Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

So the question still remains: Why should anybody believe in 'global warming'?

No one from that religion has even defined 'global warming' or how climate can 'change'.

All any of them have done is try to claim that CO2 is a magick Holy Gas that somehow can create energy by itself, or can somehow trap light or heat.

The 1st law of thermodynamics states that you cannot create or destroy energy, and that the only way to heat something is to put work into it (either from a more concentrated source of energy being dissipated, or conversion from some form of energy into thermal energy). Certain frequencies of light do convert to thermal energy upon absorption. These are generally known as the infrared band. Most of the energy from the Sun is infrared. This absorption destroys the photon. The Church of Global Warming routinely tries to heat the Earth using a non-energy source, namely a magick Holy Gas.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that energy must dissipate or stay the same. This defines the concept of heat (the flow of thermal energy), and gives it a direction (heat always flows from hot to cold). The Church of Global Warming routinely ignores this law, and even tries to use a colder gas to heat a warmer surface. They also routine try to 'trap heat' (which has no location) and that is increasing temperature (heat has no temperature).

The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that radiance is proportional to temperature to the fourth power (in deg K). This law does not calculate temperature. It calculates radiance dependent on temperature. You cannot use algebra to change this equation because the emissivity of Earth is unknown. The light coming from Earth is a combination of reflection, refraction, harmonically generated light (such as from LEDS or bioluminescent sources), and light emitted as a result of temperature. The proportions of light coming from each cause is unknown. It cannot be measured. To measure the emissivity of any emitting surface, you must first accurately know it's temperature, isolate that emitted light from all others, and compare it to an ideal 'black' body (one with perfect emissivity).

Emissivity is the same as absorptivity. If a body can better emit light due to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, it can better absorb it as well.

The Stefan-Boltzmann law has no term for frequency (all frequencies are considered), no term for substance (all substances emit the same way), and has no sequence (you cannot set aside ANY theory of science for even a moment).

The Church of Global Warming tries to 'trap light', ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law. They seem to think of the atmosphere as some sort of thermal insulator (a 'blanket'), which ignores convective, conductive, and radiant heat. In other words, they are AGAIN trying to reduce entropy (not possible, according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics).

When caught trying to deny one of these laws, the Church of Global Warming typically turns to word games and insults. They try to refer to mathematics as 'science', or their religion as 'science'. It is neither. The Church of Global Warming routinely denies statistical and probability mathematics and these three theories of science.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. NASA can't do it. NOAA can't do it. JPL can't do it. IPCC can't do it. NO ONE CAN. There are simply not enough thermometers to even begin such a statistical analysis.
It is not possible to measure the emissivity of Earth, because you first must accurately know it's temperature and be able to isolate all other types of light from the radiated light that you then measure.
It is not possible to measure the global CO2 atmospheric content. NASA can't do it. NOAA can't do it. JPL can't do it. IPCC can't do it. NO ONE CAN. There are simply not enough measuring stations to even begin such a statistical analysis.
It is not possible to measure the pH of the oceans.
It is not possible to measure the global ocean level.
It is not possible to measure the total snow and ice on Earth.
It is not possible to measure the total storm activity or precipitation on Earth.

You cannot energy out of a magick Holy Gas. To say you can is ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a magick Holy Gas that is colder. To say you can is ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
You cannot trap heat. To say you can is ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which defines the concept of heat and gives it a direction.
You cannot trap light. To say you can is ignoring Planck's law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

The Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Green, which in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx. It's goal is fascism and/or communism.
The Church of the EV in turn stems from the Church of Global Warming. Like the Church of Global Warming, it ignores theories of science and it ignores mathematics, but also ignores engineering.

These are but four related religions. There are others that also stem from the Church of Karl Marx. Make no mistake. These people are willing to kill for their religion.
So the question still remains: Why should anybody believe in 'global warming'?

No one from that religion has even defined 'global warming' or how climate can 'change'.

All any of them have done is try to claim that CO2 is a magick Holy Gas that somehow can create energy by itself, or can somehow trap light or heat.

The 1st law of thermodynamics states that you cannot create or destroy energy, and that the only way to heat something is to put work into it (either from a more concentrated source of energy being dissipated, or conversion from some form of energy into thermal energy). Certain frequencies of light do convert to thermal energy upon absorption. These are generally known as the infrared band. Most of the energy from the Sun is infrared. This absorption destroys the photon. The Church of Global Warming routinely tries to heat the Earth using a non-energy source, namely a magick Holy Gas.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that energy must dissipate or stay the same. This defines the concept of heat (the flow of thermal energy), and gives it a direction (heat always flows from hot to cold). The Church of Global Warming routinely ignores this law, and even tries to use a colder gas to heat a warmer surface. They also routine try to 'trap heat' (which has no location) and that is increasing temperature (heat has no temperature).

The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that radiance is proportional to temperature to the fourth power (in deg K). This law does not calculate temperature. It calculates radiance dependent on temperature. You cannot use algebra to change this equation because the emissivity of Earth is unknown. The light coming from Earth is a combination of reflection, refraction, harmonically generated light (such as from LEDS or bioluminescent sources), and light emitted as a result of temperature. The proportions of light coming from each cause is unknown. It cannot be measured. To measure the emissivity of any emitting surface, you must first accurately know it's temperature, isolate that emitted light from all others, and compare it to an ideal 'black' body (one with perfect emissivity).

Emissivity is the same as absorptivity. If a body can better emit light due to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, it can better absorb it as well.

The Stefan-Boltzmann law has no term for frequency (all frequencies are considered), no term for substance (all substances emit the same way), and has no sequence (you cannot set aside ANY theory of science for even a moment).

The Church of Global Warming tries to 'trap light', ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law. They seem to think of the atmosphere as some sort of thermal insulator (a 'blanket'), which ignores convective, conductive, and radiant heat. In other words, they are AGAIN trying to reduce entropy (not possible, according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics).

When caught trying to deny one of these laws, the Church of Global Warming typically turns to word games and insults. They try to refer to mathematics as 'science', or their religion as 'science'. It is neither. The Church of Global Warming routinely denies statistical and probability mathematics and these three theories of science.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. NASA can't do it. NOAA can't do it. JPL can't do it. IPCC can't do it. NO ONE CAN. There are simply not enough thermometers to even begin such a statistical analysis.
It is not possible to measure the emissivity of Earth, because you first must accurately know it's temperature and be able to isolate all other types of light from the radiated light that you then measure.
It is not possible to measure the global CO2 atmospheric content. NASA can't do it. NOAA can't do it. JPL can't do it. IPCC can't do it. NO ONE CAN. There are simply not enough measuring stations to even begin such a statistical analysis.
It is not possible to measure the pH of the oceans.
It is not possible to measure the global ocean level.
It is not possible to measure the total snow and ice on Earth.
It is not possible to measure the total storm activity or precipitation on Earth.

You cannot energy out of a magick Holy Gas. To say you can is ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a magick Holy Gas that is colder. To say you can is ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
You cannot trap heat. To say you can is ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which defines the concept of heat and gives it a direction.
You cannot trap light. To say you can is ignoring Planck's law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

The Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Green, which in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx. It's goal is fascism and/or communism.
The Church of the EV in turn stems from the Church of Global Warming. Like the Church of Global Warming, it ignores theories of science and it ignores mathematics, but also ignores engineering.

These are but four related religions. There are others that also stem from the Church of Karl Marx. Make no mistake. These people are willing to kill for their religion.

Lame. None of them is what any of us claimed. Only in your schizoid mind would think so.