Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Actually, the tradition of one-man one-woman marriage protected by law. :)
Why should the force of law be brought to bear in order to protect your tradition? The idea is revolting to me. There is a reason it is called a Tradition and not a Law. It should remain so.
Your argument doesn't work for drug abusers either. :)


I am supposed to guess your every point? I don't believe that drugs should prohibited, but at least there it is clear that using drugs is often less healthy than not.

How is homosexual sex less healthy than heterosexual sex?
No one is arguing that the state or anyone else should stop a man and a woman from being married. You are arguing that the state should prohibit homosexual marriages.
Actually, I advocate an Amendment that would correctly define the term. Let the queers use another term. I suggest "Queeriages". :)

I am supposed to guess your every point? I don't believe that drugs should prohibited, but at least there it is clear that using drugs is often less healthy than not.

How is homosexual sex less healthy than heterosexual sex?

Dude. You're kidding me, right?
Why should the force of law be brought to bear in order to protect your tradition? The idea is revolting to me. There is a reason it is called a Tradition and not a Law. It should remain so.

I've tried to explain this to him before:
that at one time tradition and law said that blacks and whites couldn't marry and it was accepted; because it was tradition and law.

The mind is set and there will be no changing it.
Time will pass, this era will be looked back on, people will shake their heads, and wonder how society could have been so narrow minded; yet again.
Actually, I advocate an Amendment that would correctly define the term. Let the queers use another term. I suggest "Queeriages". :)

So now you want to pass laws regulating what words we use and violate the tradition of free speech? What purpose would that serve except to create second class marriages. It would just be a "separate but equal" Jim Crow law.
I've tried to explain this to him before:
that at one time tradition and law said that blacks and whites couldn't marry and it was accepted; because it was tradition and law.

The mind is set and there will be no changing it.
Time will pass, this era will be looked back on, people will shake their heads, and wonder how society could have been so narrow minded; yet again.

The interracial argument holds no water, since races have been mingling for thousands of years, with great benefits to the succeeding generations, hence society, long before the practice of segregation was established by Democrats in the US.
Like the tradition of free speech?
That's not a tradition. You are confusing rights and traditions and making me laugh. It's a tradition to put a real tree up in your house at Christmas in a certain corner and all sit around opening gifts. It isn't a "right" except as a form of expression.

Your right to free speech was made to protect you FROM the government not BY the government. The government shouldn't be used to promote your traditions over any others. What if they don't want to use a real tree, we should just force them to only use real trees not aluminum ones because "societies" traditions are so important?
So now you want to pass laws regulating what words we use and violate the tradition of free speech? What purpose would that serve except to create second class marriages. It would just be a "separate but equal" Jim Crow law.
I only desire to pass a law due to the abuse of traditions and normalcy by a small minority. If not for that the effort wouldn't be required.
Dude. You're kidding me, right?

No. Are you afraid to make your argument? I would like to know what you believe is so unhealthy about homosexual sex that the state needs to discourage it.

I am not sure how denying them the right to marry makes it more healthy, but that's another point.
That's not a tradition. You are confusing rights and traditions and making me laugh. It's a tradition to put a tree up in your house at Christmas in a certain corner and all sit around opening gifts. It isn't a "right" except as a form of expression.

Your right to free speech was made to protect you FROM the government not BY the government.
Good point. But rights were given by God to men, and men create government to protect those rights. Do you agree?