Why hunt? To kill is a thrill if you're mentally ill

Really? Must I post some videos for you of whooping savages chasing terrified animals until exhaustion causes them to stumble and fall prey to their guns, arrows or trained dogs?

Let me know.

I have hunting numerous species in quite a few states and don't know a single person who chases animals until it is exhausted. I have no doubt you can find a video of some idiot doing it. But that is certainly not the way the overwhelming majority of hunters do it.
So it doesn't matter if they die a slow, horrible death. You feel superior because you aren't cheering? lol Ain't that special.

Did I say that I feel superior?

I feel no pleasure in watching animals die, or being the cause of their deaths. If you think that makes me superior, that's on you.

"What state conservation funds will still need to function? List them and the dollar amounts, please. Thanks!" Completely ridiculous question. Do you want me to list all of the functions and budget amounts for each state in alphabetical order or in the order they joined the Union? The information is out there. Google is your friend.

I always thought that the burden of proof rests with the person making the assertion.

If you're unable or unwilling, just admit it and concede the point.
I have hunting numerous species in quite a few states and don't know a single person who chases animals until it is exhausted. I have no doubt you can find a video of some idiot doing it.

So you say.

If you don't know a single person who's been to the moon, does that mean the moon landings never happened?

But that is certainly not the way the overwhelming majority of hunters do it.

I suppose there's no point in asking you for some verifiable evidence to prove that statement?
So you say.

If you don't know a single person who's been to the moon, does that mean the moon landings never happened?

I suppose there's no point in asking you for some verifiable evidence to prove that statement?

Let me know what species is hunted by chasing the animal until it is exhausted?
Did I say that I feel superior?

I feel no pleasure in watching animals die, or being the cause of their deaths. If you think that makes me superior, that's on you.

I always thought that the burden of proof rests with the person making the assertion.

If you're unable or unwilling, just admit it and concede the point.

If you have any evidence that a significant number of hunters are abusive of animals or like seeing them suffer, feel free to post it.

Teh burden of proof is fine. Asking for budgetary numbers for state conservation depts in an unnamed number of states is ridiculous. The fees hunters pay and the licenses they buy are a large part of the conservation depts in many states. that is easily verified with your Google. To eliminate such a huge part of the departmental income, without replacing it will destroy their ability to do their job. If you think eliminating hunting would eliminate the need for a conservation department at a state level, you are an idiot.
Let me know what species is hunted by chasing the animal until it is exhausted?

Any species that is hunted using dogs or on horseback, using a power vehicle or power boat for playing, herding or driving animals or fish, including the use of aircraft.

Need some video?

I'm hesitant to ask in case you get a thrill from watching it.
If you have any evidence that a significant number of hunters are abusive of animals or like seeing them suffer, feel free to post it.
Teh burden of proof is fine. Asking for budgetary numbers for state conservation depts in an unnamed number of states is ridiculous. The fees hunters pay and the licenses they buy are a large part of the conservation depts in many states. that is easily verified with your Google. To eliminate such a huge part of the departmental income, without replacing it will destroy their ability to do their job. If you think eliminating hunting would eliminate the need for a conservation department at a state level, you are an idiot.

I understand why you need to resort to name-calling since your "evidence" isn't forthcoming.

What would you consider a significant number?
Any species that is hunted using dogs or on horseback, using a power vehicle or power boat for playing, herding or driving animals or fish, including the use of aircraft.

Need some video?

I'm hesitant to ask in case you get a thrill from watching it.

Most hunting that uses dogs involves the dogs flushing the game from cover. Not running it down to exhaustion.

Using vehicles, boats and aircraft is not legal in hunting almost all species of game. It is certainly not considered "fair chase". In fact, the only species I know of that is regularly hunted from vehicles (land, water or air) on the run is feral hogs. That is not about fair chase but about extermination of an invasive species that is doing grave harm.
I understand why you need to resort to name-calling since your "evidence" isn't forthcoming.

What would you consider a significant number?

I did not call you a name. I simply made a statement concerning easily verified facts, the ignoring of which makes you look like an idiot. Who am I to question that?
Most hunting that uses dogs involves the dogs flushing the game from cover. Not running it down to exhaustion. Using vehicles, boats and aircraft is not legal in hunting almost all species of game. It is certainly not considered "fair chase". In fact, the only species I know of that is regularly hunted from vehicles (land, water or air) on the run is feral hogs. That is not about fair chase but about extermination of an invasive species that is doing grave harm.

That you know of? How convenient.

So game wardens aren't arresting hunters who chase animals down on motorized vehicles?
Indeed they are. In violation of very common laws. That is not the issue. The issue is, or should be, legal hunting. Poaching is not hunting.

You're an amusing little fellow.

Poaching: the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission.


You're an amusing little fellow.

Poaching: the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission.



From Merriam-Webster dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/poaching

Definition of POACH
intransitive verb
: to encroach upon especially for the purpose of taking something
: to trespass for the purpose of stealing game; also : to take game or fish illegally
transitive verb
: to trespass on <a field poached too frequently by the amateur — Times Literary Supplement>
a : to take (game or fish) by illegal methods
b : to appropriate (something) as one's own
c : to attract (as an employee or customer) away from a competitor"

My statement stands.
From Merriam-Webster dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/poaching

Definition of POACH
intransitive verb
: to encroach upon especially for the purpose of taking something
: to trespass for the purpose of stealing game; also : to take game or fish illegally
transitive verb
: to trespass on <a field poached too frequently by the amateur — Times Literary Supplement>
a : to take (game or fish) by illegal methods
b : to appropriate (something) as one's own
c : to attract (as an employee or customer) away from a competitor"

My statement stands.

So you deny that poaching involves hunting (or fishing, as the case may be)?
http://www.ncwildlife.org/Portals/0/Hunting/Documents/Benefits of Hunting-Hunting Matters!.pdf

According to that website, hunting contributed $1.6 billion to the state's economy. And that is only one state.

Also according to that website, 4% of the nation's 6.1 million auto accidents involve collisions with wildlife. " If hunting were lost as
a management tool, it is estimated that the percentage of deer-related collisions could increase 218 percent, which could also represent potential increases in human injuries
and fatalities."

"Since deer control would be needed in some manner, the nation’s taxpayer would likely foot the bill at upwards of $9.3 billion annually. Wildlife-related crop damage could tack on an additional $3 billion. Furbearers, including beaver, would require an estimated $265 million to control and damage to homes another $972 million. Estimates for healthcare and disease control for rabies was estimated at $1.45 billion."


Safari Club International's charity, Sportsmen Against Hunger, has donated enough meat for millions of servings nutritious meals. "This generosity provides millions of low-fat, low-cholesterol, preservative-free, high-protein meals annually at soup kitchens across the United States."

from: http://www.fws.gov/hunting/whatdo.html

"Each year, nearly $200 million in hunters' federal excise taxes are distributed to State agencies to support wildlife management programs, the purchase of lands open to hunters, and hunter education and safety classes."