Will Americans be financing Christian Madrasa Schools?

Should all Americans pay for Christian Schools?

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I'm not in favor of supporting Religious Cults that historically claim 'My God is Real ... your God is Fake'. They're divisional, lack 'reason & logic', embrace mysticism.

The Religious Cults don't want to be Taxed ... but are all in favor of receiving Taxpayer money.

Do you support teaching "evolution" in schools?
I'm not in favor of supporting Religious Cults that historically claim 'My God is Real ... your God is Fake'. They're divisional, lack 'reason & logic', embrace mysticism.

The Religious Cults don't want to be Taxed ... but are all in favor of receiving Taxpayer money.

Are you in favor of teaching kids that global warming is real as we watch our frost/freeze line move south every year?
Who gives a fuck about Turkey?

"All of the children here in the madrassa in Afghanistan’s eastern Kunar province are getting their education free of charge. But Afghan security officials are increasingly concerned that too much of the money going to newly mushrooming madrassas such as this one could be encouraging extremism in the region."

Religious Madrassas (like Christian Religious Schools) crank out religious nut-jobs. We don't want that here in America.
"All of the children here in the madrassa in Afghanistan’s eastern Kunar province are getting their education free of charge. But Afghan security officials are increasingly concerned that too much of the money going to newly mushrooming madrassas such as this one could be encouraging extremism in the region."

Religious Madrassas (like Christian Religious Schools) crank out religious nut-jobs. We don't want that here in America.

Who gives a fuck about what other countries teach in their schools?

Answer my fucking question!
Are you unable to add 2+2? Connect the dots? Religious Schools produce Religious Nut Jobs.

Answer my fucking question!

It's also a fact that those students in private "religious" schools do better. And you won't see them out "protesting" (or rioting, vandalizing and looting).
Once we own the Supreme Court we will systematically undo all bullshit leftist rulings

Every citizen will be forced to choose a Christian religion to worship

All muslime institutions will be taxed to oblivion

All muslimes will be deported. Those that choose not to go peacefully? Well......

All leftists will be prohibited from saying global warming

And this is what you claimed:
I accept and support the concept of 'Separation of Church and State'. The Founding Fathers saw what 'Religion' did to Europe, and wanted to AVOID that at all costs. Like the Sunnis and the Shias today, the Catholics and the Protestants slaughtered each other for 'God'. REAL STUPID! "The Thirty Years’ War was a 17th-century religious conflict fought primarily in central Europe. It remains one of the longest and most brutal wars in human history, with more than 8 million casualties resulting from military battles as well as from the famine and disease caused by the conflict. The war lasted from 1618 to 1648, starting as a battle among the Catholic and Protestant states that formed the Holy Roman Empire."

You want freedom from religion, which is OK by itself, but you proceeded from a false premise.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

The Founders wanted to ensure that the federal government would never persecute people for their beliefs by establishing a national religion and repressing others.

In fact, the states were free to establish their own religions, and several did so, although toleration was practiced as a rule, unlike England, where the Test Acts were in force until 1828.

Many of the original colonists had fled to America to escape government-sponsored religious discrimination.

That's freedom of belief, not freedom from belief.

You might want to read some history instead of relying on leftist propaganda so much.

They wanted to avoid the establishment of a single, official government-approved religion, which is what England had.

There is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The phrase “separation of Church and State” came from a letter that Thomas Jefferson, wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut in 1802.

It doesn't contain the words "separation of church and state" but it does contain the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

Establishment of religion was much broader than simply having an established church. Some early presidents, including Madison who wrote the 1st amendment, opposed proclamations for Thanksgiving and salaries for chaplains. The current test used by the Supreme Court is that government laws and policies must have a secular purpose. Mandating school prayer or hanging the Ten Commandments in government buildings has no secular purpose.

The original Constitution prohibits any religious test for holding public office which illustrates their desire to separate church and state.
It doesn't contain the words "separation of church and state" but it does contain the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

You left out "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Once we own the Supreme Court we will systematically undo all bullshit leftist rulings

Every citizen will be forced to choose a Christian religion to worship

All muslime institutions will be taxed to oblivion

All muslimes will be deported. Those that choose not to go peacefully? Well......

All leftists will be prohibited from saying global warming

Even you don't really believe any of this stuff. You obviously have no respect for the U. S. Constitution.
Now that the Conservative Christians are taking over the Supreme Court, will American Taxpayer dollars pay for Christian Religious Schools?
