Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

Thank you.

If I'm a 'raging racist' my racist comments should be real easy to find .. but none of the idiots who call me a racist can ever find a single one .. because they do not exist.

22,500 + posts and they can't find one single racist comment I've ever made .. but I'm a raging racist.

Cue the first post I made in this thread on how to know that you're talking to a racist.

Sometimes I wonder if people make up their own definition of "racist." There are way too many excuses along the lines of "I'm not a racist, but....."
She can't because they don't exist. She's just butthurt because BAC sized her up right off the bat and called it like it is.

I wonder how she defines it. I've never seen a post from BAC along the lines of "all white people suck." Not overt, not covert. But we see a lot of that from the other side accompanied by the usual excuses.
LOL...evince and BAC are some of the biggest racistswithoutanydoubt on these forums. It's not necessary to repost what's there every day... e is more vulgar, but not by much.
Both of them raging...
Always glad to see them here. Would love to see what they have to say in a workshop on racism...with real people....can't ignore them then:)

IOW you can't cite a single post to illustrate your comment that they are the biggest racists without any doubt.

You really do have blinders on, as seen by your thanks and responses to CFM, Kek, the ring creature and others.
I wonder how she defines it. I've never seen a post from BAC along the lines of "all white people suck." Not overt, not covert. But we see a lot of that from the other side accompanied by the usual excuses.
It’s usually their counter after he has exposed their bigotry.
IOW you can't cite a single post to illustrate your comment that they are the biggest racists without any doubt.

You really do have blinders on, as seen by your thanks and responses to CFM, Kek, the ring creature and others.
I have a feeling BAC has been involved in far more committees, forum, meetings, organizations and work shops dealing with racism then she ever will.
I have a feeling BAC has been involved in far more committees, forum, meetings, organizations and work shops dealing with racism then she ever will.
Interesting. Why would you think that?
If his language is anything in a committee, forum, meeting, organization or work shop like his posts are here, he wouldn't last 10 minutes...
Sometimes I wonder if people make up their own definition of "racist." There are way too many excuses along the lines of "I'm not a racist, but....."
He labels people who disagree with him as racist including me, Anatta and several others. It is a classic tactic straight out of the Alinsky playbook.

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Interesting. Why would you think that?
If his language is anything in a committee, forum, meeting, organization or work shop like his posts are here, he wouldn't last 10 minutes...

:rolleyes: People don't talk at formal events the way they do on informal message boards. I doubt you would tell your racist jokes at those types of events either.
:rolleyes: People don't talk at formal events the way they do on informal message boards. I doubt you would tell your racist jokes at those types of events either.
Why does anyone talk they way he does on an informal message board? Would he share his posts here at any kind of formal event? I doubt it. You obviously don't know much about joke telling...at all:)
She doesn't hate racists; she puts "thanks" on their posts all the time. Did you see the particularly nasty one about eating fried chicken on "hug a Negro Day"? She not only "thanked" it, but agreed with it. WTF.


Like I said earlier, she's just enraged because you and BAC got her number right off and named her what she is.

To be fair it's hard to miss.
Why does anyone talk they way he does on an informal message board? Would he share his posts here at any kind of formal event? I doubt it. You obviously don't know much about joke telling...at all:)

My joke-telling doesn't include crude racist characterizations, unlike yours.
My joke-telling doesn't include crude racist characterizations, unlike yours.[/QUOTE
Like the one that Fowl shared for the 15th time? You might be surprised where that came from, and who it was posted to. But, that wouldn't matter, would it?
I doubt that you and I have the same groups when it comes to family and friends and co-workers. Just an educated guess:)
There's really no need to rehash this over and over. You think I'm a racist. I think bac and evince are raging racists. Let's just leave it at that...
(We have a basketball game tonight. I hope they don't know what a racist I am...it would be very, very uncomfortable, considering:) Have a good Friday night...lol:)
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Back on Amazon, she budded up with a troll that took on the persona of a black preacher. That guy was a racist douchebag, but she never thought so.
My joke-telling doesn't include crude racist characterizations, unlike yours.

Like the one that Fowl shared for the 15th time? You might be surprised where that came from, and who it was posted to. But, that wouldn't matter, would it?
I doubt that you and I have the same groups when it comes to family and friends and co-workers. Just an educated guess:)
There's really no need to rehash this over and over. You think I'm a racist. I think bac and evince are raging racists. Let's just leave it at that...
(We have a basketball game tonight. I hope they don't know what a racist I am...it would be very, very uncomfortable, considering:) Have a good Friday night...lol:)

Here is an article that really nails it, and from a truly surprising source at that.

