Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

I expect that Toxic defines it exactly the same way the other RW buffoons here do. That is, any person of color who dares to stand up and point out racism whether institutional (i.e. cops targeting blacks) or individual (using the n-word) is being a racist him/herself. They think that affirmative action is "unfair" and discriminates against whites and is therefore racist. They think that people of color who point out racism (like BLM does) are "whining" and "want special treatment."

Most of all, a person who sizes up another and points out that they are being racist is him/herself a racist.

Those are all the talking points in a nut shell.
Well he has obviously had time to reflect and reconsider in the interim. Sadly the right-on posturing and virtue signalling of today bears little resemblance to the very real struggles of the Civil Rights movement back in the early sixties.

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He thinks about the word "racism" like I think about "fake news."
He thinks about the word "racism" like I think about "fake news."

I have Havana Moron on ignore, but saw your quote when you responded to yet another stupid post of his. Had to laugh at the irony of the phrase he used, "virtue signaling." Isn't that what his toxic friend has been doing here all week -- bragging about how she supposedly went to some racism workshop on Dr. King Day, shaming others for not going to MLK Day celebrations, going on and on about her "work" with ppl in "urban schools". Funny how he never notices that pile of fictional righteousness, eh? lol
I have Havana Moron on ignore, but saw your quote when you responded to yet another stupid post of his. Had to laugh at the irony of the phrase he used, "virtue signaling." Isn't that what his toxic friend has been doing here all week -- bragging about how she supposedly went to some racism workshop on Dr. King Day, shaming others for not going to MLK Day celebrations, going on and on about her "work" with ppl in "urban schools". Funny how he never notices that pile of fictional righteousness, eh? lol[/QUO
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I have Havana Moron on ignore, but saw your quote when you responded to yet another stupid post of his. Had to laugh at the irony of the phrase he used, "virtue signaling." Isn't that what his toxic friend has been doing here all week -- bragging about how she supposedly went to some racism workshop on Dr. King Day, shaming others for not going to MLK Day celebrations, going on and on about her "work" with ppl in "urban schools". Funny how he never notices that pile of fictional righteousness, eh? lol
How sweet, Bowel Woman has me on ignore.

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Indeed, fluffy bunnies and unicorns magically appear whenever she deigns to enter our drab world. She is the Mother Theresa of JPP.

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Something like this is what I envision...

Two sets of rules...
Just what I've said many times.
Code words...lol...
(I do chuckle at all the specially created fantasy code words here, though, slung around by our liberal friends. There's a long list, isn't there? I have to admit, you all win that battle, with the much longer list of catch words, by far...such hard-workers, you are:)
That being said, thug means thug, whether you say it, or I say it, or obama says it.
This guy says what I said just a few days ago.

"In April 2015, McWhorter appeared on NPR and claimed that the use of the word "thug" was becoming code for "the N-word" or "black people ruining things" when used by whites in reference to criminal activity.[SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP] He added that recent use by President Obama and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (for which she later apologized) could not be interpreted in the same way, given that the black community's use of "thug" may positively connote admiration for black self-direction and survival. McWhorter clarified his views in an article in the Washington Post.[SUP][11]"[/SUP]
/shrugs.....so now the tally of total idiots is two?......
I was quoting you!As a teacher,I'm sure you had a good reason for your actions.

She's also claimed at various times to be a coach of some sort of sport or the other. Swim, track, etc. It changes from week to week. Tread carefully there though; you know how vindictive she is and will go to any lengths to get you banned.
She's also claimed at various times to be a coach of some sort of sport or the other. Swim, track, etc. It changes from week to week. Tread carefully there though; you know how vindictive she is and will go to any lengths to get you banned.

As a self confessed teacher,I'm sure she can defend her actions.
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She's also claimed at various times to be a coach of some sort of sport or the other. Swim, track, etc. It changes from week to week. Tread carefully there though; you know how vindictive she is and will go to any lengths to get you banned.
You should be banned!!

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