Why FDR Was the Best President We Ever Had

yeah will that lie wont fly with anyone but your already brain dead comrades

dear moron... the downturn in the equity markets began in March of 2000. Who was President then?

Glass Steagall's repeal was a large part of the reason for the economic meltdown in 2008. Who was the President that repealed it?
I am sorry, but you are wrong, his spending is exactly what got us out of the depression.

Who are you referring to?

FDR didn't get us out of the depression until our entry in WWII.

Obama still hasn't seen an economic recovery for the middle and lower income families... his policies have benefited the 1%.
I am sorry, but you are wrong, his spending is exactly what got us out of the depression.

Wrong; a global conflagration started by despotic dictators ignored by Liberals like Chamberlain and FDR, and where we were the only untouched Democracy left standing were what did it.
That would be General Stand Watie.

Another problem the American left has with the Old South, and particularly the leftists on this board, is that the first three Jews elected to the US Senate were from Florida, Louisiana, and Louisiana. One of them, Judah Benjamin, went on to become a Cabinet Secretary for President Davis.

It wasn't until 1949 that one of the old Union states (New York) elected Herbert Lehman to the Senate.

That's right. And the topic starter refuses to answer my question on another thread about if he thinks that total war should have been implemented on the confederate army and it's families in Oklahoma territory too because he is a liberal and liberals cannot say anything bad about minorities because it's politically incorrect and taboo.

That's why I trolled his thread because after he announced his superiority over me on my thread in grand self rightous liberal style, he then went on a tirade defending total war on the southern states as has thee dee here many times in his bloodthristy, anti white protestant style.
I think recovery was happening before that

Not really... while in any bear market there will be good years, the bad tend to outweigh them. You end up with a 13-16 year period where the markets went on a roller coaster ride and ended up pretty much where they started.

Who are you referring to?

FDR didn't get us out of the depression until our entry in WWII.

Obama still hasn't seen an economic recovery for the middle and lower income families... his policies have benefited the 1%.

The spending did help us from total collapse. The first new deal helped a lot of people and businesses. There was another own turn and the second New Deal was implemented. Both of these fiscal policies helped save our nation. We did spend our way out of the Depression, and the war did help as well, but the two New Deals were also beneficial to our economy
The spending did help us from total collapse. The first new deal helped a lot of people and businesses. There was another own turn and the second New Deal was implemented. Both of these fiscal policies helped save our nation. We did spend our way out of the Depression, and the war did help as well, but the two New Deals were also beneficial to our economy
stop and think about that a minute.....if the first "New Deal" helped, why did we have another down turn......then we had a second "New Deal".....and things didn't turn around until after the war was over......unemployment dropped because many young men died in the war.....
no, but from the late 40s to 2008 we did......

Uh, wrong. During the depression, the largest organizing drives began or American labor and it was that organiainz that led to fruitful work, better conditions and a better country, up until Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy and then of course Ronald Reagan.
That’s old FDR OK spewing out his neo-communist ”CENTRAL PLANNING” drivel.

The Roosevelt family were all progressive neo-communist socialist beginning with Teddy. They were war hawking, BIG Federalist Government Authoritarian Central Planners.

There are no such things as “a right to a job, a right for farm subsidies, a right to a home, a right to medical care, a right to a pension and a right to an education.” All of these blessings are PRIVILEGES to be EARNED. The only right therewith is the right to PURSUE said privileges.

Central Planning was tried in the Soviet Union, China, North Korea and Cuba and proven to be a miserable failure and a dictatorial nightmare.

FDR was simply the Father Of American Neo-Communism/Socialism/Central Planning.

'Sieg Heil" you say.
We were the MOST free market "CAPITALIST" nation on planet earth and the victor of the world wars who's buildings were still all standing moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Russian potato pickers were following the Central Planning folly your FDR tried to shove down America's throat. It was "CAPITALISM" that was supplying the blessings Idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and you're trying to compare apples to oranges.

Please read some books - please.
Yeah, our size, industrialized economy, and vast natural resources had nothing to do with it.

None of that stuff is any good (see the USSR and N Korea) without sound domestic and economic policies.

Soeey, but you're going to have to admit the truth, that under FDR this country began it's true rise to a world power.
You are claiming we had very low unemployment during the '30's? And unemployment hit over 8% in 1975. It didn't hit that high from during '84 through 2008.

As organizing got going and people started working again under the NRA and CCC the unemployment numbers dropped. Then rose again following the war becasue the indutail military plants were no loner necessary. The employment rose again to the national environment that I;ve been talking about and people were able to go to college and buy homes all over the country.

For three years Ronald Reagan brought us to 10% unemployment. You are conveniently leaving that out.
What's wrong with badmouthing Germany? Everyone should badmouth Germany!

Bad mouthing nazi Germany is fine: I do it all the time. The difficulty for you in this discussion however, is that you are missing a key piece of human behavior that you should be thinking about.

Think on it, and then get back to me.
As organizing got going and people started working again under the NRA and CCC the unemployment numbers dropped. Then rose again following the war becasue the indutail military plants were no loner necessary. The employment rose again to the national environment that I;ve been talking about and people were able to go to college and buy homes all over the country.

For three years Ronald Reagan brought us to 10% unemployment. You are conveniently leaving that out.

jet, let's go back to what you wrote here.

Here is your post I responded to:

"""So, (cough), from the 30s to 1980 this country didn't have the highest standard of living in the world, with the best sustainable home market and highest qulaity education coupled with very low unemployment?

We were - what? Picking potatos in Russia?"""

You said we had low unemployment in the '30's. I believe it was 1937 that unemployment hit 14%, the lowest rate of the decade. How do you consider that a low number?

You then said we had low unemployment up to 1980. I showed that the rate in 1975 was higher than the rate between sometime in '84 all the way through 2008. That is a fact. I didn't conveniently leave anything out. The unemployment numbers in '81-'83 were higher than 1975 which is why I didn't reference them.

Your statement that from 1980 going forward unemployment rates weren't what they were like in the preceding decades is wrong.
I'm amused that you would credit Roosevelt with this. Why?

I take it you didn't watch the video. I take it that you aren't clear on American history . . . The US financial markets had run amuck; just llike in 2007. FDR put together a plan for those Americans who wanted to work and built a support structure to help Americans take personal responsibility for their livelyhoods and pick themselves up from poverty: which they did.

That's why.
'Sieg Heil" you say.

Neo-Commies always accuse true patriots/constitutionalist/true republicans/true conservatives/true classical liberals/libertarians of being Nazis because they, (neo-commies), are opposed to constitutional government the Constitution, liberty and true capitalism. neo-commie Democrats are fucking BIG government Central Planners and authoritarian scumbags.