Why is Obama getting a pass that Cosby didn't get?

I have a different opinion than its a conservative thing to 'glorify motherhood'. I thought it seemed to be a feminist thing to say women can raise children by themselves and are strong enough to do it without a man. My interpretation was it is an empowerment thing.
I think it is an all-around American thing. We in the US have glorified them to a level that at a divorce women who have no business raising a child are given children to raise before a father that is connected and a good parent.

It happens often. Often men, standing in utter defeat, can reflect on becoming what so many are, the "deadbeat". Then they pick up and try again to have their care used as a weapon to defeat them. Beaten down they become the image of a country song and "Never Again" becomes their mantra.

Then too often we are putting young men into prison for inane MJ laws, for stupid crap. We can't keep putting men into prison for non-violent crime and give them the onus of failed families at the same time.

Responsibility flows in more than one direction.
Side Note:
I've seen a lot people knocking and blaming feminism for a lot $hit lately. definitely not kewl and never substantially justified.

So does that mean you won't be watching the new South Park movie "Blame Feminists"?
I was not sure if I wanted to get into this topic or not. But I have opinions and I guess I should spout them just like everyone else.

I see that Bill Cosby has gotten slammed pretty hard for his statements.

Thats a shame, in my opinion. He was, perhaps, not subtle or politically correct when he said these things, but he makes some VERY good points.

People in the 60's had their lives threatened, had dogs put on them, had fire hoses turned on them, and had rocks thrown at them. And they did this to gain equality. They did this to gain access to the same schools.

Now here we are in the '00s, and now the biggest educational problem are that the kids are dropping out at record rates.

Cosby made this comment:

"They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk:
Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.

And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English
except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."

And as uncomfortable as it is, he is right about that. I remember a time, not so long ago, that kids were taught to speak properly or their Mom popped them on the head. I have seen that happen to white kids, black kids, asian kids, and hispanic kids. But this doesn't seem to happen anymore. And its a shame.

He berates the community for idolizing the wrong people. He is critical of the backwards hats and pants hanging down. He complains that we have black athletes that can't read or can barely write.

He may not have been gentle when he said it, but he is trying to kick the community into raising its standards and start bringing education back to the forefront in terms of importance. Of trying to learn and work so you can get somewhere.

These don't seem like bad values to me.

Cosby may be a total asshole. He may have been talking down to teh audience.

But he also made some excellent points that should not be ignored.
Good points, Sol.

I think that an important part of the difference may be that whereas Cosby took the stance of lecturer, and in his demeanor distanced himself from his audience, Obama appeared more to be providing an example, quietly, without overtly saying "look at me" ...

One approach was purely critical and the other was more inspirational to the listeners.
Good points, Sol.

I think that an important part of the difference may be that whereas Cosby took the stance of lecturer, and in his demeanor distanced himself from his audience, Obama appeared more to be providing an example, quietly, without overtly saying "look at me" ...

One approach was purely critical and the other was more inspirational to the listeners.

I am not sure that difference is particularly genuine. Lets face it, Obama wants votes. Cosby doesn't want anything from his audience. Both probably view it the same way. I am just not one to trust in the sincerity of a politician.
I am not sure that difference is particularly genuine. Lets face it, Obama wants votes. Cosby doesn't want anything from his audience. Both probably view it the same way. I am just not one to trust in the sincerity of a politician.

Let's put it another way .. Cosby was rejected by the people he was speaking to .. Obama was not.

I don't trust the sincerity of a comedian.
Let's put it another way .. Cosby was rejected by the people he was speaking to .. Obama was not.

I don't trust the sincerity of a comedian.

The reason I don't trust is the motivations involved.

Obama wants something from his audience. Cosby does not. Cosby is rich enough to live well for the rest of his life, and could be doing sitcoms or movies if he wanted to be seen.
I remember my ex-girl friend telling me she used to get told she was trying to be white because she did not speak in slang or with any sort of inflection in her voice. She went to a highschool in El Paso with a largish population of black students and she said they were harder on her than the white students. But her father was very strict and refused to let his kids talk in a way that would make white people look down on them so slang was absolutely forbidden.
The reason I don't trust is the motivations involved.

Obama wants something from his audience. Cosby does not. Cosby is rich enough to live well for the rest of his life, and could be doing sitcoms or movies if he wanted to be seen.

Wow great point.
I don't think its about anyone looking down on someone, its about what it takes to get somewhere in the world today. If you want a solid career, you need to be able to communicate.
Absolutely correct.

I interviewed Cosby when he was here to speak at Spelman College and I think he is one of the most arrogant and pompous men I have ever met .. with a really bad temper .. and that's how he came off in his admonitions to the black commuinity .. and that is why he was rejected.

Cosby is a pompous ass. Great contribution to Spelman from him and his wife Camille .. but he's still a pompous ass.

By the way, Obama's speech at the church was intended for white conservatives as much as it was for a black audience. He was saying to them that he agrees with some of what they think about "conservative values" .. although parenthood is not a value restricted to conservatives.

BAC, is there a non-pompous way to say that those who are failing not only to pull their weight, but failing to even help their own survive should be chastised? I don't give a damn if the subject is black, white, or polka dotted. There was a time men, we are talking men here, were held to a higher standard than women.

I'm not saying we should go back to those days, but someone or someones must be held to account for the children. It shouldn't be 'all of us'. We don't 'all' have sex without accountability. In fact, society should hold all accountable.

Ok, I've boxed myself in. Perhaps Cosby, Obama, and the rest of us should really hold those that procreate, without the benefits of marriage, accountable. What say you?
obama is a fool,anyone who supports him is also supporting a pessimistic fool with no regard for humanity
heck he doesnt even wear a flagpin or put his hand on his heart during the pledge of alligance
I remember my ex-girl friend telling me she used to get told she was trying to be white because she did not speak in slang or with any sort of inflection in her voice. She went to a highschool in El Paso with a largish population of black students and she said they were harder on her than the white students. But her father was very strict and refused to let his kids talk in a way that would make white people look down on them so slang was absolutely forbidden.

Pfft. Been there done that. Its not nearly as traumatic as people make it out to be.