Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Tell me exactly how the thread prove that the socks of the poster who was banned are posting on this forum, thanks.
The only thing on the thread at the time was your personal information, it didn’t have any other information on people’s indentity other than your own, it did not have people admitting that they have socks on this forum, so please tell me how the thread identifies the socks on this forum and how we are to use it as proof to ban users on this forum. If the proof existed at the time the moderators would have banned all those socks accounts. We do not take doxxing lightly here. We swiftly dealt with the account that posted your information, but we will not ban people just on your suspicions.

Top is convinced MAGAt is Mason,of course she is wrong!:-) ~
There's no question that it was One of your socks here. Not a single question. None at all.
Your little signature touch was added...that kind of gave it away...)
There's no question that it was One of your socks here. Not a single question. None at all.
Your little signature touch was added...that kind of gave it away...)

Was not MAGAt,I keep telling you that,but your delusion is to strong for you to see reality:-) ~
And why still so defensive if there was no connection? Stop the fretting... Of course it was just a coincidence that that particular account, with that particular information, linked to a thread and forum belonging to...wait...a thread where that account had never posted...oh....wait...well
And the only two posting there, btw (97%:)...
She might have made it. You used it;) Six of one, half dozen of the other...
All of your socks are obvious. Though you did claim I've missed one, so maybe that one was not...lol Oh, well:)
First ban of the year! That's special;)
And why still so defensive if there was no connection? Stop the fretting... Of course it was just a coincidence that that particular account, with that particular information, linked to a thread and forum belonging to...wait...a thread where that account had never posted...oh....wait...well
And the only two posting there, btw (97%:)...
She might have made it. You used it;) Six of one, half dozen of the other...
All of your socks are obvious. Though you did claim I've missed one, so maybe that one was not...lol Oh, well:)
First ban of the year! That's special;)

Cue Theme to the Twilight Zone!
Going to the pool darling!:-) ~
Jeeze Top, dealing with Mason enough, you'd think you could tell the difference. Mason makes it pretty obvious on any sock he would use. That person called MAGAt was not Mason, so quit with all the petty hater crap, and trying to get everyone that irritates you banned. This isn't Amazon, and whining with sock armies won't help you here. You can tell covfefe's already getting irritated with your attempts. If you want to be a Christian, you really need to stop all the bearing false witness, and act's of envy for your sake. I've seen this drama enough to have bad dreams.
BAC has been my friend for over 10 years, I have never ever in all that time perceived anything he has said as racists. Never, so you can take your period and shove it where the sun don’t shine. You are a noob who has hitched your wagon to supporting the actual racists on this forum, you may not curse, but you are still vile by supporting those actual racists. Now, cry harder. Happy Gladys and you have found each other, it’s a match made in heaven.

He calls me a racist. Can you find the post that?
Jeeze Top, dealing with Mason enough, you'd think you could tell the difference. Mason makes it pretty obvious on any sock he would use. That person called MAGAt was not Mason, so quit with all the petty hater crap, and trying to get everyone that irritates you banned. This isn't Amazon, and whining with sock armies won't help you here. You can tell covfefe's already getting irritated with your attempts. If you want to be a Christian, you really need to stop all the bearing false witness, and act's of envy for your sake. I've seen this drama enough to have bad dreams.

You never stop talking about Top.

Obsessive freak.
Jeeze Top, dealing with Mason enough, you'd think you could tell the difference. Mason makes it pretty obvious on any sock he would use. That person called MAGAt was not Mason, so quit with all the petty hater crap, and trying to get everyone that irritates you banned. This isn't Amazon, and whining with sock armies won't help you here. You can tell covfefe's already getting irritated with your attempts. If you want to be a Christian, you really need to stop all the bearing false witness, and act's of envy for your sake. I've seen this drama enough to have bad dreams.

How do you find past posts by someone if they are banned?