Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

You're free to assume all you want, but I just think it's stupid to expose yourself like this. I didn't threaten you at all, all I did was tell you that you exposed yourself, and the only person I shared the information with is Damo, so he could see my genuine concern.

If you're going to call me names and attack my family for expressing my views that you don't agree with and besting you at debate, you're obviously going to do that to someone else at some point if you already haven't, and that person might take the offense more seriously.

So either grow up or change your screen name to something anonymous; take my advice or not.


I have shared my name and that is all. You have accessed information about me that I have not shared with the board. Your attention is unwanted. You are stalking me. If it does not stop I will take other action against you.

Your advice is noted. Now buzz off you fucking weirdo.
Is it me, or does it seem that Southern Queer has a severe crucifixion complex? He is so quick to claim that he has been wronged he does not even bother to point out how anymore.

It goes back to the post I made about him doing the martyr thing on purpose. He loves to be able to strut around after someone turns down his brave offer to leave his phone number in a metal box under a bridge, and he loves to play the victim.
Code Duello: The Rules of Dueling

Reprinted from "American Duels and Hostile Encounters," Chilton Books, 1963.

The Code Duello, covering the practice of dueling and points of honor, was drawn up and settled at Clonmel Summer Assizes, 1777, by gentlemen-delegates of Tipperary, Galway, Sligo, Mayo and Roscommon, and prescribed for general adoption throughout Ireland. The Code was generally also followed in England and on the Continent with some slight variations. In America, the principal rules were followed, although occasionally there were some glaring deviations.

Rule 1. The first offense requires the first apology, though the retort may have been more offensive than the insult. Example: A tells B he is impertinent, etc. B retorts that he lies; yet A must make the first apology because he gave the first offense, and then (after one fire) B may explain away the retort by a subsequent apology.

Rule 2. But if the parties would rather fight on, then after two shots each (but in no case before), B may explain first, and A apologize afterward.

N.B. The above rules apply to all cases of offenses in retort not of stronger class than the example.

Rule 3. If a doubt exist who gave the first offense, the decision rests with the seconds; if they won't decide, or can't agree, the matter must proceed to two shots, or to a hit, if the challenger require it.

Rule 4. When the lie direct is the first offense, the aggressor must either beg pardon in express terms; exchange two shots previous to apology; or three shots followed up by explanation; or fire on till a severe hit be received by one party or the other.

Rule 5. As a blow is strictly prohibited under any circumstances among gentlemen, no verbal apology can be received for such an insult. The alternatives, therefore -- the offender handing a cane to the injured party, to be used on his own back, at the same time begging pardon; firing on until one or both are disabled; or exchanging three shots, and then asking pardon without proffer of the cane.

If swords are used, the parties engage until one is well blooded, disabled, or disarmed; or until, after receiving a wound, and blood being drawn, the aggressor begs pardon.

N.B. A disarm is considered the same as a disable. The disarmer may (strictly) break his adversary's sword; but if it be the challenger who is disarmed, it is considered as ungenerous to do so.

In the case the challenged be disarmed and refuses to ask pardon or atone, he must not be killed, as formerly; but the challenger may lay his own sword on the aggressor's shoulder, then break the aggressor's sword and say, "I spare your life!" The challenged can never revive the quarrel -- the challenger may.

Rule 6. If A gives B the lie, and B retorts by a blow (being the two greatest offenses), no reconciliation can take place till after two discharges each, or a severe hit; after which B may beg A's pardon humbly for the blow and then A may explain simply for the lie; because a blow is never allowable, and the offense of the lie, therefore, merges in it. (See preceding rules.)

N.B. Challenges for undivulged causes may be reconciled on the ground, after one shot. An explanation or the slightest hit should be sufficient in such cases, because no personal offense transpired.

Rule 7. But no apology can be received, in any case, after the parties have actually taken ground, without exchange of fires.

Rule 8. In the above case, no challenger is obliged to divulge his cause of challenge (if private) unless required by the challenged so to do before their meeting.

Rule 9. All imputations of cheating at play, races, etc., to be considered equivalent to a blow; but may be reconciled after one shot, on admitting their falsehood and begging pardon publicly.

Rule 10. Any insult to a lady under a gentleman's care or protection to be considered as, by one degree, a greater offense than if given to the gentleman personally, and to be regulated accordingly.

