Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Might as well give it up, Havana Moron. Unread.

Keep posting nosam.....though, I probably wouldn't use the 2teach sock to post "stuff" like that..you two...smh;)
Poor Top this has become your life:-( ~

Definitely so! She's probably had an orgasm by now thinking that as soon as the mods see her 197 PMs reporting you, you'll be banned. Weird. I recall her saying something on the old Amazon about not understanding what the big yuge deal was about Trump waltzing into the beauty pageant dressing rooms, because as a coach of some flavor or the other, they do the same thing all the time. I definitely remember *our* PE teacher walking around while we were dressing, although she was a woman of course, not a guy teacher. So I'm not sure how that can be a 12B violation. It's certainly not as creepy as that one sock she had on Amazon about 2TeachIs2TouchKids or something like that.
I expect that Toxic defines it exactly the same way the other RW buffoons here do. That is, any person of color who dares to stand up and point out racism whether institutional (i.e. cops targeting blacks) or individual (using the n-word) is being a racist him/herself. They think that affirmative action is "unfair" and discriminates against whites and is therefore racist. They think that people of color who point out racism (like BLM does) are "whining" and "want special treatment."

Most of all, a person who sizes up another and points out that they are being racist is him/herself a racist.

America is in the midst of cultural warfare, and this moment in our history is not just about racists. It's more importantly about the rising tide of Americans who stand against them.

This moment is about you and all the other people of conscience I have had the pleasure of posting with over the years. TOO numerous to name. Much respect for all.

This moment is about Americans who stand against racism, sexism, and the gluttony of ignorance that divides us. The moment includes all people who stand against racism, no doubt. But it specifically, and most importantly, speaks to the growing tide of white Americans who stand firmly against it .. a tide that is being increasingly led by white women.

.. gotta' run. Going to the women's rally today.
America is in the midst of cultural warfare, and this moment in our history is not just about racists. It's more importantly about the rising tide of Americans who stand against them.

This moment is about you and all the other people of conscience I have had the pleasure of posting with over the years. TOO numerous to name. Much respect for all.

This moment is about Americans who stand against racism, sexism, and the gluttony of ignorance that divides us. The moment includes all people who stand against racism, no doubt. But it specifically, and most importantly, speaks to the growing tide of white Americans who stand firmly against it .. a tide that is being increasingly led by white women.
.. gotta' run. Going to the women's rally today.

Beautifully written. Thank you, and enjoy the energy of Woman. Our march is tomorrow.
"Our march"? Let's be honest, this march is for libs only. ;)

to some equality feels like prejudice

do you know who thoes people are?

the ones benifiting from past prejudices

the reason equality feels like a BAD thing to you is you have to NOW be lowered to just being equal with the rest of us instead of gaining from entrenched inequality

heres your problem

your going to accept it no matter how you feel about it

you have lost power

yeah your cheating has you in power right now


the world now knows why you periodically gain power

you cheat

even accepting a foreign enemies help to harm our democracy.

you are toast

join us or fuck off

it doesnt much matter to the VAST MAJORITY of Americans who will no longer let you cheat us

bye felicia
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That is one remarkable ignore list.

With one fell swoop, you have virtually disposed of all racists, bigots, sexists, dunces, dotards, liars, libelers, slanderers, and gossiping mean girls.

*best Elvis voice* Thank you. Thank you very much.

The forum is much nicer w/o their spewage.