Trump does not support a monarchy, dictatorship, or oligarchy. Neither does any conservative.
No. It is on this thread. You brought it up here.
You don't get to just throw away the Constitution. You are not the king.
You are forgetting about the Socialist party, the Green party, the Libertarian party, and a whole host of smaller parties.
Nope. The election process is defined in the constitutions in each layer of government.
The election process IS embedded in the constitution for offices in that layer of government.
Okay. Let's look at some:
Fiat money, now losing it's value. Issued by an institution called the Federal Reserve. Founded by Democrats.
Attempting to redefine gender to the point it h as no meaning anymore, and including so-called 'gay marriage'. Democrats.
Environmental 'protection' laws, that do nothing for the environment but are designed to oppress business activity. Democrats.
Dictats on what light bulb you are allowed to buy, what toilet you are allowed to install, how much water you are allowed to use, what kind of car you are allowed to buy. Democrats.
Dictats on whether you have to wear a mask, how far apart you have to be from someone else, and shutting down many businesses as 'non-essential'. Democrats.
Implementing policies in cities that condone crime, defund the police, condone homelessness...Democrats.
Arson, pillaging, assaults, murders by violent thugs in the streets. Democrats.
Funding and supporting illegal immigration. Democrats.
High taxes and oppressive regulations. Democrats.
Schools that teach sex education to kindergarten children. Democrats.
Illiteracy in our schools because of poor curriculum, defined by the NEA. Democrats.
Making up fundamentalist religions like the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, and the Church of the Ozone Hole, and making them state religions. Democrats.
Creating 'Gun Free Zones', allowing mass shootings to occur there. Democrats.
Limiting and banning guns and other weapons. Democrats.
Attempting to form lists of dissidents and locking dissidents up. Democrats.
Turning every construction job into a tangle of red tape and conflicting regulations. Democrats.
Causing crop failures due to lack of irrigation water so a shrimp can be saved. Democrats.
Preventing the clearing of brush or the management of forest resources, causing massive wildfires. Democrats.
Massive election fraud through the use of fake ballots, illegally changed election law by dictat, and the use of programmable machines instead of tabulators. Democrats.
Banning oil, coal, and natural gas and manipulating energy markets. Democrats.
Money laundering schemes. Democrats.
Forcing business to comply with a particular religion. Democrats.
Faking data, such as the temperature of Earth, the global atmospheric CO2 content of Earth, the global sea level, the global precipitation, the temperature of ocean water, the pH of ocean water, the number of covid19 cases, the number of covid19 deaths, the sturdiness of condor eggs, etc. Democrats.
The banning of internal combustion engines and the cars, trucks, trains, ships, and aircraft that depend on them. Democrats.
The inability to produce sufficient electrical power or have sufficient water supplies. Democrats.
The annual attempts to ban or belittle Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, etc. Democrats.
Being forced to hire unqualified people and practice racism in businesses to prevent racism. Democrats.
Banning dissident opinions on social media sites. Democrats.
A Drug War that has utterly failed. Democrats.
Taking property to save a common owl. Democrats.
Pyramid schemes like Social Security and State Lotteries. Democrats.
Describe people that put up Christmas lights, wear a Hawaiian shirts, or carry a gun as 'racist'. Democrats.
Claim to see the future using magick prediction methods such as Holy Polls, Holy Gas, Holy Government 'Data', Holy Web Sites, or other Holy Oracle. Democrats.
Segregation. Democrats.
Slavery. Democrats.
Banning meat or other food. Democrats.
Requiring restaurants to serve certain foods (or else!). Democrats.
Banning certain chemicals and processes causing inferior paints and foams, less effective air conditioning systems that are more expensive, and pesticides and fertilizers, making farming more expensive. Democrats.
The Columbia Shuttle crash, caused by such defective foam, Democrats.
Price control laws that never work including Wage controls such as minimum wage laws and 'fair' wage laws, Gasoline price controls, rent controls, interest rate controls, etc. Democrats.
Shall I go on?