Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

The atmosphere is not a blanket. The word games are YOURS.

Correct. A blanket is also not a jacket, and if you were even slightly honest, you wouldn't be pretending to not know what the comparison is referencing. When you've gotta lie, deflect and troll, there's a reason. The reason is that you know you can't backup your claim about the 2nd law. The reason you can't back it up is because you read/heard some shit from some far right idiot and didn't bother to actually educate yourself. Like I said....

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Nope I do not. I do not take every word by a scientist at face value.
Nice pivot. Exceptional dishonesty. Bravo! We were discussing one particular piece of rubbish that you stupidly absorbed as your own and regurgitated as being TRUE. This is the point at which an honest person would own up to holding the very positions he is preaching ... but not you. Honesty is beyond you.

I look at papers and determine it.
i.e. you read the documents that tell you what to believe, and you OBEY. I got that much.

I do not consider them divine or above me.
You most certainly do consider them divine, and you OBEY them to that extent. When they tell you to bend over, you bend over. When they tell you what to believe and what to preach, you OBEY. When they tell you to insist that your blind OBEDIENCE is the result of your careful consideration and independent thinking, you OBEY and regurgitate that nonsense as well.

They are humans just like me and you who seek truths.
Nope. They are humans who just want to bend you over furniture.

It is Y O U who consider yourself above the rest.
Close. I consider myself substantially "above" the leftists of any board, and my natural humility obligates me to offer to teach anyone all the correct answers for free. That's how I roll. It's just the kind of person I am. Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

You are arrogant who considers himself to be correct and without criticism.
Yes, and ... ?

It is Y O U who consider yourself to be above the rest of the scientists.
You err here. You don't know what constitutes a "scientists." You think anyone who spews gibber-babble concerning your religion is a "thientitht." I, on the other hand, know what actual scientists do.

The rest of studies (in your own word, propaganda) be damned.
Correct. I will never allow anyone to bend me over furniture and I will never allow anyone to do my thinking for me. There are sufficient stupid leftists like you to satisfy the world's ass-reaming demands.

You are a lost cause that can only be met with pity instead of derision.
Great. Free pity for me. Don't you think you should be saving your pity for someone who needs it?
Nice pivot. Exceptional dishonesty. Bravo! We were discussing one particular piece of rubbish that you stupidly absorbed as your own and regurgitated as being TRUE. This is the point at which an honest person would own up to holding the very positions he is preaching ... but not you. Honesty is beyond you.

i.e. you read the documents that tell you what to believe, and you OBEY. I got that much.

You most certainly do consider them divine, and you OBEY them to that extent. When they tell you to bend over, you bend over. When they tell you what to believe and what to preach, you OBEY. When they tell you to insist that your blind OBEDIENCE is the result of your careful consideration and independent thinking, you OBEY and regurgitate that nonsense as well.

Nope. They are humans who just want to bend you over furniture.

Close. I consider myself substantially "above" the leftists of any board, and my natural humility obligates me to offer to teach anyone all the correct answers for free. That's how I roll. It's just the kind of person I am. Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

Yes, and ... ?

You err here. You don't know what constitutes a "scientists." You think anyone who spews gibber-babble concerning your religion is a "thientitht." I, on the other hand, know what actual scientists do.

Correct. I will never allow anyone to bend me over furniture and I will never allow anyone to do my thinking for me. There are sufficient stupid leftists like you to satisfy the world's ass-reaming demands.

Great. Free pity for me. Don't you think you should be saving your pity for someone who needs it?

This is getting boring. Enjoy your time.
So you do not accept the data you have been arguing to support???? Paradox.

No science here...move along...move along...

You obviously do, liar.

You just described a priest.

The rest of what? Your priests?? I would say he is. So am I.

So you want to criticize theories of science, and even discard them. You want to criticize mathematics, and even discard it.

It is YOU claiming made up numbers as 'data'.

No science here...move along...move along...

What 'studies'? Data isn't 'studies'. Science isn't studies either.

Spoken like a true fundamentalist.

Doc Dutch doesn't know what he's doing. He seems to spend most of his time talking to himself, completely oblivious of any conversation.

Boring boring boring
I see that you have pivoted to asking what work does a jack perform.
Nope. That's not what you see. Your deaf studies really did a number on you. ZenMode is the one who "went there." You should go bitch at him. Ask him what he was thinking.

Clever, but no cigar. It's a blatant dishonesty on your part ...
Make sure to point out ZenMode's dishonesty to him.

because you (I hope so) understood the question
ZenMode does not understand what he was asking and he does not know what "work" means. I don't think you do either. One thing that is certain, ZenMode continues to insist that the context be "science." He also insists on using the term "work." I simply asked him for clarification of what he was claiming.

If you don't bitch at ZenMode in exactly the same way you were planning on bitching at me, I'll know that nothing you have to say is genuine.
Stop being obtuse. You know what I mean when I say jackets work.
Stop being a fucking moron and learn the material. No, I do not know what you are gibbering. You and you alone are responsible for saying what you mean and meaning what you say. If you can't do that then don't post. I am not to blame for either your inability to communicate effectively or for your complete ignorance of the subject matter.

Restate what you want to say correctly. If you don't, I will just mock the shit out of you until you do. You're a total idiot and your religion is stupid. Was it easy to convince you that you are a science genius, despite knowing how undereducated you are?

Learn to communicate. Learn what work is. Use the right words to express what you believe, and don't be surprised when your errors are scrutinized. Come to think of it, you are a fucking crybaby who really shouldn't be posting on the internet if you can't handle a few fucking questions. What a moron.
Here is a summary of Into the night's explanation of why a ...
Summarily ignored. You can't even express your own position correctly. You don't know the material. You don't know what heat, work or science is. Don't you think you should get your own act together before you go misrepresenting the positions of others?

I read you bogus position assignment and one can only imagine that you mistakenly believe that you have some credibility. Let me know when you are sitting down and ready for some bad news.
Weather does but climate definition is modified by prevailing weather.
Incorrect. A climate is simply local conditions. There is nothing about weather in the definition of a climate. If you refer to the political climate of New York city during elections, there is obviously no weather involved. If you are speaking about the climates of the civil work force before and after COVID, there is no weather involved. You were silly to agree to allowing "weather" to become part of the definition. I recommend you rescind that agreement.
[literally no response offered]
Your king is tipped. I think everyone knew it was just a matter of time before you exhausted every fallacy twice, but finally you have come to your senses and simply surrendered. Life has so much else to offer anyway, so you should be congratulated for opting to direct your focus on other things.

Incorrect. A climate is simply local conditions. There is nothing about weather in the definition of a climate. If you refer to the political climate of New York city during elections, there is obviously no weather involved. If you are speaking about the climates of the civil work force before and after COVID, there is no weather involved. You were silly to agree to allowing "weather" to become part of the definition. I recommend you rescind that agreement.
There are differing definitions of climate depending on the context.
For example if I say Antarctica has a cold climate do you really think I’m referring to the work force or political climate there?
No, I’m referring to the prevailing weather conditions relative to most of the rest of the planet or to all other continents.
There are differing definitions of climate depending on the context.
Nope. There is only one definition of "climate," i.e. subjective characterization of local conditions. Of course there are different contexts. For example, if I say Antarctica has a cold climate, you can tell from the context that my characterization of Antarctica's local conditions being cold is referring to the snow, ice and extremely low temperatures.