Why does MAGA hate MLK day?

American history

The part you hate because it records the black experience in our history

You want all those black people to just shut up about their struggle for rights against you racist assholes

So you ban books from schools about black history

Ask her to teach you what CRT means. $20 to a charity of your choice if you can get answers that are like a teacher who knows what the fuck she is talking about.

Seriously. I'm game. TOP refuses to answer me. I don't know why. She never said.
They know that

They want to ban any black history
Agreed the leaders know it. It's the fucking nutjobs and dumbasses who voted for them that are convinced masks don't work and Jesus only takes sinners with the COVID.

Better education is the solution, but We, the People are obviously 30-40 years too late for our nations poorly educated.

Ostensibly, the RW reason to to prevent poor little white kids with being saddled with 500 years of Euro domination of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. Obviously an agreeable idea since only fucking morons would want to saddle any kid with the sins of their fathers.

Just like the RW leaders know and their followers don't, the LW has a similar problem; their leaders know the truth but their dumbass followers don't have any more of a clue than their RW counterparts. The result is the harassment of kids over racist issues, Cancel Culture (which even the Left is trying to pull back) and other very racially divisive issues in a tit-for-tat exchange.

Kaiulani Moses, Brooklyn’s mother, said it was disheartening to see the Johnston County school board focused on a different issue this fall: ensuring that critical race theory, an academic concept that examines how racism is perpetuated through policies and institutions, is not taught in schools. She believes that sent the wrong message to students who bullied their classmates and the teachers and administrators tasked with ensuring safety.
American history

The part you hate because it records the black experience in our history

You want all those black people to just shut up about their struggle for rights against you racist assholes

So you ban books from schools about black history
I knew you wouldn't answer the question....but I thought I would give it a try...
Agreed the leaders know it. It's the fucking nutjobs and dumbasses who voted for them that are convinced masks don't work and Jesus only takes sinners with the COVID.

Better education is the solution, but We, the People are obviously 30-40 years too late for our nations poorly educated.

Ostensibly, the RW reason to to prevent poor little white kids with being saddled with 500 years of Euro domination of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. Obviously an agreeable idea since only fucking morons would want to saddle any kid with the sins of their fathers.

Just like the RW leaders know and their followers don't, the LW has a similar problem; their leaders know the truth but their dumbass followers don't have any more of a clue than their RW counterparts. The result is the harassment of kids over racist issues, Cancel Culture (which even the Left is trying to pull back) and other very racially divisive issues in a tit-for-tat exchange.


All the panic and bullshit about CRT goes back directly, IMO, to the changing demographics in this country. A certain segment of our society is terrified that whites will one day soon be the minority in the United States. If we teach kids now about systemic injustice, racism, etc. it means that white kids of the future will be treated badly by angry POC bent on vengeance -- or so their bizarre logic goes.

Seems to me that the opposite is true. Teach kids that all people are worthy of respect, that sometimes we failed as a nation, but we intend to make changes. The kids will learn to treat each other with respect, hopefully, and see each other as equals.
I knew you wouldn't answer the question....but I thought I would give it a try...

It's interesting how you constantly ask other ppl questions that you insist must be answered, yet you yourself refuse to answer any yourself. So tell us, is it true that you went around and queried all your black neighbors if they felt "oppressed"? You stated a while back that "None of my black neighbors feel oppressed." How did you know this?

This is the part where you post a nonsensical post screaming about "TDS" and how "this thread is mine." :awesome:
All the panic and bullshit about CRT goes back directly, IMO, to the changing demographics in this country. A certain segment of our society is terrified that whites will one day soon be the minority in the United States. If we teach kids now about systemic injustice, racism, etc. it means that white kids of the future will be treated badly by angry POC bent on vengeance -- or so their bizarre logic goes.

Seems to me that the opposite is true. Teach kids that all people are worthy of respect, that sometimes we failed as a nation, but we intend to make changes. The kids will learn to treat each other with respect, hopefully, and see each other as equals.

Yes, 2050 IIRC. Why do they fear it?

Agreed about teaching kids that all people are worthy of respect. The military desegrated before I was born and I grew up in desegregated schools and family housing. If the military could do it for over 60 years, WTF is the problem with American society in general?

The big divide seems to be between the Republicans who have gone White Supremacist and the Democrats who are bending so far over backwards on racism that they are racially dividing out nation through institutionalized racism by legislation.
I don't need to attend a board meeting. I'm retired from the "front line".... but the ID is forever...;)
Remembering Dr King is easy. It's a gesture, and one we should make.

Agreed. Too bad there's no teachers on this thread. Everyone just cuts 'n' pastes something they found on Facebook....and very few have posted a definition of CRT.

Some dumbasses think it's being taught in K-12.
Agreed. Too bad there's no teachers on this thread. Everyone just cuts 'n' pastes something they found on Facebook....and very few have posted a definition of CRT.

Some dumbasses think it's being taught in K-12.

Including the stolen-blackboard fraud who hasn't set foot inside a school building for 13 years now. :laugh:
Offspring #1 was going to teach but gave up on the idea after his practicum.

They moved him up to high schools kids, but then didn't let him kill any of the smartass kids in his class, something he was strongly inclined to do.
He found that restriction to be unacceptable and changed fields.
He was actually OK with the young ones, the latter having been certain to drive me insane.
But his glare alone at the older ones was sufficient to cause repercussions.
Including the stolen-blackboard fraud who hasn't set foot inside a school building for 13 years now. :laugh:

On another thread, JPP's latest genius, McRickets it was impossible to prove his "125 IQ" on a forum. People can claim whatever they like but if they can't demonstrate a modicum of knowledge in their chosen profession or professed abilities then there's something wrong there.