Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

One more time. I asked why you needed another account to post with Nosam nov Nosam was LilyWAQ, etc.. Different account...I won't mention the other socks at the moment because they haven't been used for awhile...but, they are there...
They were posting there at the time you linked to the thread. It's their thread. It's their "forum":rolleyes:
They're the only ones posting there. They talk about it all the time here. She counts...lol
It's fine. I'll take care of it with someone else eventually. I do thank you for pointing it out, though...I would have missed it...

Of course Cofoofoo ignores this post.

Headin sand is her daily routine.
Of course Cofoofoo ignores this post.

Headin sand is her daily routine.
Well, she found the violation in the first place...but those two are her "friends", personal info sharers or not, apparently....
I've already been informed by those two that investigations have been done, and that she's getting "irritated" with me mentioning the situation. I find that Odd...but as I said, there are other mods. I'm patient:)
LOL...evince and BAC are some of the biggest racistswithoutanydoubt on these forums. It's not necessary to repost what's there every day... e is more vulgar, but not by much.
Both of them raging...
Always glad to see them here. Would love to see what they have to say in a workshop on racism...with real people....can't ignore them then:)

go get the post of mine you claim exsits

you wont

because it doesnt exsist

why are you such a racist if you hate racists ?
why are you such a racist if you hate racists ?

She doesn't hate racists; she puts "thanks" on their posts all the time. Did you see the particularly nasty one about eating fried chicken on "hug a Negro Day"? She not only "thanked" it, but agreed with it. WTF.


Like I said earlier, she's just enraged because you and BAC got her number right off and named her what she is.
Well, she found the violation in the first place...but those two are her "friends", personal info sharers or not, apparently....
I've already been informed by those two that investigations have been done, and that she's getting "irritated" with me mentioning the situation. I find that Odd...but as I said, there are other mods. I'm patient:)

Dumb fuck!I'm not MAGAt,move on,you got nothing,zero,nota.
If I was MAGAt,I would be gone!
Well, she found the violation in the first place...but those two are her "friends", personal info sharers or not, apparently....
I've already been informed by those two that investigations have been done, and that she's getting "irritated" with me mentioning the situation. I find that Odd...but as I said, there are other mods. I'm patient:)

Sorry the moderators don't have sympathy for your delusions,you're not a victim of Owl or me,or the moderator you insult.
You're a victim of your own mind,your delusions,your inability to except reality.
You added 2+2=5,And keep telling us 2+2=4 isn't true!
The innocent don't shriek at the top of their lungs....poor nosam;(
But, if you two have nothing to worry about just move on...
I'm patient, as I said...everything will get taken care of...
The innocent don't shriek at the top of their lungs....poor nosam;(
But, if you two have nothing to worry about just move on...
I'm patient, as I said...everything will get taken care of...

Vailed threats a Top classic.
Don't tell anyone to "move on"!
You're nobody,from no where!
Oh shit,I gave out your personal information! Lol
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

A much better question is why do brain dead asshats like you label anyone who disagrees with your moronic stupidity racists? No one is running from the label; they are pointing at morons like you and laughing their asses off.