Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Actually, I bring up their lifestyle choice, which is markedly different than a normal lifestyle.

Aside from your continued claim that it is a choice, their "lifestyle" should not effect their ability to raise children.

My wife and I have an adventurous, and vigorous sex life. But my children were never exposed to it or effected by it.
Do you sodimize your wife?

Still fixated on my sex life? That has no bearing on the topic.

Children should not be exposed to their parent's sex lives at all. Whether it is wild sodomy or missionary position for the specific purpose of creating a baby. None of it should be around the children.
You just brought up that topic. :palm:

I mentioned that our sex life was more than just bland missionary style sex, and that our children were never exposed to it in any way.

Only a pervert would then ask for details.
Do you sodimize your wife?

LOL. Do you really expect to be taken seriously? It is idiotic to claim that someone should be judged based on their bedroom behavior while at the same time saying those that disagree are obsessed with the bedroom behavior of those judged. That is so illogical that it borders insanity. Then you repeatedly ask about the sex lives of others.

Your claim that is about their "lifestyle" and not their sex acts is absurd as well. Homosexuals have sex with people of the same sex. That's what the word means and how it is defined. There is nothing else about their "lifestyle" that makes them homosexuals. Neither promiscuity nor monogamy make one a homosexual. They could be either and still be homosexuals. The same is true of heterosexuals.

As has been shown not even anal sex defines them as homosexual. They can practice anal sex or not and still be homosexual. And the same is true of heterosexuals.
I mentioned that our sex life was more than just bland missionary style sex, and that our children were never exposed to it in any way.

Only a pervert would then ask for details.

Its not a mere detail, as it points squarely at morality. A simple yes or no would suffice.
Actually, I bring up their lifestyle choice, which is markedly different than a normal lifestyle.
While hetero, children are having sex and creating progeny without the benefit of a "normal" lifestyle, which you seem to define by a marriage specifically between a man and a woman, (of course, this is becoming the norm and the oddity are the family that actually stays together nowadays.)

If they are heterosexual but otherwise unattached should they be allowed to procreate willy-nilly or should we make laws based on your dogma? Maybe subject them to testing and licensing?

Where do you draw the line? Should parents be allowed to divorce without cause? What cause would be good enough to take from the child that "normal" lifestyle you say they should have?

When it becomes "normal" to have children raised by different and random men who come into the life of the mother rather than what you call "normal" now, do you say we should outlaw heterosexual marriage immediately because it isn't "normal" any longer?
Its not a mere detail, as it points squarely at morality. A simple yes or no would suffice.

Bullshit. What I do with my wife in the privacy of our own bedroom is of no concern to you. As I said, only a pervert would be asking about it.

A simple "its none of your business" is much more appropriate than either a yes or a no.

The fact that you want to ask about other people's sex lives, and then judge them on the acts they perform is perverted and sick.

There is no law (nor is there a place for any such law in our country) that condemns sodomy between consenting adults. It does not point to any issue of morality.
When you can't refute the study, attack the investigator. :)
He DIDN'T attack the investigator. He said there was nothing to back the study and that the organization he is a member of holds positions NOT supported by science. Some of the same arguments made on this board about the pseudoscience behind global warming. Seems your guy is on par with the warmers, and your positions on homosexuality is about as supported as the warmers science. You and Watertard should wander off somewhere and complain about how everyone refuses to believe you.
I don't think most folks do it. Do you have data suggesting otherwise? The fact that you're ashamed to tell me if you do it yourself tells me that its only something really perverted people do.
According to the CDC publication Sexual Behavior and Selected Health Measures: Men and Women 15–44 Years of Age, United States, 2002, Among adult males 25–44 years of age, 97 percent have had sexual contact with an opposite-sex partner in their lives; 97 percent have had vaginal intercourse, 90 percent have had oral sex with a female, and 40 percent have had anal sex with a female. Among women, the proportions who have had sexual contact with an opposite-sex partner were similar, as shown in figure 4.

Using your logic about what is the norm, you a the deviant when it comes to oral sex. While not performed by a majority of those surveyed, it appears there is a large minority of heterosexuals that engage in anal sex. Not something ONLY perverted people do.

The data used for this report are from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). The survey was based on in-person interviews conducted between March 2002 and March 2003 in the homes of 12,571 people (4,928 men and 7,643 women) 15–44 years of age in the household population of the United States. The response rate for the survey was 79 percent.

According to the CDC publication Sexual Behavior and Selected Health Measures: Men and Women 15–44 Years of Age, United States, 2002, Among adult males 25–44 years of age, 97 percent have had sexual contact with an opposite-sex partner in their lives; 97 percent have had vaginal intercourse, 90 percent have had oral sex with a female, and 40 percent have had anal sex with a female. Among women, the proportions who have had sexual contact with an opposite-sex partner were similar, as shown in figure 4.

Using your logic about what is the norm, you a the deviant when it comes to oral sex. While not performed by a majority of those surveyed, it appears there is a large minority of heterosexuals that engage in anal sex. Not something ONLY perverted people do.

The data used for this report are from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). The survey was based on in-person interviews conducted between March 2002 and March 2003 in the homes of 12,571 people (4,928 men and 7,643 women) 15–44 years of age in the household population of the United States. The response rate for the survey was 79 percent.


Good post, Soc. Clear data on what we all already knew. Excellent!
You're the one who keeps bringing up the bedroom issue so you're obviously fixated. Fess up.

The statistics support my claims and that's what I rely on. Nice Catholic bashing though.

What stats?!?

hows about you provide some of those nebulous, "always talked about but never provided as evidence", STATS?

Still waiting on those "stats" you said you'd provide...ya think maybe you'll get around to it today?
You're the one who keeps bringing up the bedroom issue so you're obviously fixated. Fess up.

The statistics support my claims
and that's what I rely on. Nice Catholic bashing though.

What stats? Stop trolling.

Those are your words, correct?

THOSE stats...still waiting...and thanks for the neg rep and petty namecalling.

Calling me a dick for continuing to ask for proof is AWESOME and a SURE way for you to win this debate!
SM, you never cease to amuse me. You have spent most of this thread taking shots at people and responding to the most innocuous posts.

I see you ignored Soc's very relevant posts in favor of verbally slapping Zappa.
