Will Harris chicken out?

I heard the call girl has now agreed to debate Trump if Fox news will agree to use the same questions ABC has already given to her.

You can't make this shit up. Suddenly she went from the worst VP in history with bi partisan agreement to fucking wonder woman. The crooked mainstream media never fails to come through.

Fuck her and fuck you if you're stupid enough to fall for it. The Democratic party is a crime syndicate.
Take your meds...or at least let whoever is in charge of your ward read what you write..

They will help you.
11 pages of this back and forth stuff and I'm going to point out the elephant in the room.

Kamala Harris is less competent than Joe Biden and she doesn't even have Dementia or Alzheimers!!!! Who are you freaking morons that are advocating for another 4 years of
a shadow government/puppet regime in America?! Have you never seen "The Wizard of Oz"?!
The Green Curtain has been pulled back!
Delusions of this magnitude are unseemly, Matt.

Get over it.

Trump lost in 2020...and he is going to lose again this year, 2024.

Yeah, it'll hurt, but be a man. Suck it up.
That's their Script... Person Attacks, lies, threats, and mod reports...lol
A page right out of your worst-selling book, "Classic Projection for Dummies!" Remember how you used to chortle to Mason about all the ppl you got banned? Remember how you followed Jade around mocking his mental health? Remember how you followed C. Batty around mocking her weight? Remember when you claimed I wasn't really a nurse -- until one of your butt-buddies looked me up, thanks to you posting my real name, and confirmed that I am? Remember how you constantly repeated that the forum you're on is going to get "cleaned up" -- from your reports to the mods to get ppl banned? Remember when one of the mods said you were JPP's #2 snitch after Legion? Remember how you threatened Christiefan with getting banned merely for posting a link to another JPP thread? Remember when you doxxed yourself and then tried to get everyone who commented on your link banned?

Good times, good times. :laugh:
Nope. You're thinking of the Trump-Biden debate. The Trump-Harris debate is scheduled for 9/4 on FoxNews. Where will the kackling dancer be? The Vegas has Kachickenala being a cowadly no-show.


Don't get me wrong, everybody knows why she's tripping over her tail between her legs as she's trying to flee.
There is no 9/4 debate. That's just something Trump posted on his OANN message board because he's a raging pussy who is terrified of Harris. And like the good little slave you are, you picked up his water and kept walking toward the edge of the cliff.
What are you basing that on, your imagination? There is an agreement that dictates time and place. That is being met by Harris and Trump is attempting to cheat and lie his way out.
hey ding dong - Harris is a nobody at this point

when she becomes the nominee, her people can go and decide how this works and ask Trumps people about it - and they can agree.

if she wants to 25th amendment Biden and resume Dementia Joe's role, we can talk abut that ABC agreement in a different light

otherwise, fuck off shit stain.
You were a bit more consice that I was. Kudos.

Instead of discussing who gets to rig the debate, why aren't we discussing how we are going to prevent the rigging of the debate, just like how we are going to prevent the stealing of this election?
Right. Those are the pertinent questions.

As to the debates, Demonkkkrats are pussies and will refuse to debate under any terms/conditions that are even the slightest bit unfavorable to them (e.g. in front of a live audience of "general public" people, aka an audience that isn't chock full of Demonkkkrat donors), let alone debate with a moderator who isn't favorable to them (e.g. Tucker Carlson). FOX News is still favorable for Demonkkkrats and they won't even agree to a FOX News debate. They refuse to step outside of the kiddie splash pool while they project their own cowardice onto Trump's campaign.

As for preventing the stealing of the upcoming (s)election, that one will be more difficult to address since there's so many different facets to it.