Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

TTQ does indeed raise good questions, and I think there is more than a bit of truth to the voting patterns of married vs unmarried white women. I can imagine that any married black woman who voted for Trump would be under that same pressure .. not only from her husband, but from her entire family, community, and friends. She would be walking around with the proverbial Scarlet Letter 'T' attached to her forehead.

Personally, I think Trump and the #MeToo movement has changed the perceptions and voting agenda of many women.


I sure hope you're right.
That is where I am.

There is too much empirical evidence of the damage caused by the right-wing agenda not to pursue the path of inclusion and intelligent governance.

I don't exactly look at it as "blaming" but calling out true voting blocks and where they stand. It's kinda like the title of this thread.....no one wants to be labeled the "bad" guy but you need truth and facts to move forward.
Michelle Obama.....my Shero........Standing Ovation!

I sell the most beautiful picture of Michelle Obama you've probably ever seen. It's a Getty print that I processed with lithography. It's stunning and always a big hit at the art shows.
I sell the most beautiful picture of Michelle Obama you've probably ever seen. It's a Getty print that I processed with lithography. It's stunning and always a big hit at the art shows.

I met her and President Obama...........still on a high.

How can I see the pic?
I don't exactly look at it as "blaming" but calling out true voting blocks and where they stand. It's kinda like the title of this thread.....no one wants to be labeled the "bad" guy but you need truth and facts to move forward.

I absolutely agree .. with the caveat that with all that is at stake, we need all the alliances we can gather. This isn't just about winning elections.
I met her and President Obama...........still on a high.

How can I see the pic?

I can ship it to you .. if you like it, you can pay me the family rate reduced price.

If not, ship it back on me.

I can almost guarantee you'll want to keep it.
Michelle Obama: 'Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice'

(CNN)In candid remarks Wednesday, former first lady Michelle Obama said women who voted for Republican nominee Donald Trump over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton went against their "authentic voice" in the 2016 presidential election.

"Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice," she said at the Inbound 2017 conference in Boston, according to video from inside the event.

"What does it mean for us as women that we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, that guy, he's better for me, his voice is more true to me," Obama said. "Well, to me that just says you don't like your voice. You like the thing you're told to like."

2018 Will See The Largest Ever Number Of Women Run For Congressional House Seats

The most outstanding first lady this great nation has ever had.
Intelligent, insightful, articulate, beautiful....and that lady can really dance!
Michelle Obama/Elizabeth Warren, 2020!

Who the fuck do you think gives a rats ass about what you think?

Learn how to use the quote function dummy.

Obviously your hate-filled rats ass did, or there’d have been no reply-

Also obvious- your racist ass knew I was talking about you- no quote function necessary.
Fresh on the heels of the Women's marches, this is could be a good conversation.

Why Hillary Clinton was right about white women – and their husbands

Conventional wisdom says women will show solidarity at the polls. But new research shows that for white women, having a husband trumped the sisterhood

illary Clinton hoped to wear white on election night, a tribute to the suffragettes and the sweep of political history. Instead, as she wrote in her new book, the white suit stayed in her garment bag as she donned the gray and purple garment she had intended for her first trip to Washington as president-elect.

Given the opportunity to make history by electing the first female president, women didn’t take it. And ironically, the women who bore the most resemblance to Clinton – white, heterosexual and married – were less likely to vote for her.

Many had expected Clinton to rally women, the same way Barack Obama rallied black voters in 2008 – and if she had, she would have handily trumped Donald Trump. But while Obama won 95% of the black vote, Clinton won just 54% of women – a percentage point less than her male predecessor atop the Democratic ticket. Among white women in particular, she fared even worse: a slim majority voted for Trump.

Last week, Clinton, who has had a lifetime to contemplate the women’s vote, copped to having a theory. “[Women] will be under tremendous pressure – and I’m talking principally about white women. They will be under tremendous pressure from fathers and husbands and boyfriends and male employers not to vote for ‘the girl’,” she said in an interview as part of a tour promoting her new memoir of the 2016 campaign.

People might scoff at the idea that women vote based on what husbands and fathers tell them to do. And tens of millions of dollars in political messaging has been spent based on the assumption that women will vote collectively on equal pay, abortion, and other salient issues regarding women’s autonomy.

But social science backs up Clinton’s anecdotal hunch. “We think she was right in her analysis about women getting pressure from men in their lives, specifically [straight] white women,” said Kelsy Kretschmer, an assistant professor at Oregon State University and a co-author of a recent study examining women’s voting patterns.

“We know white men are more conservative, so when you’re married to a white man you get a lot more pressure to vote consistent with that ideology.”

The key distinction, according to Kretschmer’s research, is that single women tend to cast votes with the fate of all women in mind, while women married to men vote on behalf of their husbands and families (the study was based on a poll of straight women conducted in 2012, before same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide, and draws no conclusions about marriages where neither partner is a man).

That could help explain why, despite the fact that the Democratic party is generally considered to have policies more favorable to women, Republicans have traditionally won the votes of married women.

“Just being married makes women more conservative in their vote choice,” said Kretschmer.

The bottom line is quite literally economic, rather than ideological.

“Women consistently earn less money and hold less power, which fosters women’s economic dependency on men,” Kretschmer and her co-authors write in their study. “Thus, it is within married women’s interests to support policies and politicians who protect their husbands and improve their status.”

In fact, since men are the primary breadwinners in the vast majority of American families, their wives may well see equality-focused measures as setting their husbands – and therefore their family – back.

.. more

Is that true?

the answer is fox news

propaganda is the answer

its why the right created fox news

without it the actual facts get out and they cant win on the facts

I know white women who have watched fox news for a couple of decades

they are terrible people who I cant stand now

Before fox news exsisted they were decent people

fox news must be destroyed

bring back the fairness act

or make something even better that forces a station to report truth
the answer is fox news

propaganda is the answer

its why the right created fox news

without it the actual facts get out and they cant win on the facts

I know white women who have watched fox news for a couple of decades

they are terrible people who I cant stand now

Before fox news exsisted they were decent people

fox news must be destroyed

bring back the fairness act

or make something even better that forces a station to report truth


So much for freedom huh?

Have you met Cawacko?
Obviously your hate-filled rats ass did, or there’d have been no reply-

Also obvious- your racist ass knew I was talking about you- no quote function necessary.


Here you are posting to me again without any ability to point out my non-existent racism that you claim. Nobody gives a fuck about ignorant shit like you.

Learn how to use the quote function dummy.
Trump is a racist .. no doubt about it.

Rand Paul is a racist .. no doubt about that either.

Yet, like most racists, they run from it, hide from their own truth.

Why is that? Where is their courage to stand up and claim what they believe when they are called on it.

Answer: Because they are cowards?


You pretty much know that you're talking to a racist when you hear ..

“Why must everything have to be about race?”

“I don’t see color.”

“You’re the racist!”

“I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”

“Make America great again.”

you need help.