Why does MAGA hate MLK day?

On another thread, JPP's latest genius, McRickets it was impossible to prove his "125 IQ" on a forum. People can claim whatever they like but if they can't demonstrate a modicum of knowledge in their chosen profession or professed abilities then there's something wrong there.

Spamming. Flaming. No argument presented.

Thanks. Good article. In many ways there's nothing new there. Grade school kids in the 60s grew up reading "Black like Me", the Civil Rights movement and the clear bias shown by the higher percentage of African-Americans filling boots on the ground in Vietnam.

The problem IMO is clearly laid out in your link as quoted below. I agree the focus should be on outcomes: specifically the most educated, harmonious society on the planet. Getting there is the problem. In the comment of the Justices, I agree with Roberts more than Ginsberg because We, the People have been focusing on institutionalizing race to much instead of improving access to opportunities for all Americans.

Roberts seems to be saying develop a system that isn't racially biased. Ginsberg seems to be pushing quotas.

CRT puts an emphasis on outcomes, not merely on individuals’ own beliefs, and it calls on these outcomes to be examined and rectified. Among lawyers, teachers, policymakers, and the general public, there are many disagreements about how precisely to do those things, and to what extent race should be explicitly appealed to or referred to in the process.

Here’s a helpful illustration to keep in mind in understanding this complex idea. In a 2007 U.S. Supreme Court school-assignment case on whether race could be a factor in maintaining diversity in K-12 schools, Chief Justice John Roberts’ opinion famously concluded: “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” But during oral arguments, then-justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said: “It’s very hard for me to see how you can have a racial objective but a nonracial means to get there.”