Why do racists run like their ass is on fire from being called a racist?

I'm really not sure why those two don't understand that their vile remarks based on skin color or ethnicity in any form isn't blatant racism. All their screaming and finger pointing and name calling? When every argument is about condemning the bleeping white person and how much they are hated and they all should go eat.....or crawl away and die...black people good, but nothing but hate for all those white guys...
Racists...raging vulgar ones. Both of them.

How about you posting any of their racist comments, hotshot?
And, as always, I will say you are entitled to your opinion, and we'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't support racists.
That being said, have you hitched your wagon to support those here who share personal information and stalk. Something you are totally against? Are those your "match made in heaven" relationships here? I always laugh when you claim you don't "perceive"...
I don't know who Gladys is, btw...
(BAC is a Raging racist. He should spend more time here. The real world will be a better place. Hopefully, his words here are just his Internetz persona...)

Post your evidence that BAC is a raging racist. I've been here close to nine years and have never seen it.
If BlackAsCoal was white and conservative and called himself WhiteAsRice, all these liberals would be crawling over themselves declaring him a racist.
If you weren't the tAGAM sock, or the sock relatives here... and you haven't posted personal information on the thread that was linked to, it's not your thread or your forum, and you aren't the mods there, you don't have a thing to worry about, and should relax and quit whining about it.
On the other hand.....
(PS..I didn't report the sock or the link or the thread, so no need to mention or even suggest that:)
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Post your evidence that BAC is a raging racist. I've been here close to nine years and have never seen it.

Thank you.

If I'm a 'raging racist' my racist comments should be real easy to find .. but none of the idiots who call me a racist can ever find a single one .. because they do not exist.

22,500 + posts and they can't find one single racist comment I've ever made .. but I'm a raging racist.

Cue the first post I made in this thread on how to know that you're talking to a racist.
LOL...evince and BAC are some of the biggest racistswithoutanydoubt on these forums. It's not necessary to repost what's there every day... e is more vulgar, but not by much.
Both of them raging...
Always glad to see them here. Would love to see what they have to say in a workshop on racism...with real people....can't ignore them then:)
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If you weren't the tAGAM sock, or the sock relatives here... and you haven't posted personal information on the thread that was linked to, it's not your thread or your forum, and you aren't the mods there, you don't have a thing to worry about, and should relax and quit whining about it.
On the other hand.....
(PS..I didn't report the sock or the link or the thread, so no need to mention or even suggest that:)

We are the Moderators of the GR forum!
It's been investigated whether I was MAGAt,I'm not!
Somewhere along the line you have to realize GR forums are separate privately owned forums, not connected with JPP.
I don't know who MAGAt was or his connection to GR,anymore than you do!
Reality what a concept,give it a try!
She can't because they don't exist. She's just butthurt because BAC sized her up right off the bat and called it like it is.
BAC is a massive boorish blowhard who believes that 9/11 was caused by controlled detonations and the Sun shone out of Gaddafi's arse. Mind, you probably think the same!!

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LOL at nosam nov nosam....
Relax. It was your sock. But "investigating" is a good idea. That IT god can only hide so much:)