Rule 11. Offenses originating or accruing from the support of ladies' reputations, to be considered as less unjustifiable than any others of the same class, and as admitting of slighter apologies by the aggressor: this to be determined by the circumstances of the case, but always favorable to the lady.

Rule 12. In simple, unpremeditated recontres with the smallsword, or couteau de chasse, the rule is -- first draw, first sheath, unless blood is drawn; then both sheath, and proceed to investigation.

Rule 13. No dumb shooting or firing in the air is admissible in any case. The challenger ought not to have challenged without receiving offense; and the challenged ought, if he gave offense, to have made an apology before he came on the ground; therefore, children's play must be dishonorable on one side or the other, and is accordingly prohibited.

Rule 14. Seconds to be of equal rank in society with the principals they attend, inasmuch as a second may either choose or chance to become a principal, and equality is indispensible.

Rule 15. Challenges are never to be delivered at night, unless the party to be challenged intend leaving the place of offense before morning; for it is desirable to avoid all hot-headed proceedings.

Rule 16. The challenged has the right to choose his own weapon, unless the challenger gives his honor he is no swordsman; after which, however, he can decline any second species of weapon proposed by the challenged.

Rule 17. The challenged chooses his ground; the challenger chooses his distance; the seconds fix the time and terms of firing.

Rule 18. The seconds load in presence of each other, unless they give their mutual honors they have charged smooth and single, which should be held sufficient.

Rule 19. Firing may be regulated -- first by signal; secondly, by word of command; or thirdly, at pleasure -- as may be agreeable to the parties. In the latter case, the parties may fire at their reasonable leisure, but second presents and rests are strictly prohibited.

Rule 20. In all cases a miss-fire is equivalent to a shot, and a snap or non-cock is to be considered as a miss-fire.

Rule 21. Seconds are bound to attempt a reconciliation before the meeting takes place, or after sufficient firing or hits, as specified.

Rule 22. Any wound sufficient to agitate the nerves and necessarily make the hand shake, must end the business for that day.

Rule 23. If the cause of the meeting be of such a nature that no apology or explanation can or will be received, the challenged takes his ground, and calls on the challenger to proceed as he chooses; in such cases, firing at pleasure is the usual practice, but may be varied by agreement.

Rule 24. In slight cases, the second hands his principal but one pistol; but in gross cases, two, holding another case ready charged in reserve.

Rule 25. Where seconds disagree, and resolve to exchange shots themselves, it must be at the same time and at right angles with their principals, thus:

If with swords, side by side, with five paces interval.

N.B. All matters and doubts not herein mentioned will be explained and cleared up by application to the committee, who meet alternately at Clonmel and Galway, at the quarter sessions, for that purpose.

I have shared my name and that is all. You have accessed information about me that I have not shared with the board. Your attention is unwanted. You are stalking me. If it does not stop I will take other action against you.

Your advice is noted. Now buzz off you fucking weirdo.

There are too many wannabe men on this board who are totally classless. They are nothing but pigs.

Maybe it comes from having to deal with classy "women" like these two:

Ice Dancer:
"Obama acted like a NIGGER"
"fuck you cunt"
"ignorant sounding nigger"
"You are one fat fuck with a capital F"
"How's the ass cancer, fatso?"
"asshole fat prick-zap"
"you fat fucking hippo"
"Stupid stinky tuna twat"
"discuss how much jizz you can suck down!"
"Chrispie opened her ass and spewed shit"

"shut the fuck up"
"you are one bitter asshole"
"fucking loser."​

Ehh, I'd rather not go over it again, as this has been resolved. Sorry if it spoiled the thread.

To SM... I feel I have made this clear, but my intent in calling you a queer was not to imply that you are a homosexual or that I see any fault in your sexual preferences. It's not for me, but I don't care what you do in that regard, so long as it is consensual.

The intent was to point out that your sexual preferences are in a minority and to that degree may be considered strange, abnormal or queer. Abnormality is the basis of the slur against homosexuals.

Further, my intent was not to insult (though that you would take it as such, I will admit, was a bit of a bonus). It was to demonstrate why some might take offense at your slur or the charge of abnormality. That is, it is quite normal to object to being called abnormal. Calling someone abnormal, in the political context, has connotations beyond some purely statistical definition. If that were not true then why would you object so strongly to the point?

