Why is Obama getting a pass that Cosby didn't get?

Your comments about all issues that pertain to disenfranchised people is right on. I heard Obama or one of his spokespeople talk a couple of weeks ago about changing Affirmative Action so that it pertains more to the underclass in general. He thinks that college admissions should be more generous to all people in the lower socio-economic strata. Not a bad idea politically, it would sure as hell quench the fire that conservatives fan about AA as it exists now and would be in line with the speech he gave on race after the entire Wright thing blew up.
Obama is promoting what I have for a long time here.

Yet, I was chastised for it, while he seems to be rejoiced.

Yes, there are some things that he and I agree on.
So a black Democrat that works for Fox must be wrong then about everything?

To quote Butthead, 'what are you, a dumbass?'

Edit: And he writes for NPR.

I think the rule of thumb is that anyone working for Fox is generally wrong.
I want to repost this here ...

The tragedy of fatherhood in America is that it isn't respected .. not just missing fathers, but fatherhood overall is not respected in this country.

If divorce happens, mothehood becomes more important than childhood.

As a father who has raised two daughters without their mothers I would often hear people say to me, "Oh how wonderful you are raising your child by yourself. You are to be commended" .. to which I would reply, no commendation or applause is necessary, and I'm not doing anything that a great many fathers wouldn't be doing if they had the opportunity. There ain't nothing special about me, but there is something seriously wrong with a society that sees fathers as not much more than a walking paycheck.

There is something seriously wrong with a society that does not value fatherhood equally with motherhood. There is something seriously wrong with a society that does not allow fathers equal access and rights to their children. The courts are undeniably biased against fathers in child support and custody.

It's no mystery why there's such rancor within the black community about fathers and the role of men while at the same time celebration of people like Alice Walker, great role model for women? .. but who abandoned her own child and compares motherhood to slavery.

I could go on for pages on this issue.

... and by the way, statistics show that women aren't any better at absentee parenting than men are, in fact, they're worse when in comes to being involved in that childs life .. and custodial fathers recieve far less child support, if any at all.

My point is not to denigrate motherhood, but to illustrate that America is not having honest conversations about children and parenting.
I fully agree with this. It is the reason why I was always careful to not become an absentee parent by "accident". I also was very careful in selecting a wife, somebody I knew I'd be with at the end. I know I cannot be perfect, but I can be careful.

Too often in our society we have a perception of men being unnecessary. Whole books have been written on that very premise, while we are just now coming to the realization that men do mean something, especially to children. Study after study shows that men have huge importance in the development of a healthy adult. We ignore those studies and continue weighting importance of parenting in the feminine.
I fully agree with this. It is the reason why I was always careful to not become an absentee parent by "accident". I also was very careful in selecting a wife, somebody I knew I'd be with at the end. I know I cannot be perfect, but I can be careful.

Too often in our society we have a perception of men being unnecessary. Whole books have been written on that very premise, while we are just now coming to the realization that men do mean something, especially to children. Study after study shows that men have huge importance in the development of a healthy adult. We ignore those studies and continue weighting importance of parenting in the feminine.


I have witnessed far too many times a mother who is actually afraid of her 15 or 16 year-old son because he's bigger and stronger than she is. Yet, the father of that child is not welcome in that boy's life.

While working with at-risk youth I've heard, far too many times, women say they don't need a man .. well that may be true, but your son damn sure does.

Men are not always missing in their children's lives because they don't want be a father. Often times, there's a new sheriff in town and the mother has a new boyfriend and doesn't want the old one hanging around.. or unless he does exactly what he's told by the mother she withholds his children like chattel.

Men going to court to challenge for their children is expensive and quite often, completely useless.
Obama is promoting what I have for a long time here.

Yet, I was chastised for it, while he seems to be rejoiced.

Yes, there are some things that he and I agree on.

Three cheers for the board martyr please!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Three cheers for the board martyr please!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Awww. How special.

I just find it interesting how people can hear the same idea from two different sources and simply because of source suddenly think it is magically delicious when before they acted like they were being fed a poop sandwich.

I really don't care if you chastise me, clearly if my skin was that thin I'd not have created a board like this and I'd be all moderating you people out of my life...


I have witnessed far too many times a mother who is actually afraid of her 15 or 16 year-old son because he's bigger and stronger than she is. Yet, the father of that child is not welcome in that boy's life.

While working with at-risk youth I've heard, far too many times, women say they don't need a man .. well that may be true, but your son damn sure does.

Men are not always missing in their children's lives because they don't want be a father. Often times, there's a new sheriff in town and the mother has a new boyfriend and doesn't want the old one hanging around.. or unless he does exactly what he's told by the mother she withholds his children like chattel.

Men going to court to challenge for their children is expensive and quite often, completely useless.
There is also much a man can bring to the table for a young woman. Especially one seeking the approval of a male figure.
It depends on the man, and I don’t know who ever said that fathers aren’t important. Personally, I feel that conservatives glorify motherhood, and in doing so, make things difficult for divorced fathers trying to gain rights. There are plenty of women who should not be mothers. Few of them, know it.

As for a heterosexual woman, who has had children, saying she doesn’t need a man…I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that she has been screwed over, possibly even abused.

