Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

BAC has been my friend for over 10 years, I have never ever in all that time perceived anything he has said as racists. Never, so you can take your period and shove it where the sun don’t shine. You are a noob who has hitched your wagon to supporting the actual racists on this forum, you may not curse, but you are still vile by supporting those actual racists. Now, cry harder. Happy Gladys and you have found each other, it’s a match made in heaven.
And, as always, I will say you are entitled to your opinion, and we'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't support racists.
That being said, have you hitched your wagon to support those here who share personal information and stalk. Something you are totally against? Are those your "match made in heaven" relationships here? I always laugh when you claim you don't "perceive"...
I don't know who Gladys is, btw...
(BAC is a Raging racist. He should spend more time here. The real world will be a better place. Hopefully, his words here are just his Internetz persona...)
And, as always, I will say you are entitled to your opinion, and we'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't support racists.
That being said, have you hitched your wagon to support those here who share personal information and stalk. Something you are totally against? Are those your "match made in heaven" relationships here? I always laugh when you claim you don't "perceive"...
I don't know who Gladys is, btw...
(BAC is a Raging racist. He should spend more time here. The real world will be a better place. Hopefully, his words here are just his Internetz persona...)
The person who released personal information was banned, so I have not hitched my wagon to people who release personal information.
And, as always, I will say you are entitled to your opinion, and we'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't support racists.
That being said, have you hitched your wagon to support those here who share personal information and stalk. Something you are totally against? Are those your "match made in heaven" relationships here? I always laugh when you claim you don't "perceive"...
I don't know who Gladys is, btw...
(BAC is a Raging racist. He should spend more time here. The real world will be a better place. Hopefully, his words here are just his Internetz persona...)
She calls me Gladys and I call her Doris. I do know her real name, she would love for me to use it just so that she could ban me. What is truly ironic though, back in the day, I actually begged her to come here after we were all cut adrift from the old Netscape boards.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
The person who released personal information was banned, so I have not hitched my wagon to people who release personal information.
If you observed the link, you observed the thread. So, that's that. The sock who was linked to the personal info was banned. The person(s) who released the personal info were not. They sure talk about it enough, though...lol
There's no need to argue about it. But, it is what it is...
If you observed the link, you observed the thread. So, that's that. The sock who was linked to the personal info was banned. The person(s) who released the personal info were not. They sure talk about it enough, though...lol
There's no need to argue about it. But, it is what it is...
BOWEL Woman has her own personal pet mod now.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
If you observed the link, you observed the thread. So, that's that. The sock who was linked to the personal info was banned. The person(s) who released the personal info were not. They sure talk about it enough, though...lol
There's no need to argue about it. But, it is what it is...
If you have proof of your accusations, please inform the moderators, thanks
Must be a weird world you lot all live in. Racism is unscientific bullshit retained to divide the mugs, so that the rich can get richer. Leave it to the mugs, altkampfer.
"racism" (call out) is way overused to divide the electorate to advance the Dem agenda
She calls me Gladys and I call her Doris. I do know her real name, she would love for me to use it just so that she could ban me. What is truly ironic though, back in the day, I actually begged her to come here after we were all cut adrift from the old Netscape boards.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
Oh OK...gotcha...thanks.
You saw the thread.

Yes, I saw the thread, it was posted by the individual who was banned, again, if you have proof that the individual is still posting here, please provide it to the moderators, if we find it convincing, we will ban those accounts as well, thanks
Originally Posted by Havana Moon

She calls me Gladys and I call her Doris. I do know her real name, she would love for me to use it just so that she could ban me. What is truly ironic though, back in the day, I actually begged her to come here after we were all cut adrift from the old Netscape boards.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

I posted at Full Politics and came to this board before you did. I think you are mistaken in this claim.

I saw your post quoted by Top and had to correct your error. I posted here and there as froggie.
Yes, I saw the thread, it was posted by the individual who was banned, again, if you have proof that the individual is still posting here, please provide it to the moderators, if we find it convincing, we will ban those accounts as well, thanks
If you saw the thread, and aren't convinced, nothing I could say or present would make a difference. ( information from that thread has been removed from several other accounts here. And the individuals in that thread providing the information are still posting here. You know that if you saw the thread. You pointed it out. Odd, it's private now. I wonder why?)
Yes, I saw the thread, it was posted by the individual who was banned, again, if you have proof that the individual is still posting here, please provide it to the moderators, if we find it convincing, we will ban those accounts as well, thanks

wait.....are you really the only person here who doesn't know it was Mason?......
everyone "mentions" race.
But race hustling is the mainstay of Democratic identity politics

Well, your President is voted for and supported by all the obvious racist organisations and groups, and whenever I read American right-wing posts they are ranting on about 'black' people, as if their cousins' complexions somehow made them foreign.
If you saw the thread, and aren't convinced, nothing I could say or present would make a difference. ( information from that thread has been removed from several other accounts here. And the individuals in that thread providing the information are still posting here. You know that if you saw the thread. You pointed it out. Odd, it's private now. I wonder why?)
Tell me exactly how the thread prove that the socks of the poster who was banned are posting on this forum, thanks.
The only thing on the thread at the time was your personal information, it didn’t have any other information on people’s indentity other than your own, it did not have people admitting that they have socks on this forum, so please tell me how the thread identifies the socks on this forum and how we are to use it as proof to ban users on this forum. If the proof existed at the time the moderators would have banned all those socks accounts. We do not take doxxing lightly here. We swiftly dealt with the account that posted your information, but we will not ban people just on your suspicions.
Well, your President is voted for and supported by all the obvious racist organisations and groups, and whenever I read American right-wing posts they are ranting on about 'black' people, as if their cousins' complexions somehow made them foreign.
"black people" is common parlance. Nothing racist about the term.
Yes there are some EXTREMISTS who choose to support Trump. The point is Dems use race as an (effective) electoral strategy. But then again they have no other real ideas