Why FDR Was the Best President We Ever Had

So, (cough), from the 30s to 1980 this country didn't have the highest standard of living in the world, with the best sustainable home market and highest qulaity education coupled with very low unemployment?

We were - what? Picking potatos in Russia?

You guys always attach the 30s to the timeframe of 1940-1980 because you want to make the New Deal Democrats look good. It's silly, because all it does it drag down the overall economic output of 1940-1980. If you dropped the 30s, which were absolutely terrible, and included the Roosevelt Recession (1937-39), look what you could do: You could boast of the US economy of 1940-1990. Even though the world finally had recovered from WWII by 1980, you still are talking about a decade where the US economy exploded in 1984 and produced a bull market that lasted for 24 years.
But of course you totally fail to explain with any rationality or substance what exactly it is you accuse me of "having no idea about." That's because you're simply the neo-commie leftist flip-side of the other RINO clueless moron Truth Detector. Just like that moron, you're at a loss for words when you're stupidity is revealed by intelligent folks like me. Thus, your only argument is another stupid pathetic, weak and humorous fucking insult.

Look; you're just a phony American who likes to call people names so that you can fell big. Read up and then get back to me.
Uh, wrong. During the depression, the largest organizing drives began or American labor and it was that organiainz that led to fruitful work, better conditions and a better country, up until Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy and then of course Ronald Reagan.
this may come as a surprise to you (apparently a lot of history will) but Ted Kennedy was never president......
Those were liar loans that ruined the people that bought them and this country. So no soap. There are more people today and many more hom builders nad brokers etc in competition with each other.

Ok, so more home builders and more brokers in competition are a bad thing? The liar loans hurt those who couldn't afford them. But all this still doesn't address that we have a higher percentage of home ownership today and we did in 1960. I'm not trying to be obtuse but I do not understand what point you are trying to argue. You want to say it's harder to own a home yet the numbers show otherwise.
Look; you're just a phony American who likes to call people names so that you can fell big. Read up and then get back to me.

So yet again you're admitting that you have neither the intellect or the talent to rationally argue with substance of WHAT it is you accuse me of not knowing. You're a proven fraud and clueless jerkoff.
There are all kinds of opinions and measures about who is/was the best president. My opinion is that some have been the best presidents for their times without being the best president ever. FDR was what the country needed at that time. He won four elections with these majorities: 57.4%, 60.8%, 54.7% and 53.6%. Obviously the voters liked him since he was the only one elected to more than two terms.

FDR was what the country needed at that time.
we have a winner. ideology isn't important, matching the right policies to the contemporary problems are.
Partisanship is just looking at the world thru a biased mind. It's a good way to dumb down one's thoughts
As organizing got going and people started working again under the NRA and CCC the unemployment numbers dropped. Then rose again following the war becasue the indutail military plants were no loner necessary. The employment rose again to the national environment that I;ve been talking about and people were able to go to college and buy homes all over the country.

For three years Ronald Reagan brought us to 10% unemployment. You are conveniently leaving that out.

Good lord; where do you get all this revisionist crap?
science , history, economics, studies and every expert who doesn't say what you want to hear.

You just name call and deny