have provided very good examples of where it is clear that racism exists.

Now... do you have SPECIFIC cases you wish to discuss? If so... then answer...

Desh again refuses to answer her own question. I wonder why that is? Clearly Desh does not think racism exists.
For the 100000000000th time. Racism exists and no, black people are not lying about racism existing. I have provided very good examples of where it is clear that racism exists.

Now... do you have SPECIFIC cases you wish to discuss? If so... then answer...

Desh again refuses to answer her own question. I wonder why that is? Clearly Desh does not think racism exists.

so you agree a least one of these incidents are real racism?

which ones?
You see we NEED to discuss which ones are real in your mind and which ones are not .

we need to clearly see what YOU claim is the line dividing these cases
then name an incidence you agree was racism

you don't seem o think the killing of unarmed black people is evil