Guess what? Some men are scumbags, and that includes some who have fathered children. A scumbag is not a good role model for a child.
There is also much a man can bring to the table for a young woman. Especially one seeking the approval of a male figure.

Excellent point and something I have unfortunately left out of my argument.

Point being, fatherhood is important and there is much more to this argument than just absentee fathers.

Here's the main problem I have with Cosby .. he puts the onus singuarly on fathers and poor parents. He doesn't want to talk about society and its role. A large perecentage of black absentee fathers are absent because they're in jail. They've been locked up for the exact same crimes that whites get probation or nobation for. This has a serious impact on the black community that continues to get ignored. Everybody with a brain knows that racism plays a measurablke role in the injustice of American courts .. but NOBODY wants to talk or do a damn thing about it.

It's not that important.

Because ypu and I are such good friends .. let me give you the ebonic (if I may) translation of Obama's speech yesterday. This is what I and a lot of blacks heard yesterday. .. Brilliant. He's doing what he has to do to be president .. but in his soul he knows sht truth. He knows the truth because he's worked on it in Chicago. He knows the truth because you can't lkive in Chicago and not know it. And, more importantly, he knows it because he sought the truth.

When he's president, he will appoint an Attorney General that knows that truth. That person will not only know it, they will do something about it.

Then we can have more intelligent conversations about absent black men.

I know you're not doing it, but too often people are comparing a relatively free community with a free community.
It depends on the man, and I don’t know who ever said that fathers aren’t important. Personally, I feel that conservatives glorify motherhood, and in doing so, make things difficult for divorced fathers trying to gain rights. There are plenty of women who should not be mothers. Few of them, know it.

As for a heterosexual woman, who has had children, saying she doesn’t need a man…I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that she has been screwed over, possibly even abused.

Guess what? Some men are scumbags, and that includes some who have fathered children. A scumbag is not a good role model for a child.

Please don't misunderstand .. I'm not defending "scumbags" who without question do exist. I'm suggesting that if there is to be a serious discussion of fatherhood, then let's discuss different perspectives.

I've stated clearly that my comments are not an attack on motherhood .. but talking about why many fathers, who are not all scumbags, get shut out of the childs lives.
Please don't misunderstand .. I'm not defending "scumbags" who without question do exist. I'm suggesting that if there is to be a serious discussion of fatherhood, then let's discuss different perspectives.

I've stated clearly that my comments are not an attack on motherhood .. but talking about why many fathers, who are not all scumbags, get shut out of the childs lives.

No I agree that it’s a problem. I also think that we live in a conservative society which has always glorified motherhood, and there have been many repercussions of that. It’s a wonderful thing to be a good mother, but not all women have it in them, and once you glorify motherhood to the extent that the act of giving birth imbues you with all of these mystical, and in many cases, mythical, qualities, you are asking for some trouble.
No I agree that it’s a problem. I also think that we live in a conservative society which has always glorified motherhood, and there have been many repercussions of that. It’s a wonderful thing to be a good mother, but not all women have it in them, and once you glorify motherhood to the extent that the act of giving birth imbues you with all of these mystical, and in many cases, mythical, qualities, you are asking for some trouble.

This has always been a conversation that I believe to be sorely needed in this society, but the reluctance is that it's difficult to have without appearing to be against the, as you mentioned "glorification of motherhood." That's an entirely different conversation.

I gotta tell you .. as i was typing what I thought, I was thinking to myself .. oh boy, Darla is gonna read this .. I may be in for some trouble. :)
This has always been a conversation that I believe to be sorely needed in this society, but the reluctance is that it's difficult to have without appearing to be against the, as you mentioned "glorification of motherhood." That's an entirely different conversation.

I gotta tell you .. as i was typing what I thought, I was thinking to myself .. oh boy, Darla is gonna read this .. I may be in for some trouble.

LOL. Darla has you shakin' in your boots!
I have a different opinion than its a conservative thing to 'glorify motherhood'. I thought it seemed to be a feminist thing to say women can raise children by themselves and are strong enough to do it without a man. My interpretation was it is an empowerment thing.
This has always been a conversation that I believe to be sorely needed in this society, but the reluctance is that it's difficult to have without appearing to be against the, as you mentioned "glorification of motherhood." That's an entirely different conversation.

I gotta tell you .. as i was typing what I thought, I was thinking to myself .. oh boy, Darla is gonna read this .. I may be in for some trouble. :)

LOL! You know, I'm really very sweet, I guess no one here would believe it, but I am.
I have a different opinion than its a conservative thing to 'glorify motherhood'. I thought it seemed to be a feminist thing to say women can raise children by themselves and are strong enough to do it without a man. My interpretation was it is an empowerment thing.

Of course you do.

There likely is more than one contributing factor to the situation. I know this is where it gets tricky for the conservative mind.
I have a different opinion than its a conservative thing to 'glorify motherhood'. I thought it seemed to be a feminist thing to say women can raise children by themselves and are strong enough to do it without a man. My interpretation was it is an empowerment thing.

That's called having no choice but to play to mom and dad.
Side Note:
I've seen a lot people knocking and blaming feminism for a lot $hit lately. definitely not kewl and never substantially justified.