Let me remind you of this post of yours, Francis.

Calling some of these jerks "pussies" is being kind.

They are cowards. is the Internet...and lots of pussies and cowards want to pretend to men. Poor little boys...they just don't get it.
Pussy. You're exactly like Zippy with that excuse.

The real reason that you won't answer it, Francis, is that it destroys your entire political belief system.

I do not have a political belief system. I do not do "believing" at all.

I do not know who "Zippy" is...nor what you mean by an "excuse."

My name is not Francis...and If you have a question that actually requires an answer and you can put forth like a reasonable adult, I will consider it.
Pussy. You're exactly like Zippy with that excuse.

The real reason that you won't answer it, Francis, is that it destroys your entire political belief system.

I do not have a political belief system. I do not do "believing" at all.

I do not know who "Zippy" is...nor what you mean by an "excuse."

My name is not Francis...and If you have a question that actually requires an answer and you can put forth like a reasonable adult, I will consider it.
Pussy. You're exactly like Zippy with that excuse.

The real reason that you won't answer it, Francis, is that it destroys your entire political belief system.

If you had any class...or intelligence...or resourcefulness... would have used this classic by now.

But you don' let me help you.
I do not have a political belief system. I do not do "believing" at all.

I do not know who "Zippy" is...nor what you mean by an "excuse."

My name is not Francis...and If you have a question that actually requires an answer and you can put forth like a reasonable adult, I will consider it.

At least I don't pose as a you do.

Do you cross dress in non-cyber life also?

"Pose as a female"? You'll need to explain how. And why you are so misogynist?

But thanks for admitting that you are a pussy. Too funny, since you are complaining on how you fellow posters here are pussies for doing the exact same thing that you are doing.