No one can fail to be amazed by the courage of the people who protested segregation and bigotry in the 1950s and 1960s. Those who endured physical injury justifiably stick in our minds the most.

Today's educated liberals lack the courage they admire in their forebears, at a time when it is needed more than ever. Namely, too many liberals in power lack the guts to sanction those dedicated to shouting down speakers from the right. Instead, they let pass a state of dialogue as choked as the one that Berkeley's Free Speech movement resisted.

Free speech doesn't come in zones

To hurl the N-word at someone is an attempt to shut down discussion. Today, the word "racist" serves the same function. Or, today's fashionable new version is the now grievously overused "white supremacist." Such that, for example, liberal man of letters and Columbia professor Mark Lilla is accused of making white supremacy "respectable"-- for suggesting that Democrats emphasize identity politics less with the goal of winning the White House from Donald Trump.

Of course, of late, a certain crowd is not only using single words, but completely silencing that which they don't want to hear and have decided no one else should either. The way actual white supremacist Richard Spencer was treated at the University of Florida Thursday was an example, now sadly typical, of how self-appointed social justice warriors refuse to allow unpopular speakers to even open their mouths during their events.


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Here is an article that really nails it, and from a truly surprising source at that.


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This guy says what I said just a few days ago.

"In April 2015, McWhorter appeared on NPR and claimed that the use of the word "thug" was becoming code for "the N-word" or "black people ruining things" when used by whites in reference to criminal activity.[SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP] He added that recent use by President Obama and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (for which she later apologized) could not be interpreted in the same way, given that the black community's use of "thug" may positively connote admiration for black self-direction and survival. McWhorter clarified his views in an article in the Washington Post.[SUP][11]"[/SUP]
I wonder how she defines it. I've never seen a post from BAC along the lines of "all white people suck." Not overt, not covert. But we see a lot of that from the other side accompanied by the usual excuses.

I expect that Toxic defines it exactly the same way the other RW buffoons here do. That is, any person of color who dares to stand up and point out racism whether institutional (i.e. cops targeting blacks) or individual (using the n-word) is being a racist him/herself. They think that affirmative action is "unfair" and discriminates against whites and is therefore racist. They think that people of color who point out racism (like BLM does) are "whining" and "want special treatment."

Most of all, a person who sizes up another and points out that they are being racist is him/herself a racist.
This guy says what I said just a few days ago.

"In April 2015, McWhorter appeared on NPR and claimed that the use of the word "thug" was becoming code for "the N-word" or "black people ruining things" when used by whites in reference to criminal activity.[SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP] He added that recent use by President Obama and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (for which she later apologized) could not be interpreted in the same way, given that the black community's use of "thug" may positively connote admiration for black self-direction and survival. McWhorter clarified his views in an article in the Washington Post.[SUP][11]"[/SUP]

Well he has obviously had time to reflect and reconsider in the interim. Sadly the right-on posturing and virtue signalling of today bears little resemblance to the very real struggles of the Civil Rights movement back in the early sixties.

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Why does anyone talk they way he does on an informal message board? Would he share his posts here at any kind of formal event? I doubt it. You obviously don't know much about joke telling...at all:)

Of course he wouldn't. He's not like you. Remember last week when you claimed that you show all the ppl at some fictitious "urban" school you claim to frequent the posts from here, your own posts, and that disgusting joke you told about the black guy at the "welfare office"? If you can't recall that I'm sure those posts could be found and re-posted.

The real question should be why do *you* talk the way you do here?
Back on Amazon, she budded up with a troll that took on the persona of a black preacher. That guy was a racist douchebag, but she never thought so.

Ah yes, "Father Ben" who in his previous incarnation was called "The General" and "Adolf Wolfenstein", the Nazi sympathizer and Holocaust denier who said everyone should own their own n-word. Toxic liked him because he constantly attacked all the lefty women posters there, like she did.
Of course he wouldn't. He's not like you. Remember last week when you claimed that you show all the ppl at some fictitious "urban" school you claim to frequent the posts from here, your own posts, and that disgusting joke you told about the black guy at the "welfare office"? If you can't recall that I'm sure those posts could be found and re-posted.

The real question should be why do *you* talk the way you do here?

Mason should sue the band Buckcherry for false advertising. :rofl2:
I'll make sure to give hazel a treat later, to say sorry for invoking that word.