Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

No. Are you afraid to make your argument? I would like to know what you believe is so unhealthy about homosexual sex that the state needs to discourage it.

I am not sure how denying them the right to marry makes it more healthy, but that's another point.

The unhealthy aspects of sodomy are well documented, and queer sex is sodomy. The unhealthy aspects of multiple partners are well documented, and in a committed relationship or not, queers are much more apt to sleep around.
The unhealthy aspects of sodomy are well documented, and queer sex is sodomy.

We've been here before too. Do you mean anal sex? I do not believe that is very common among lesbians. Both heterosexuals and homosexuals engage in anal sex and it is not inherently necessary to either.

Where is the documentation that anal sex is so unhealthy that the state should prohibit it? Is it more unhealthy than smoking? Drinking alcohol? A bad diet? Driving? Owning a gun? Riding in an airplane? I have not seen nor heard any documented proof of this great danger.

If it is such a danger then the aim should not be homosexuals, certainly not lesbians, but anal sex itself.

The unhealthy aspects of multiple partners are well documented, and in a committed relationship or not, queers are much more apt to sleep around.

Complete bullshit. We know for a fact that you cannot back this up because homosexuals are not permitted to enter into the same sorts of commitments.
We've been here before too. Do you mean anal sex? I do not believe that is very common among lesbians. Both heterosexuals and homosexuals engage in anal sex and it is not inherently necessary to either.

Where is the documentation that anal sex is so unhealthy that the state should prohibit it? Is it more unhealthy than smoking? Drinking alcohol? A bad diet? Driving? Owning a gun? Riding in an airplane? I have not seen nor heard any documented proof of this great danger.

If it is such a danger then the aim should not be homosexuals, certainly not lesbians, but anal sex itself.

Complete bullshit. We know for a fact that you cannot back this up because homosexuals are not permitted to enter into the same sorts of commitments.

Your argument supports lesbian relationships only. You must hate male queers.

Studies of queers v normals in identical type relationships proves this. Also data where queer marriage is permitted.
Your argument could also be used to ban queerness altogether.

Again, you make statements without offering any argument in support. Explain yourself. Monogamy has shit to do with homosexual or heterosexual sex. It simply means having one sexual partner which is usually a part of marriage.
Because diseases could be spread from them to the normal folks, like AIDS.
This is just sad. They can only "spread" such things with others willing to participate. It is not the government's job to protect you from your own choices. You have that responsibility, not the government.

You have yet to tell me why I should care that other people willingly participate. Instead you give me something that no law used to protect any tradition would stop. In fact I surmise that marriages among these people would lessen this "awesome" danger to the "normals".
Again, you make statements without offering any argument in support. Explain yourself. Monogamy has shit to do with homosexual or heterosexual sex. It simply means having one sexual partner which is usually a part of marriage.
I've made my argument and you have been unable to refute it. I have no reason to make a second one.
Your argument supports lesbian relationships only. You must hate male queers.

Nope, that is you. Your argument does not apply to lesbians. Like most males the idea of lesbian sex is certainly appealing than the idea of two dudes, but I am not using that as a basis for my position.

A homosexual male couple can engage in other acts. Anal sex is not necessary to a homosexual relationship. Heterosexual couples engage in anal sex. Anal sex is not necessarily excluded from a heterosexual relationship.

And you still have not shown us how anal sex is so much more unhealthy than vaginal sex.

Studies of queers v normals in identical type relationships proves this. Also data where queer marriage is permitted.


Even IF you are correct, just because the group is more prone to an act does not justify punishment against the individual. This violates the fundamental tradition of this nation. That is, individualism or the idea that people should judged based upon their acts and not based solely on their membership in a group (e.g., race creed, color, gender, etc.).
I've made my argument and you have been unable to refute it. I have no reason to make a second one.

You have not on this point. You state something as if it is self-evident when it is far from it. I don't know what your point was.

I have refuted every argument you have made.
Queers never had a right to marry, ever, and society has done just fine. Change for change sake is stupid. Traditions are based on centuries of trial and error, rejecting the crap and keeping the good.

But t change is ot just for change sake. It is to give one segment of the population what the rest of the population has enjoyed all along.

There is no reason to deny it, and all the benefits society gets from straights marriages will also be benefits of gay marriage, with the exception of having children. And that can be overcome with technology.
Not at all. Its based on common sense of what's normal moral healthy and natural, as well as what is a genetic dead end. Your argument doesn't work for queers, and it doesn't work for drug abusers either.

And again, we do not require that straight couples have marriages that are normal, moral, or healthy, but you somehow want to demand this of gays?

Natural is a nonsense reason. Homosexuality does occur in nature, as you are well aware.
I only desire to pass a law due to the abuse of traditions and normalcy by a small minority. If not for that the effort wouldn't be required.

Except that you enjoy benefits from the state because of your marriage. And you want to deny others those same benefits and marriage, when allowing it would have absolutely no effect on you or your marriage.