Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight it is.
I know; because I said it.
Were you confused?
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight it is.
I'll try not to use big words with you, USF. I know it bothers you.
I coulda been a contenda.
But instead I find myself in a duel of wits with unarmed opponent.
Oh, well.
In a recent interview Quincy Jones said Marlon Brando had sex with Richard Pryor, Marvin Gaye, and James Baldwin.
I know; because I said it.
Were you confused?
AWWWWWWWWWW, did my words hurt your mangina??![]()
Your false pride is hilarious but I have no need of battle with the infirm and you are undoubtedly infirm in mind.
You march to the beat of a different drummer but a false tune,
I was letting you know it was riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight despite the fact that you said it.
That's all.
You do not hurt me, USF. You amuse me.
I thank you for that.![]()
Wow. Well, I hope not all at the same time.
And Brando once was roommates with Wally Cox.
He was a hell of an actor, though, was Brando.
So you were unaware of it, until I said it??
So basically; I tickled your fancy, instead of hurting it.![]()
No, not at the same time. Jones said Brando would have sex with a mailbox. He also said Michael Jackson stole a lot of his songs, Sam Giacana killed JFK, the Beatles were the worst musicians in the world, and Invanka Trump asked to have dinner with him (Jones).
The Tories, Ooda...WERE THE CONSERVATIVES. They opposed change. They were the ones claiming that the colonists owed allegiance to George III. Don't re-write history.
The Americans in rebellion against England...and the King were hardly conservatives...THEY WERE RADICALS.
But, if you were just looking for an opportunity to call me stupid...and trying to make it look like it was deserved...
...I guess you have got to take your shots when you can...whether they make sense or not.
Consider me a radical, a Radical Republican. I suggest that you learn that term as well. You have a LOT to learn about history with respect to politics, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and we are (were) not discussing what you are.
We were discussing the nature of the American conservatives of Revolutionary America...who where on the wrong side of history...just like the American conservatives of Civil War America were.
It's okay, Ooda. Don't bother to acknowledge you were wrong. It doesn't seem to be in your nature.
Actually, Francis, we are discussing the changes in political terms over the years. You brought up "radical", and I gave you an example. Again, showing your incredible lack of knowledge on the subject.
You should read up on this before you embarrass yourself further.
Do you also think the large D "Democratic" stands for "power to the people"?
My name is not Francis.
YOU may have been discussing the changes in political terms (since you were over your head in the actual discussion) but I was not.
If it makes you feel better about yourself to go on about that supposed "lack of knowledge" you throw out so my guest. Anything that makes you feel better about having to be you...I support.
Don't know what that "large D" comment was all about...but I think it probably was just rambling...something you do lots of.
Funny, Francis, that you admit that you don't know what I am referring to, even though it's obvious, then claim that I'm the one who's over my head here. Look in the mirror.
The premise of your OP is badly flawed, and before you admit that we can't progress further with your education.
You're starting to compete with Evince as the most self-unaware poster here.
I knew I was correct all along, USF.