Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Definitely so! She's probably had an orgasm by now thinking that as soon as the mods see her 197 PMs reporting you, you'll be banned. Weird. I recall her saying something on the old Amazon about not understanding what the big yuge deal was about Trump waltzing into the beauty pageant dressing rooms, because as a coach of some flavor or the other, they do the same thing all the time. I definitely remember *our* PE teacher walking around while we were dressing, although she was a woman of course, not a guy teacher. So I'm not sure how that can be a 12B violation. It's certainly not as creepy as that one sock she had on Amazon about 2TeachIs2TouchKids or something like that.

You're clearly insinuating....
Everyone should just leave the topic of children and other poster out of any discussions. It’s a dangerous subject. It will get you banned. It’s stupid, you can insult in any other way, leave this topic alone.
Some of the racists here don't run and hide, they admit it. Others run and hide.

And still others try to convince everyone that they spent MLK Day going to "racism workshops" and shaming everyone here who didn't do something similar. Except for that one guy who called it "Negro needs a hug day" and said he ate fried chicken. That one she agreed with.
America is in the midst of cultural warfare, and this moment in our history is not just about racists. It's more importantly about the rising tide of Americans who stand against them.

This moment is about you and all the other people of conscience I have had the pleasure of posting with over the years. TOO numerous to name. Much respect for all.

This moment is about Americans who stand against racism, sexism, and the gluttony of ignorance that divides us. The moment includes all people who stand against racism, no doubt. But it specifically, and most importantly, speaks to the growing tide of white Americans who stand firmly against it .. a tide that is being increasingly led by white women.

.. gotta' run. Going to the women's rally today.

HUH? White women help put dump in office.

Black women put Jones in office. ...............just saying.
Post a pic of you in it and we'll take a vote. ;~)

HUH? White women help put dump in office.

Black women put Jones in office. ...............just saying.

White women helped put Obama in office.

Black women did indeed help put Jones in office, but they didn't do it by themselves, we can't do what needs to be done by ourselves. Can't be done without coalitions, no differently than civil rights. We led, but we could not have accomplished it by ourselves.

Do you believe that isn't true?
White women helped put Obama in office.

Black women did indeed help put Jones in office, but they didn't do it by themselves, we can't do what needs to be done by ourselves. Can't be done without coalitions, no differently than civil rights. We led, but we could not have accomplished it by ourselves.

Do you believe that isn't true?

Yes, we do have to depend on white people support the issues we do.

What I also believe is you can't possibly have voted for President Obama then turned around and voted for dump........I can't trust that type of person nor do I think the dems should pander to them.
Yes, we do have to depend on white people support the issues we do.

What I also believe is you can't possibly have voted for President Obama then turned around and voted for dump........I can't trust that type of person nor do I think the dems should pander to them.

We have common issues. More in common than not.

How do you pick out the Trump voters from everybody else? I don't trust Trump voters who are black, but that doesn't change my perspective of black voters, nor any other race of voters that had some vote for Trump.

From my perspective, this has less to do with 'depending' on white people than it does with the recognition that coalition is the future of this nation.

If Oprah ran ,, who do you think would be her largest voting bloc?

Coalition is stronger than the sword .. and its better for our children .. all of them.
HUH? White women help put dump in office.
Black women put Jones in office. ...............just saying.

Not all white women are the enemy, you know. Just saying too.

Twittler being POTUS has more to do with misguided moron voters than it has to do with anything else. I know of only a handful of white women who voted for that POS. They all did so because they thought he would somehow magically get rid of abortion by appointing some old white conservative male to the SCt, which of course he did. You know, because our sexuality and lady bits should be under the control of old white conservative males. They chose that as their moral compass and looked away at all the evidence that Trump is about as Christian and moral as a stump in that swamp he was going to drain.
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

Everything I've ever read of yours, illuminates your racist attitudes, and no one else's.
Not all white women are the enemy, you know. Just saying too.

Twittler being POTUS has more to do with misguided moron voters than it has to do with anything else. I know of only a handful of white women who voted for that POS. They all did so because they thought he would somehow magically get rid of abortion by appointing some old white conservative male to the SCt, which of course he did. You know, because our sexuality and lady bits should be under the control of old white conservative males. They chose that as their moral compass and looked away at all the evidence that Trump is about as Christian and moral as a stump in that swamp he was going to drain.

Old White men is why some women chose the lesbian lifestyle��