Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Some of the Native American tribes viewed such an individual as a bridge between the lives of men and the lives of wemen.
There was no stigma in any such relationship.

I didn't know that. Thank you for the info. I am always happy to learn.
I need learned cites on both the underlined. Something historical, something not written as opinion by religious people trying to prop up their own beliefs. A historical text would be nice. Focusing primarily on the claims that the bible is the THE RECOGNIZED source of morality for the founders in their framing of the constitution, and that is was a SOLE SOURCE.

As you no doubt thoroughly read this source you'll find numerous Biblical citations to justify Locke's theories:

The Second Treatise of Civil Government


Here's a typical example:

IT may perhaps be censured as an impertinent criticism, in a discourse of this nature, to find fault with words and names, that have obtained in the world: and yet possibly it may not be amiss to offer new ones, when the old are apt to lead men into mistakes, as this of paternal power probably has done, which seems so to place the power of parents over their children wholly in the father, as if the mother had no share in it; whereas, if we consult reason or revelation, we shall find, she hath an equal title. This may give one reason to ask, whether this might not be more properly called parental power? for whatever obligation nature and the right of generation lays on children, it must certainly bind them equal to both the concurrent causes of it. And accordingly we see the positive law of God every where joins them together, without distinction, when it commands the obedience of children, Honour thy father and thy mother, Exod. xx. 12. Whosoever curseth his father or his mother, Lev. xx. 9. Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father, Lev. xix. 3. Children, obey your parents, &c. Eph. vi. 1. is the stile of the Old and New Testament.

Of Paternal Power.
Sec. 52.
No, on traditions and what has been shown to benefit society.

Denying homosexuals the right to marry does not benefit society. It harms society by not allowing them to create stability in their relationships/households.

Tradition for traditions sake is stupid. It only protects traditions that can not be justified. Our founders rejected tradition, even in marriages. Prior to the enlightenment arranged marriages were the tradition. Those ideas were rejected in favor of romantic love as the basis of marriage.
Denying homosexuals the right to marry does not benefit society. It harms society by not allowing them to create stability in their relationships/households.

Tradition for traditions sake is stupid. It only protects traditions that can not be justified. Our founders rejected tradition, even in marriages. Prior to the enlightenment arranged marriages were the tradition. Those ideas were rejected in favor of romantic love as the basis of marriage.

Queers never had a right to marry, ever, and society has done just fine. Change for change sake is stupid. Traditions are based on centuries of trial and error, rejecting the crap and keeping the good.
We're talking specifically about morality.

You must follow the "rules" in basketball, its a basic code of "morality". Sure there are more rules in the bible about life than there are in basketball about basketball, but in reality there is no definitive difference. If somebody comes in and plays outside the rules they are expected to get called for it and suffer consequences, etc. They might even get kicked from the game, often do, for fouling too much.

Now, all that being said, was basketball founded on the "principles of Christianity" because its founder was a Christian?

One does not mean the other.
Queers never had a right to marry, ever, and society has done just fine.

Society has done just fine, for you, maybe. It's not just fine for homosexuals. Society was doing "just fine" with slavery, monarchy and most other traditions, at least for those who benefited or were unaffected by those traditions.

Change for change sake is stupid. Traditions are based on centuries of trial and error, rejecting the crap and keeping the good.

I fully agree. This is one of the crap ones and should be rejected.

You must follow the "rules" in basketball, its a basic code of "morality". Sure there are more rules in the bible about life than there are in basketball about basketball, but in reality there is no definitive difference. If somebody comes in and plays outside the rules they are expected to get called for it and suffer consequences, etc. They might even get kicked from the game, often do, for fouling too much.

Now, all that being said, was basketball founded on the "principles of Christianity" because its founder was a Christian?

One does not mean the other.

Yet if basketball was played in Roman times it would be a very different game, probably involving lions and stuff.
Society has done just fine, for you, maybe. It's not just fine for homosexuals. Society was doing "just fine" with slavery, monarchy and most other traditions, at least for those who benefited or were unaffected by those traditions.

I fully agree. This is one of the crap ones and should be rejected.

It hasn't been fine for many folks who make bad lifestyle choices, and that usually benefits society as a whole.

Perhaps you can show an example of a society where queer marriage has been done and benefited society, then maybe the change should be considered. If not, I say then it should be rejected.
Traditions backed by the force of law can only protect the crap traditions. Traditions should be accepted or rejected by the people acting without the restraint of laws, except to keep them from engaging in force, theft or fraud in the practice of a tradition or new fad.
Traditions backed by the force of law can only protect the crap traditions. Traditions should be accepted or rejected by the people acting without the restraint of laws, except to keep them from engaging in force, theft or fraud in the practice of a tradition or new fad.
Like the tradition of free speech?
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This is just more circular nonsense. Your definition of a "bad lifestyle choice" is based on your religious biases.

Not at all. Its based on common sense of what's normal moral healthy and natural, as well as what is a genetic dead end. Your argument doesn't work for queers, and it doesn't work for drug abusers either.
Like the tradition of free speech?


Let me guess, you are equating the "tradition" of free speech, being PROTECTED by law (i.e., others may not use force to stop one from speaking), to the tradition of hetero marriage only being ENFORCED by law (i.e., others may use force to stop one from marrying).

See... except to keep them from engaging in force, theft or fraud in the practice of a tradition or new fad.

You apparently are unable to differentiate between acts of aggression and those acts intended to protect against aggression.
Not at all. Its based on common sense of what's normal moral healthy and natural, as well as what is a genetic dead end. Your argument doesn't work for queers, and it doesn't work for drug abusers either.

Like I said, circular. We've been over all of this tired nonsense before.

You have acknowledged that normal is neither good nor bad. Therefore, it is not relevant to whether something should be prohibited or allowed.

How is it unhealthy? Should all unhealthy acts be prohibited or is this as irrelevant as normalcy?

How is it unnatural? Let me guess because it is not normal. lol... There is nothing in a consensual homosexual act that violates our nature. We are rational animals capable of a wide range of choices. We are not beasts of instinct alone.

It has been pointed out numerous times that being gay does not mean you cannot procreate. But not naturally, right? LOL... Further, even if it was a genetic dead end, so what? Society may well be better off if some people do not procreate. A genetic dead end is neither good nor bad, therefore, it is, again, not relevant. Regardless, whether it is or not a genetic dead end and whether that is good or bad, is certainly no business of the state's.

What you consider moral is based on your religion and this is all there is to your weak argument.
Like I said, circular. We've been over all of this tired nonsense before.

You have acknowledged that normal is neither good nor bad. Therefore, it is not relevant to whether something should be prohibited or allowed.

How is it unhealthy? Should all unhealthy acts be prohibited or is this as irrelevant as normalcy?

How is it unnatural? Let me guess because it is not normal. lol... There is nothing in a consensual homosexual act that violates our nature. We are rational animals capable of a wide range of choices. We are not beasts of instinct alone.

It has been pointed out numerous times that being gay does not mean you cannot procreate. But not naturally, right? LOL... Further, even if it was a genetic dead end, so what? Society may well be better off if some people do not procreate. A genetic dead end is neither good nor bad, therefore, it is, again, not relevant. Regardless, whether it is or not a genetic dead end and whether that is good or bad, is certainly no business of the state's.

What you consider moral is based on your religion and this is all there is to your weak argument.
Your argument doesn't work for drug abusers either. :)