MSNBC Host To Rick Santorum: What Are You Doing About ‘White Men With Guns’?

And yours is a case in point about why I complain. When a white guy attacks, it's because he's "insane"; when a black guy attacks it's because he's a gang member using illegal guns. That's how you separate people in your heart and mind and that's why I consider people like you to be closeted bigots.

Probably because thats usually the case, but of course, not always....Now, do you think the now 2800 deaths in Chicago were all caused by insane black guys or is it
more likely black criminal thugs doing the killing, with a a few nuts thrown in for variety....

Don't you have a common sense or reasoning power at all....are you now a total left wing hack...incapable of logical thought.
And yours is a case in point about why I complain. When a white guy attacks, it's because he's "insane"; when a black guy attacks it's because he's a gang member using illegal guns. That's how you separate people in your heart and mind and that's why I consider people like you to be closeted bigots.

Probably because thats usually the case, but of course, not always....Now, do you think the now 2800 deaths in Chicago were all caused by insane black guys or is it
more likely black criminal thugs doing the killing, with a a few nuts thrown in for variety....

Don't you have any common sense or reasoning ability at all....are you now a total left wing hack...incapable of logical thought.
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I look at raw numbers because they tell the story about the victims... how many PEOPLE were killed, how many PEOPLE were assaulted, how many PEOPLE were raped. You're pretty dopey if you don't understand what it means when 9000+ people were raped by whites v. 4500 by blacks; 188000 people victims of aggravated assault by whites v. 102000 by blacks, etc.

I can't think of any reason why you and the others focus on black violence as opposed to ALL violence except that you are fucking bigots.

9000 rapes by whites
4500 by blacks

What do those figures mean to don't consider the demographic population of the two groups.....only the raw numbers....
Yeah, whites commit twice the number of rapes as blacks....its immaterial to you there are about 70 whites for every 14 just don't get it do you?

and yet you claim to be at least a high school grad. or have a GED, huh.....and you still just don't get it.
I look at raw numbers because they tell the story about the victims... how many PEOPLE were killed, how many PEOPLE were assaulted, how many PEOPLE were raped. You're pretty dopey if you don't understand what it means when 9000+ people were raped by whites v. 4500 by blacks; 188000 people victims of aggravated assault by whites v. 102000 by blacks, etc.

I can't think of any reason why you and the others focus on black violence as opposed to ALL violence except that you are fucking bigots.

Sure do wish I had the numbers of Whites and Blacks that you're using; because then actual percentages could be compared.
You are a fucking sociopath who, like all sociopaths, can't stand to have your stupidity paraded in front of you. Eat shit and die.

By number and by percentage whites are responsible for more crimes than blacks. FBI - Table 43 You don't like it, take it up with the FBI.

You are just an arrogant, insufferable hater who should be put down for the good of society.

Lotta dumb nigs in America.
And yours is a case in point about why I complain. When a white guy attacks, it's because he's "insane"; when a black guy attacks it's because he's a gang member using illegal guns. That's how you separate people in your heart and mind and that's why I consider people like you to be closeted bigots.

good lord you have it you recall when a gang of white guys started killing each other at some biker hang out and the board liberals started complaining because we called them thugs because that was supposed to have implied they were black?........the simple matter is we just dealt with an insane white guy who you refused to admit was insane and tried to pretend was a white terrorist attacking Planned Parenthood.......I tried to start a discussion with you about black gangs killing each other with illegally obtained guns and you ran away from it shouting that I was a racist........and now you pretend that is me rather than you that is ignoring reality and making generalizations.......

face it have become less relevant than Legion Troll.....its a shame your brain left before you did......
9000 rapes by whites
4500 by blacks

What do those figures mean to don't consider the demographic population of the two groups.....only the raw numbers....
Yeah, whites commit twice the number of rapes as blacks....its immaterial to you there are about 70 whites for every 14 just don't get it do you?

and yet you claim to be at least a high school grad. or have a GED, huh.....and you still just don't get it.

obviously it proves to her that white guys should not be able to legally have dicks.......
Sanctimonious santorum has no good answer to the question, unsurprisingly.

"This morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough asked Rick Santorum a simple question: What can we do to show the millions of peaceful Muslim Americans that they are valued and respected members of society? Santorum rejected the question and said that onus was on every Muslim American to confront “the cancer within Islam.” Santorum said that “most Muslims” in America were shirking their duties to confront radicalism.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,” she asked. “You are telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc. But yet, you look at the data of white men wreaking havoc on this country? Why aren’t white men coming forward? Why don’t you call on them to do that?,” Brzezinski continued.

Santorum responded by saying he was dealing with the problem of “gun violence.” Not by supporting any kind of gun safety legislation but by encouraging people to get married.

