Why does MAGA hate MLK day?

Asswipe? Asswipe? What are you? 12 years old?
Sorry, Sonny boy. I prefer to converse with adults, not puerile and jejune adolescents.


^Go carry on a conversation with THAT. :shock:

Even the white-hating racists at wikipedia say this

An academic inquiry in October 1991 concluded that portions of his doctoral dissertation had been plagiarized and he had acted improperly. However, "[d]espite its finding, the committee said that 'no thought should be given to the revocation of Dr. King's doctoral degree,' an action that the panel said would serve no purpose."[89][84][90] The committee found that the dissertation still "makes an intelligent contribution to scholarship." A letter is now attached to the copy of King's dissertation held in the university library, noting that numerous passages were included without the appropriate quotations and citations of sources.[91] Significant debate exists on how to interpret King's plagiarism.[92]


But I'm puerile and jejune. What are you? 12 years old? :palm:

So how much did you donate to Trump's campaign, Gomer?

Trump’s campaign suckered donors out of tens of millions of dollars. The scam was not complicated. When people gave them money online, the donations came with pre-checked boxes authorizing the campaign to take donations every single week. They needed to uncheck the box to stop the automatic transfer. At first the auto-checked box simply said, “Make this a recurring monthly donation.” Then it added, “Make this a recurring weekly donation until 11/3,” with a second box below it, with even more text, authorizing an additional one-time $100 donation on September 29. Ultimately, the messages included two text-heavy boxes, filled with boldfaced, all-caps slogans, with a much less conspicuous line at the bottom informing whoever had made it through this mini op-ed that they were authorizing the campaign to drain their bank account.

So how much did you donate to Trump's campaign, Gomer?

Trump’s campaign suckered donors out of tens of millions of dollars. The scam was not complicated. When people gave them money online, the donations came with pre-checked boxes authorizing the campaign to take donations every single week. They needed to uncheck the box to stop the automatic transfer. At first the auto-checked box simply said, “Make this a recurring monthly donation.” Then it added, “Make this a recurring weekly donation until 11/3,” with a second box below it, with even more text, authorizing an additional one-time $100 donation on September 29. Ultimately, the messages included two text-heavy boxes, filled with boldfaced, all-caps slogans, with a much less conspicuous line at the bottom informing whoever had made it through this mini op-ed that they were authorizing the campaign to drain their bank account.

I have no doubt Trump milked most of his idiot fans on JPP for a few bucks...not that they can afford from considering most are writing from retirement homes.

We don't.

Next question?

But you do t want anyone to learn about the things MLK did for our country

All the challenges he faced while helping black Americans to be allowed to vote

You hate the laws about voting rights he got passed

You say the history of his life and struggle to save democracy is CRT and is EVIL TO TEACH OUR KIDS
Oh is that how racists see MLK day

The only day of work the year we can examine the history that CRT is based on
What is the "history" that CRT is based on....? And we'd also like you to post your 10 top favorite Things To Say/to call posters on JPP...
While some conservatives may hate MLK, and MLK Day, I do not believe the majority -- the great majority -- do.
On the contrary, they hold MLK up as an example of the way to struggle against racial injustice: not by riots, but by nonviolent direct action.

I'm an old Civil Rights activist, who was on the Left for a long time, and I have been heartened by the fact that most of my fellow conservatives
welcome Black people into the movement -- indeed, go out of their way to do so. I could give many examples of this.

Not only is this morally correct on their part, it's tactically smart: Black people make up 12-15% of America: the more of them we can win to our
side, the stronger we will be. Only a fool rejects allies in a struggle.

Of course there are hard-core, genuine white supremacists, who are the symmetrical opposite of the Critical Race Theory ideologues. Both seek to pry
open the racial fracture lines in the US. And these lines are real.

For our part, we must resist them. People of all colors and creeds are welcome among patriotic Americans.
But you do t want anyone to learn about the things MLK did for our country

All the challenges he faced while helping black Americans to be allowed to vote

You hate the laws about voting rights he got passed

You say the history of his life and struggle to save democracy is CRT and is EVIL TO TEACH OUR KIDS

When did I say ANY of that? Idiot.
I marched with Dr. King as an eighteen year old college freshman in 1965. Truth.
I never give him a second thought in 2022. Truth.

We don't need holidays commemorating people...any people.

The holidays should be January rest day, February rest day, etc.
This is one of my most firm beliefs.
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