I will not relinquish that point or agree not to make it again, because I believe it is quite valid. Further, I expect you are going to continue using this slur and/or the charge of abnormality. You can easily disarm me at anytime.

Also, I sincerely apologize for including your wife. I should not have went there. I still maintain, if you want that sort of treatment from others that you should be very careful in giving that same respect. But I will leave that to soc and you, since he was the recipient of your treatment and not I. That is, you did not open that door to me, but I believe you did open it to him.

I hope you will accept this as sincere and I will do the same concerning your advice, though I do not want anymore in that form.
I see you're using your moderator status to give yourself rep points when I take them away. Along with being a pansie and ass licker, you're also a cheater. :lol:
The few times you have taken away from me, I have received positive points from others. I don't care about it one way or the other. Matter of fact, your buddy usaloyal2theend gave me positive rep right after you neg rep'd me and others have positive rep'd me as well.
Southern Man is a homosexual? HAHAHAHAHA, you must be out of your mind.

Ehh, I'd rather not go over it again, as this has been resolved. Sorry if it spoiled the thread.

To SM... I feel I have made this clear, but my intent in calling you a queer was not to imply that you are a homosexual or that I see any fault in your sexual preferences. It's not for me, but I don't care what you do in that regard, so long as it is consensual.

The intent was to point out that your sexual preferences are in a minority and to that degree may be considered strange, abnormal or queer. Abnormality is the basis of the slur against homosexuals.

Further, my intent was not to insult (though that you would take it as such, I will admit, was a bit of a bonus). It was to demonstrate why some might take offense at your slur or the charge of abnormality. That is, it is quite normal to object to being called abnormal. Calling someone abnormal, in the political context, has connotations beyond some purely statistical definition. If that were not true then why would you object so strongly to the point?

I will not relinquish that point or agree not to make it again, because I believe it is quite valid. Further, I expect you are going to continue using this slur and/or the charge of abnormality. You can easily disarm me at anytime.

Also, I sincerely apologize for including your wife. I should not have went there. I still maintain, if you want that sort of treatment from others that you should be very careful in giving that same respect. But I will leave that to soc and you, since he was the recipient of your treatment and not I. That is, you did not open that door to me, but I believe you did open it to him.

I hope you will accept this as sincere and I will do the same concerning your advice, though I do not want anymore in that form.
Southern Man is a homosexual? HAHAHAHAHA, you must be out of your mind.

Hey TuTu Moron if you actually READ the post below yours you would have seen that RS's use of the word queer did not imply homosexuality, but deviation from normal sex practices. Oral sex is a normal sex practice which SM decries as wrong and abnormal and it is NOT. If you can't read don't post. You don't add much to the discussion.
The few times you have taken away from me, I have received positive points from others. I don't care about it one way or the other. Matter of fact, your buddy usaloyal2theend gave me positive rep right after you neg rep'd me and others have positive rep'd me as well.

I only give neg rep to Zappa. He's the only one to really deserve it. I have also given it to Topspin but that was only because of the filthy PM's.

While you do a fairly decent job of being a prick, Zappa has you pants down.
Coming from a disgusting pig like you, that is really funny.

Hey TuTu Moron if you actually READ the post below yours you would have seen that RS's use of the word queer did not imply homosexuality, but deviation from normal sex practices. Oral sex is a normal sex practice which SM decries as wrong and abnormal and it is NOT. If you can't read don't post. You don't add much to the discussion.
I wish somebody would want to have sex with my wrinkly withered ass.

Gay porn has projected annual sales of well over $1 billion.

The most powerful person in the United States, at least in economic terms, is the owner of Studio 2000

Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.
Woody Allen​
The few times you have taken away from me, I have received positive points from others. I don't care about it one way or the other. Matter of fact, your buddy usaloyal2theend gave me positive rep right after you neg rep'd me and others have positive rep'd me as well.
A lie. Your power has held at 1200 for several days.

I have shared my name and that is all. You have accessed information about me that I have not shared with the board. Your attention is unwanted. You are stalking me. If it does not stop I will take other action against you.

Your advice is noted. Now buzz off you fucking weirdo.
Well at least hide your location. And grow up.