Brzezinski is right on the data. Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period. (This data was from June so did not include the recent attacks in Colorado and San Bernardino.)

Prejudice against Muslims in America is not without consequences. ThinkProgress has documented 46 anti-Islam incidents, many of them violent, since the terrorist attacks in Paris. Santorum criticized the Obama and George W. Bush administrations for being too accommodating toward Muslims."

I always love snotty questions by liberals with no point that force race into a discussion which has nothing to do with race.

The answer is the same, my dear, regardless of the skin color of the criminal. Allow their victims to defend themselves and blow the shooter's sorry ass away. No one brings race into these discussions except you people
Probably because thats usually the case, but of course, not always....Now, do you think the now 2800 deaths in Chicago were all caused by insane black guys or is it
more likely black criminal thugs doing the killing, with a a few nuts thrown in for variety....

Don't you have a common sense or reasoning power at all....are you now a total left wing hack...incapable of logical thought.

Again for the witless... what is the point in posting articles about black violence v. ALL violence? At least the people who post comments about Muslims are open in their bigotry... they want to keep Muslims out of the country, they want to profile Muslims, they want to kill Muslims, they want to disarm Muslims...

Most black violence is against other blacks, same for whites. So "they" are not waiting for the chance to kill you. Focusing on any one group's violence while ignoring the rest is just an underhanded way to discriminate without coming right out and saying it.

9000 rapes by whites
4500 by blacks

What do those figures mean to don't consider the demographic population of the two groups.....only the raw numbers....
Yeah, whites commit twice the number of rapes as blacks....its immaterial to you there are about 70 whites for every 14 just don't get it do you?

and yet you claim to be at least a high school grad. or have a GED, huh.....and you still just don't get it.

Yes I get it bravs and I'm asking again... WHAT IS THE POINT? What do you want to do about it? What is your bottom line other than fanning the flames of bigotry?
I always love snotty questions by liberals with no point that force race into a discussion which has nothing to do with race.

The answer is the same, my dear, regardless of the skin color of the criminal. Allow their victims to defend themselves and blow the shooter's sorry ass away. No one brings race into these discussions except you people

Simple answer. Don't watch Morning Joe.
good lord you have it you recall when a gang of white guys started killing each other at some biker hang out and the board liberals started complaining because we called them thugs because that was supposed to have implied they were black?........the simple matter is we just dealt with an insane white guy who you refused to admit was insane and tried to pretend was a white terrorist attacking Planned Parenthood.......I tried to start a discussion with you about black gangs killing each other with illegally obtained guns and you ran away from it shouting that I was a racist........and now you pretend that is me rather than you that is ignoring reality and making generalizations.......

face it have become less relevant than Legion Troll.....its a shame your brain left before you did......

WHAT IS THE POINT? Why do you guys focus on black violence only?

Your gang comment is a case in point. First of all I don't think there should be any violent gangs carrying illegal weapons no matter what the color of the members. Why does color matter in your scenario? I've never seen you post on organized crime violence, motorcycle gang violence, white supremacist violence, white violence in general, but you and others like you absolutely slobber over black and Muslim violence. And then you have the nerve to criticize me? You guys are hypocrites with an agenda, plain and simple. Own it.
WHAT IS THE POINT? Why do you guys focus on black violence only?

Your gang comment is a case in point. First of all I don't think there should be any violent gangs carrying illegal weapons no matter what the color of the members. Why does color matter in your scenario? I've never seen you post on organized crime violence, motorcycle gang violence, white supremacist violence, white violence in general, but you and others like you absolutely slobber over black and Muslim violence. And then you have the nerve to criticize me? You guys are hypocrites with an agenda, plain and simple. Own it.

Its YOU and your friends on MSNBC that insisted the focus be on WHITE GUYS WITH GUNS, when in fact, wgwg's are not near as big a problem as black guys with guns....
You belly-ache when your own stats were 254 deaths over 15 years for white guys and then completely ignore that black guys with guns are killing about 2000 a
year in one city alone....thats how phony your complaint is....
We didn't focus on race, YOU DID, we only pointed out your own hypocrisy .... and it was right in character for you to play the race card....

organized crime , motorcycle gang , and white supremacist violence are in fact minimal in relation to the subject of violence.

Christians make up about 75% of the US population, so you could say Christians are the source of violence in the US....that is mis-leading as all hell but probably true and it
includes all races.....mis- leading because religion has nothing to do with most of the violence.

I'm sure there are white gangs all over the many murders are they responsible for compared to their counterparts....
I sure Christian terrorists exist, how many innocent deaths are they responsible for compared to Muslim terrorists ?
There certainly are male prostitutes around, how many are there compared to their counterparts....?

so some comparisons have some validity and make a point, some are just nonsense to deflect and confuse ......
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