Will Trump commit suicide if he loses to a black woman?

when I responded I thought you were asking about the thread topic......didn't remember you had drifted off into never-never land......obviously your problem, not mine.....
It's OK pal!

No hard feelings!

Hey, and I appreciate you for giving me all of this attention, and the precious time you take, in wanting to have a dialog between us on things that matter!

But if it is subjects like this that really don't matter, I don't bother getting involved too far into the conversation.

Sometimes, I will Hi-jack the thread for my own benefit, and change the course of the thread that is going nowhere anyway, by changing the subject- just to see if anyone will play-along!

Threads bore me sometimes, become dumpster fires, and just need a little direction.
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So when you degrade trump you're kissing Harris ass. Ok you ass kissing, donkey humping retard.
Are you STILL hanging about the forum practicing your potty-speech, tatt-boy ?

Haw, haw..........................................haw.
TBH, and frank, MAGAts are idiots. They can't understand there's no such thing as race, only culture. Same for Trump. He's such a fucking moron that he doesn't think Kamala's father was black because he came from Jamaica. He's too fucking stupid to know that Donald J. Harris was the "first Black scholar to be granted tenure at the Department of Economics in Stanford University, he now has emeritus status there."

I wish you people would stop down grading and insulting Morons and idiots.
Trump and the MAGAS do NOT even have a IQ that is even that high.
Have a nice day

Trump’s fury over Harris’ switch with Biden is increasingly driving his campaign​

Deep into his ranting news conference on Thursday, former President Donald Trump told a truth that explained everything : “I’m very angry at her.”

He was referring to Vice President Kamala Harris, whose late entry into the general election race has left him bitter, disoriented, and mourning the loss of the old campaign — the one he was winning against President Joe Biden.

Trump’s discombobulation was laid bare in a self-pitying and raging stream of consciousness delivered at his New Jersey golf club that raised serious questions about the future trajectory of his quest to return to power.

The ex-president insulted his way into the Oval Office in 2016 — when his often-unhinged soliloquies that shattered all the rules of decorum and politics delighted grassroots Republican voters craving an anti-establishment revolution. But eight years on, the now-familiar act is getting tired, a reality that’s been thrown into sharp relief now that Trump is facing a new campaign against younger, more energetic opponent rather than a re-run against 81-year-old Biden. The former president is driving his strategists to distraction by refusing to stay focused on the issues — like the economy — that could help him prevail in November. He keeps missing chances to prod Harris’ vulnerabilities, allowing the vice president the space to power up her campaign and erase Biden’s polling deficits.

it is 1,000% more likely next time someone shoots at him they won't miss should he win. Odds are 50/50 with how ballots are harvested and software reports the results counted with separate percentages give to each candidate. Kamala will get 110% and Trump will get 91%.

have to keep that 19% swing in actual results symbolic to historical numbers. then day after the election software is corrected to 100% each so nobody can prove anything or anyone tampered with the election. Software did it. AI is so clever.

the percentages were different in 2020, but that is how Biden won nd no evidence to prove otherwise and what I posted is extremely possible..
Are you STILL hanging about the forum peddling your moron questions , tatt-boy ?

Haw, haw..........................................haw.
We can all see it is a fact.
the right winger / MAGAS on here couldn't put together an IQ as high as an idiots if we combined then all together.
Have a nice day
Most of the JPP MAGAts are pushing or well over 60, about half have a college education, but all are experienced from their years of existence. The problem is that most have mental issues with dementia being the most common. It's evidence of why our nation is having a national mental health crisis with an aging population. That doesn't even address the problems of our young committing suicide. 85 year olds committing suicide is more understandable.

There's a difference between low IQ and being mentally ill. Both Ted Bundy and Ted Kaczynski were clearly crazy, but also very intelligent and well educated.

Many seemingly intelligent people are susceptible to a conman. Trump can read his rubes and keep them attached. He is good at what he has been groomed to do, get all he can get. Trump has made the rich a lot richer and told them recently, he will make them richer yet. The super-wealthy never have enough. They are like him, their metric of self-worth is how much money they have.