Wow... if this is true... not good for The One

If the Chosen One figures out that he is one of three branches of governemet, he will believe that he is 1/3 of the government. What a scandal it will be to find that 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 <1 ! He will search high and low for the remainder. The endless senate hearings and debate - filibuster until we find the remainder!

The next 8 years of Obama-ness will be horrible.
There is also a possibility of simply negotiating a new agreement at the time of assumption of office. It is inane to pretend that a President shouldn't be held to an agreement from a previous administration, it would be impossible to conduct business at all....

"Well, in just four short years there will be a new election, that Administration shouldn't be held to an agreement we make..."


agreed... quite a silly argument, especially for someone who is so 'concerned' with getting our troops out as quickly as possible.
1) your link does not work

Try it now.

2) So Obama DID ask for a delay??? Then as the article I posted states, that is ridiculous.... as it would postpone the negotiations for at least 8 months if not longer.

3) I can see now Obama wants to highlight Bush's weakness and wants to avoid any type of agreement prior to the election for his own personal gain. Great friggin leader ya got there.

He stated that negotiations for "Status of Forces agreement or strategic framework agreement between the two countries" should be a bipartisan effort and that they should be out in the open.

The fact that he got the PM to explicitely say that we aren't going to be bound to any Bush policies further highlights his negotiating abilities.

Also, "for his own personal gain" is nothing more than a clear cut example of your bottomless partisan hackery. That's not why he did it. And personally I can sleep a lot easier knowing that Chimp's Iraq agreements and 'strategic' agreements will be non binding when Obama wins (yeah I said it b1tches).

And lastly this part of your article, "has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence."

is just a lie. Period. Obama has stated explicitely and clearly that he wants troops withdrawn as soon as possible.
Basically, Obama didn't want the Bush Administration to sign a long-term deal for permanent bases with the Iraqis that the next administration would be binding on the next administration.

Three months later when the permanent bases are no longer being discussed the lying hacks of the world pretend that Obama's former position to prevent the establishment of permanent bases is an attempt to delay withdrawal.

Damocles and Superfreak surprisingly jump on board without a second thought. And the world continues to go 'round and 'round.
Basically, Obama didn't want the Bush Administration to sign a long-term deal for permanent bases with the Iraqis that the next administration would be binding on the next administration.


I have to say, I'm actually pretty pleased at the fact that he able to get an explicit agreement that would allow us to renegotiate any idiot thing the Chimp will undoubtedly do.

Kudos to The One.
"He said he told Zebari that negotiations for a Status of Forces agreement or strategic framework agreement between the two countries should be done in the open and with Congress's authorization and that it was important that that there be strong bipartisan support for any agreement so that it can be sustained through a future administration. He argued it would make sense to hold off on such negotiations until the next administration."

Good for Obama... argue delaying an agreement on the status of the forces for at LEAST six months.... all because it benefits his political agenda.

I have to say, I'm actually pretty pleased at the fact that he able to get an explicit agreement that would allow us to renegotiate any idiot thing the Chimp will undoubtedly do.

Kudos to The One.

Yep; the "One" rocks.

And unlike the October surprise in '80, this clearly isn't one for "personal gain;" nor does it have any practical effect on withdrawal timelines or the lives of American soldiers. That's why it was reported in June, and still hasn't 'blown up' in their faces

I bet that SF will continue to pound away at the dead horse, however.
Yep; the "One" rocks.

And unlike the October surprise in '80, this clearly isn't one for "personal gain;" nor does it have any practical effect on withdrawal timelines or the lives of American soldiers. That's why it was reported in June, and still hasn't 'blown up' in their faces

I bet that SF will continue to pound away at the dead horse, however.

Seriously, how effed would it have been if Chimp on his way committed our troops on bases for another 10 years or so.

I have to say, I'm glad SF highlighted this story. Its good to know that someone in congress has our kids best interest at heart.
Yep; the "One" rocks.

And unlike the October surprise in '80, this clearly isn't one for "personal gain;" nor does it have any practical effect on withdrawal timelines or the lives of American soldiers. That's why it was reported in June, and still hasn't 'blown up' in their faces

I bet that SF will continue to pound away at the dead horse, however.

If hackish-spinning was masturbation, SF would have the hairiest palms on the board. Damo would be blind.
Seriously, how effed would it have been if Chimp on his way committed our troops on bases for another 10 years or so.

I have to say, I'm glad SF highlighted this story. Its good to know that someone in congress has our kids best interest at heart.

You know what is really funny; the first time I ever had a fight with SF was shortly after he joined this board and I didn’t know him at all. Guess what it was about?

Anyone guessing that I brought up Reagan holding off the release of the hostages until after he was in office to make Carter look bad, and SF bragging about how funny he still found that maneuver, would be right.

Again, this is all projection. Everyone has to remember when dealing with a conservative; when they are talking, they are telling you all about themselves. That’s why you never recognize anything they are saying about you. Because none of it is about you.
You know what is really funny; the first time I ever had a fight with SF was shortly after he joined this board and I didn’t know him at all. Guess what it was about?

Anyone guessing that I brought up Reagan holding off the release of the hostages until after he was in office to make Carter look bad, and SF bragging about how funny he still found that maneuver, would be right.

Again, this is all projection. Everyone has to remember when dealing with a conservative; when they are talking, they are telling you all about themselves. That’s why you never recognize anything they are saying about you. Because none of it is about you.

link us up to that thread... lets walk down memory lane.... cause I 'don't recall' that argument.
Here it is:

"I still laugh about that. They totally played Carter out on the Iran hostage situation."

"It was good that they were able to guarantee their safety and get them out. Carter failed at this for how long? Yeah, they played him at the end, but they got the job done"

LOL. Holy shit, you found it?

I don’t lie, btw, SF. I am surprised you have forgotten about it, it really set the tone for our entire posting relationship. You acted like a jackass, we got into a big fight, and then you apologized, and I let it go, because of your condition?
Uh-oh. SF has just been so owned. I didn’t think he would have forgotten and asked for a link. He is totally going to take this out on me now. He is going to fly into one of his rages,…just watch.